‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … personalized interactions to influence attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. Governments, interest groups, corporations, and criminals deploy such systems to sway elections, sell… Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by jkon … and still is that I find their format of discussion groups not compelling. But maybe in an alternative world if I… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim … handle on it. You can select all channels, or sub-groups, and scroll up or down through the listings. It uses… Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Groups page not loading Programming Web Development by janicemurby …;0" /></a>'; } } // My groups list $sql = "SELECT gm.gname, gp.logo FROM gmembers…='.$row['gname'].'"><img src="groups/'.$row['gname'].'/'.$row['logo'].'" alt="'.$row…;25" height="15" title="Groups" onclick="return false" onmousedown="… Re: Groups page not loading Programming Web Development by janicemurby …;div id="groupList"><h2>My Groups</h2><hr /><?php echo $mgList…; ?> <h2>All Groups</h2><hr /><?php echo $agList… Groups - Add roles or titles in the group Community Center Meta DaniWeb by sknake …be a user title in the social groups. For example the programming groups could have the title as their specialty…, and the social groups could have .. something funny .. It would make the groups more interactive. As it …stands the groups are pretty lacking in features other … Groups in Listvew Programming Software Development by A.Najafi Hi All, Can I have a Listvew in which Groups have ability to expand or shrink? Now I Generate a …Listviw in which groups are expand always, in Vb.Net. [CODE][/CODE]for i….Items(i).SubItems.Add(2) next 'Generat a Group ListView1.Groups.Add(New ListViewGroup("BaSalam", HorizontalAlignment.Left)) 'Add Items… Groups Working to Set Up .Gay Domain Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher …quot;http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/23/competing-groups-press-for-a-gay-internet-suffix/"]article[/URL] in… year, the [I]Times[/I] said. Currently, the two groups are competing for the right to apply by each claiming… new top-level domains. Neither of the for-profit groups has said what percentage of revenues it would commit for… Groups Protest Government Electronic Searches at the Border Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by slfisher A number of civil liberties groups announced today that they are [URL="http://www.nacdl.….nsf/NewsReleases/2010mn30/$FILE/BorderSearchComplaint09072010.pdf"]reported [/URL]the groups, which include the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL… Giving a user access to additional groups Programming Software Development by nathanpacker …need to know the command for adding secondary groups for a user. The only catch is that…assume that they are already members of some secondary groups. And if I use modprpw -G [group…], then it erases any secondary groups they were previously in, and adds them only… to the groups that I specified. I need to assume … Design Data Storage for feature similar to Facebook Groups Programming Databases by keweedsmo … members. Members can be part of an unlimited number of groups, and a group can have an unlimited number of members… of thousands of members (especially if you have 1000-5000 groups). A table for each group would work but thats a…. I need something that can support 10 groups that have 20 members each OR 1000 groups with 100,000 members each. Any… How to get number of marked checkbox GROUPS Programming Web Development by klemme …a function, that returns the number of checkbox groups that has any values marked. So im …) { totalCheckedGroups = 1; console.log( totalCheckedGroups ); } }); The more groups I need to check for, im getting too many scenarious… a way to dynamically retreive the amount of groups holding anything from 1-xx values in JQuerian… Copy rights/ groups from one user to another user under "Member Of" Hardware and Software Networking by Sandman4040 … controllers, what I find is when I delete ALL the groups from user2 (from their own domain controller) and then run… the list again, what I'm thinking is that the groups are being copied from another domain controller. Ho do I… sort it, do I have to remove user2's groups from ALL the domain controller prior to running this script? Re: Giving a user access to additional groups Programming Software Development by masijade Do it in three steps. First use grep and (sed, cut, or awk) to retreive the groups that the user already has, then place these groups, along with the new groups, in a comma separated list string, then call usermod -G ${stringvar} ${user} How to I create groups and Display them Programming Web Development by niran …on this project and I am trying to create tutor groups and allocate students to it automatically based on the …have been able to code is VBA to create tutor groups based how do i convert this to ASP code …is it possible to insert the students into the groups? according to the groups created? Private Sub Tutor_Group_no_Click() Dim NoG As … Re: How to I create groups and Display them Programming Web Development by Twiggie …on this project and I am trying to create tutor groups and allocate students to it automatically based on the …have been able to code is VBA to create tutor groups based how do i convert this to ASP code …is it possible to insert the students into the groups? according to the groups created? Private Sub Tutor_Group_no_Click() Dim NoG As … Daniweb Social Groups Community Center Meta DaniWeb by sknake I think daniweb's social groups should be linked off the main page under "Daniweb ….php[/url] I can't remember how I found the groups but the only way I can get back there now… on my group, then clicking back on the "Social Groups" link to see all… VC++ Radio Button Groups Not Exclusive Programming Software Development by donaldw … am working in the dialog resource view. I have five groups of radio buttons, each of which is in it's… own group box. Two of the five groups are behaving normally (i.e. mutually exclusive within it's… own group). The other three groups seem to want to all be in the same group… Display data from MySQL database in Groups Programming Web Development by kunyomi … info, and I need to display the info in groups. Currently in my database table called contacts I have… a field called 'groups'. The values are 'favorites', 'home', 'work', and 'friends'.…MySQL result resource[/CODE] And here is my code from groups.php. [CODE]<?php include ("dbConfig.php"… Re: Combinations of n objects from n groups Programming Software Development by Airshow … //First shape the data as an array of arrays var groups = [ // ['A', 'B'],//Uncomment this line for four… each array element at this level a2 = a1.concat( [groups[level][i]] );//for efficiency (in javascript), we accumulate the… result in an array, not a string. if( groups[level+1] ) {//if another level exists printCombinations(level… how can get an array into a listbox and then I randomize the items into 4 groups Programming Software Development by rookanga … take the names from there and randomize them into 4 groups and make it into an array also, I just dont… and put them into 4 different groups without repeating themselves, it is ok if three groups that have 5 and the fourth… just need to be randomized and put into 4 different groups, can someone help me. This is what I have, but… Re: Help requested with sorting results into groups Programming Web Development by Taffd … the first level the electorate is split into groups of 3, who each choose a rep. …These reps are again put into groups of 3 and again choose a rep. … envisaged a scenario where the computer selected random groups of 3, who would then be emailed to…choosing their rep. The method of selecting the groups is what I'm after. Displaying any results… Working and posting on Google groups Community Center by Micko … be able to help. How many of you used google groups? I have recently signed in but I'm having problem… "view profile". I'm posting in science groups and these groups are on Usenet. My question is that why my… listview groups Programming Software Development by curt22 …in a list box.I'm trying to have two groups. One will be "Done", and the …, 0, 21, 340, 190, hWnd, (HMENU) ID_LISTVIEW, hInstance, NULL); //Groups ListView_EnableGroupView(hWndListView, TRUE); LVGROUP lg; lg.cbSize = sizeof(LVGROUP); lg… Re: Help requested with sorting results into groups Programming Web Development by Taffd … names. I wish to put them into groups of 3 names. That is 3,333 groups with 3 names in each. There… first level will be added) I will then generate further groups of 3, along with any remainder. I will continue this… I'm after is to divide the 10,000 into groups of 3 and give me the remainder. Taffd Re: VC++ Radio Button Groups Not Exclusive Programming Software Development by donaldw [QUOTE=Fbody;1141893]What are the names of the 3 groups that are misbehaving? It sounds like you probably did a … names are ones that I just added. The three other groups, all named IDC_STATIC, were all working before :?: showing a list of all groups for a normal user in drupal Programming Web Development by gambit_1607 hi i'm using drupal. when i'm on my blog page and when i'm signed in as admin i'm getting a list of all the og groups in a selectbox and when i'm signed in as a normal user i'm getting checkboxes for only the groups i belong to. i want to display all the groups in a select box the same way as the admin. does anyone know how to do that