Re: Do email clients respect CSP? Programming Web Development by toneewa A CDN can check the HTTP referer, to make sure the request does not originate …site. This means it denies access to requests, when the HTTP referer does not include your domain name and not blank…activity) (Akamai image server) (Microsoft Azure)… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner …. Problem was anti-spoofing stuff being added to my email server sometime in February. The clue that was found during testing… HTTP Server Response Headers Programming Software Development by geekman92 Hi i need to make a [B]BASIC[/B] HTTP server for a project using [B]JUST[/B] TCP/IP …i have created the server and it all works so far but i haven't implemented the HTTP Headers properly, if i… GMT\r\n", DateTime.Now); head += "Server: Ollie's Server v1.0\r\n"; head += "Cache-Control… http server must open html page Programming Software Development by sassy_94 …c",c); } else{ strcpy(resp,"HTTP/1.1 500 Server Interval Error\nContent-length: 47\nContent-Type: …html><body><H1>HTTP/1.1 Server Interval Error</H1></body>…quot;,c); } } } I am trying to do a http server that will connect with a browser and sends to it… HTTP server/servlets Programming Software Development by syeda amna hi is there any difference between servlet and HTTP server. I want to develop client server model (two tier) please help. how to do it? CORS error on c# embedded http server Programming Software Development by kubi081 …one is embedded http server library project. Embedded http server project is taken from : embedded http server project I want…file from browser using ajax request. Embedded http server is supposed to get bytearray and save… fileInputHandler, false); }); and here is the embedded server code to get the request; var stream = request.… Re: CORS error on c# embedded http server Programming Software Development by kubi081 I have found the solution, if anyone needs it; I have used Nancy.Hosting.Self library for embedded http server, Here I was able to add "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" to response.Headers so that I could transfer file without error. Embedded Http server jump seconds on videos where located local Programming Software Development by kubi081 … need to use embedded http server which will be setup on client. [embedded http web server is taken from here](… Re: Embedded Http server jump seconds on videos where located local Programming Software Development by cgeier Duplicate post: [embedded http server : An existing connection was forcibly closed by the re]( embedded http server : An existing connection was forcibly closed by the re Programming Software Development by kubi081 … the error is thrown! } while (rc != 0); } Embedded http server project is taken from ;… Re: HTTP Server Response Headers Programming Software Development by Momerath How about the [URL=""]HTTP standard definition?[/URL] Re: HTTP Server Response Headers Programming Software Development by geekman92 i have looked at that (and found it quite confusing) but the problem i seem to be having is with the initial line of the head: [CODE]head += "HTTP/ 1.1 100 Continue\r\n";[/CODE] i don't know whether to use Continue or OK or what! please can you help me. Thanks Ollie =) Re: HTTP Server Response Headers Programming Software Development by Momerath Take a look at [URL=""]this[/URL] project. What comes after the "HTTP" depends on what you are sending back. For a normal successful page I believe it's "200 OK". Re: http server must open html page Programming Software Development by rubberman … PHP instead of C/C++ because it has some decent HTTP plugins to do all this stuff and supports HTML nicely…. Yes, usually PHP is used in conjunction with a web server such as Apache, but the 5.5+ versions of PHP… can serve as a stand-alone web server. I use it that way to emulate a cell phone… Re: HTTP server in bash Programming Software Development by eggi …t think it's possible to write a standalone bash http server that doesn't depend on inetd running the bash shell…would be interested. Very cool. I wrote this [URL="…, but it would easier to just write the web server in Perl straight up. Cool link :) Thanks, Mike Re: HTTP server in bash Programming Software Development by eggi Hey There, Bash doesn't natively support sockets programming, like in Perl. Are you looking to write a bash script that runs a separate "http server" program? Also, if you've already gotten started, can you post that. This way anyone who checks this post will know where you're at and can help you more :) Best wishes, Mike Re: HTTP server/servlets Programming Software Development by syeda amna thanks for your reply. I am able to make a simple servlet wing eclipse and tomcat and it works very well. now i want to to make a basic client server model. i know about socket client and server. now i want to know about how a servlet can respond to client. Re: HTTP server/servlets Programming Software Development by stultuske for a SERVER -> you have (for instance) tomcat, jBoss, resin, ... SERVLETS are … Re: HTTP server/servlets Programming Software Development by syeda amna Actually the client has to pass some information and that information will update in server database. How to do this. Re: HTTP server/servlets Programming Software Development by syeda amna I have made jdbc connection and it is working with socket server. Actually i want to develop multi tier system in which each computer can send and receive information or exchange information. I am unable to understand how can i do this?? Please help Simple Http Server Programming Software Development by pkty31 … java.util.TimeZone; /** * A simple, tiny, nicely embeddable HTTP 1.0 server in Java * * <p> * NanoHTTPD version 1…= "application/octet-stream"; // // Socket & server code // /** * Starts a HTTP server to given port. * <p> * Throws an … Base http server, collect variable value Programming Software Development by totaltmega …an python script that uses and starts an base http server, in the web interface i have made an textbox…comes like /?variable=variablevalue at the end of the server adress, is there any way for the pythonscript …quot;__main__": while 1: mode = raw_input("[w]eb server or [s]ocket or [c]ommand line? ").lower()… Quick Question: Do ISP Routers always connect to an HTTP server? Hardware and Software Networking by ticktock Is an ISP always connected to an HTTP server or remote pc? I am currently doing a topology for … addresses that I must assign unto the isp router to server connection, but the requirements do indicate that a public pool… not stated in the requirements that I should include an HTTP server but based on my previous lab experiments, there is always… Unable to upload files to Http server using "POST" method. Programming Software Development by Surgey46 Hi, I need a http server where I would be able to …view aspx file using a web browser. [url][/url] It… Click the Back button to try another link. HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found. Internet…Error Messages. Anyone can help to find a http server where I would be able to view aspx files… How to use Weblogic 11g with Oracle Http Server? Programming Databases by prerit Hi all! I'm new to Weblogic Server. I'm trying to see how sessions are persisted on… documentation I found that you have use Proxy Server like Apache or Oracle Http Server for in-memory replication(for load balancing), which… will act as a proxy server and also help in… Re: Quick Question: Do ISP Routers always connect to an HTTP server? Hardware and Software Networking by CimmerianX I would replace that HTTP server with a CLOUD icon and label it "Public Internet". That's what you would usually find in the real world. How to: Setup Domain to Home HTTP Server Community Center by sinjix_media I just setup a home HTTP server at [url][/url] I have a domain name (347media) on Godaddy that I want to point to that IP address. I want the address in the address bar to be [url][/url] though. How would I accomplish this? apache http server stopped working and was closeed Programming Web Development by csweb hi ! i created a submit form in php and when i submit it this error massage is coming (apache http server stopped working and was closeed) does anyone know what to do please help. HTTP File Upload Client Server application Programming Software Development by Web_Sailor … = "<html>" + "<title>HTTP POST Server in java</title>" + "<body>…(" ")); System.out.println ("HTTP Server Waiting for client on port 5000"); //Create a new… Http Programming Software Development by freesoft_2000 …upload as well the download of files from a http server that needs authentication. The thing is i am …for the uploading and downloading of files from a http server. I am not using servlets but trying to …upload or download a simple html file to http server from a java application Sample codings as well …