Holiday Calendar for Outlook Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jrivera … was wondering if anyone knew of a way to import holiday calendar's into a Public Calendar on MS Exchange that… would be recurring. I have imported the holiday's from Outlook's builtin functions, but it only goes… until 2007. I was then going to manually make those holiday's recurring, but it would be easier if there was… holiday - date logic/question Programming Databases by Szabi Zsoldos … and I was wondering that if a person wants his holiday for example 10 days. id uid data1 data2 ore tip_concediu… How would it be possible that I could track the holiday for each month ? January - 6 days February - 5 days In… Holiday Python Program Programming Software Development by Purnima12 … is Presidents' Day. If the day selected is not a holiday, the program should print out a message such as: February… 17 is not a school holiday. So, being extremely new to python, I still find this… Re: Holiday Python Program Programming Software Development by woooee …;"" def find_holiday(mm, dd): # month, from_day, to-day, holiday name list_of_holidays = [ (11, 26, 28, "Thanksgiving"), (12, 24…, name)) return print("%02d/%02d is not a school holiday" % (mm, dd)) mm = 12 dd = 25 find_holiday(mm, dd… Re: Holiday Season Digital Media Digital Marketing by pulse [QUOTE=cscgal]How is the holiday season treating ya? :) It really sucks for me :( Traffic is … about it. :) Online traffic takes a huge dip during the holiday season as most people, in US especially, access the internet… Holiday Season Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani How is the holiday season treating ya? :) It really sucks for me :( Traffic is way down. Consumer Electronics Should Give Holiday Season a Jolt Community Center by Brian.oco …by the Consumer Electronics Association. Its latest annual holiday buyers survey shows that consumer electronics products should… "dominate the holiday wish lists of adults and teens, and will… games, computer and cell phone. “While overall holiday spending will increase, we found consumers are cutting … The eBay Effect: Holiday Shopping Season Booming Online? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco … bemoaning the lousy economic climate and predicting a disastrous holiday shopping season for retailers, both on- and off-…are grabbing their mouse instead of their car keys this holiday season,” said Jim Griffith, eBay’s “dean of …that would show even more strength in the online holiday shopping season. Although Black Friday is an important … Good News, Bad News for Holiday Retailers Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco … The good news? More people than ever are buying their holiday gifts online, thus opening up an even wider revenue pipeline… from web sales for retailers. The bad news? The holiday shopping season is shaping up to be as resilient as… in only one year. The bad news indicates that holiday spending is likely to decline from 2006 levels for many… Java holiday system not working... Programming Software Development by it-girl … work on our intranet, its a .aspx page and the holiday system is created with Javascript code. the javascript works on… you can click on the date etc to book your holiday then but when you click it nothing happens, (when you… nothing happens, maybe this has something to do with the holiday system not working? i'm not sure Thanks again Christine Do you Tweet on holiday? Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek …in my bed. Or, for that matter, even on holiday. A survey from online travel site reckons …that British holiday makers in particular are failing to relax while vacationing …of Brits will check email or send texts while on holiday, with 42 percent of the younger generation updating blogs… The Amazing Python Holiday Detector! ?? Programming Software Development by Purnima12 … that informs the user whether a given date is a holiday or not - Here is how it should work: The student… is Presidents' Day. This is a Holiday. If the day selected is not a holiday, the program should print out a message… such as: February 17 is not a school holiday. Any idea how I could get this started? Public Holiday Checker Programming Software Development by 03hasnam …there such thing in java that already has public holiday dates predefined and can be used within if state…entry if todays date matches those list of public holiday dates. this is my existing method.which as … true; } else { return false; } /*add method for further holiday date check*/ }[/CODE] Homework Assignment Involving Holiday Dates Programming Software Development by rampage12345 …the objective is for the program to recognize the holiday when a specific date comes around. The easy …the holidays occuring on the given date. If not holiday occurs on the given date then the empty string…" if the given date corresponds to the Christmas Holiday, or the empty string if it does not. */… Re: Public Holiday Checker Programming Software Development by NormR1 [QUOTE] there such thing in java that already has public holiday dates predefined[/QUOTE] Public holidays are local. It would be necessary for Java to know where the code is being executed to determine if any day was a holiday. I don't think you will find anything in Java that already has.... Will a Xmas/Happy Holiday message on social media count as a greeting? Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital Back even a few years ago, people sent christmas cards. Now, including me, I have sent an e-card, happy text, or left a holiday greeting on social media communities. So what do you think? Are you a modern day happy holiday wisher or a traditionalist? Do you think that modern day wishing carries the same value as a christmas card? Real CEOs Dont Send Email Holiday Cards Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital I just read on a blog that Real CEOs dont send email holiday cards. As a CEO of my own company, I prefer to send gift packages but I do argue with the blogger that emails do take more than 3 seconds to create it. [url][/url] So what do you think? Help with program that tells you to go home if your holiday is finished Programming Software Development by pscullion2001 … ive came up with. while (there are days left in holiday) if (sunny) go to beach else go to swimming pool… a program that tells you to go home if your holiday is finished, or if there is holidays left over and… Re: Public Holiday Checker Programming Software Development by stultuske also: just speaking for my situation - the definition of 'public holiday' tends to adapt, not only where you are, but also, … Re: Homework Assignment Involving Holiday Dates Programming Software Development by vishnu.khera.5 …(SimpleDate date)' you need to implement methods for each public holiday. AdSense Holiday Images Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani As some of you may know, AdSense now has a feature to enable holiday-related images within the ads. I just thought I would attach a screenshot of what they look like - it would be fabulous if they would do this all the time, and not just for holidays. I think it really raises CTR. Maybe they'll start making it seasonal. IT holiday Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek … cut off for all but a few hours of my holiday, got the best signal from the summit of Mount Snowdon… Why You Need to Shut Down Your PC Before You Leave on Holiday Community Center by Lisa Hoover … all those PCs before you lock up the office this holiday season. 2010 Holiday Season Wish List Community Center Geeks' Lounge by WASDted … little list of things you might want to consider this holiday season. This list is based on items we’ve used… how to create Holiday and weekend? Programming Software Development by jaejoong Hello! I need to create a system that will not calculate weekends and holiday. Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance. You go on holiday and everything changes! Community Center Meta DaniWeb by ChrisHunter … 2 weeks and as the old cliché I went on holiday and everything has changed!. I only had a quick look… Re: You go on holiday and everything changes! Community Center Meta DaniWeb by ddanbe Dani knew it! She said: "Let's surprise ChrisHunter when he returns from holiday!" Re: You go on holiday and everything changes! Community Center Meta DaniWeb by jwenting it's one of the better surprises you can have returning from holiday. From my experience they're usually a lot nastier... Re: holiday - date logic/question Programming Databases by adam_k On the top of my head (and with MS SQL in mind) it is possible, but a) it won't be nice and b) I don't know how much use it'll be to anybody. If you create a set of days from beginning until end of period, you can count(*) group by month : select month(date),count(*) from ( select DATEADD(dd, num , @start_date ) as date (… Re: holiday - date logic/question Programming Databases by Szabi Zsoldos Hi adam_k, thank you for your feedback, but sincerly, I cannot figure it out where to add my table name :)