Re: Googlebot and CORS? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by bijutoha Here are my general insights: 1. Use a CORS testing tool to help diagnose the issue. 2. Consult your server-side technology documentation for specific guidance on implementing CORS. 3. Consider using a third-party CORS library if you're having trouble with your custom implementation. Does Google's Disavow-Tool still work - or does it hurt? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Chris Hüneke … cause serious damages to businesses relying on Google's Organic Search as a Traffic Source. Of course, also Spammers and Blackhat… confronted **John Muller** (Search Advocate at Google) with this - you can see his response in the attached image. He obviously dodged my… Googlebot and CORS? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … requests. When inspecting indexed pages from Google Search Console, from the URL Inspection tool I click on "… hotlink protection enabled in some places (e.g. post inline image attachments), that at first I thought was causing the issue… Image search from different website Programming Web Development by vizz How to search images from diferent websites and display without storing it. (Problem is how to search and display images like google image search with perticular word entered by user) Re: Image search from different website Programming Web Development by vizz … this code how it works? And is it possible to search images from different websites without using GOOGLE as " curl_exec… Re: image search image with PHP? Programming Web Development by BzzBee when you are uploading any image, the image name should contain the keyword for what you can search for example if some one want… URL, or store small description with image contain keywords for which any user can search.image by itself is not readable so you… Re: image search image with PHP? Programming Web Development by DangerDev Your problem is having two part: 1. Upload the image and its detail. 2. Search the image. Take one part at a time and solve it, please do post the problem you face. Image serach Meta tag Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Ravi Rajput Can anybody told me about image search meta tag? How can I use it? image search image with PHP? Programming Web Development by sven1981 hi all, Is it possible for user to upload Picture , and search same /similar picture which store in MySQL with PHP language? Thanks Re: Mimic webbrowser's Copy Image feature in my own context menu Programming Software Development by weekendrockstar …Dim ToImg = Ele.GetAttribute("src") PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(New IO.MemoryStream(New…caveat... This does not work with search engine image searches such as Google Image Search and the like...the way that… to fire if I navigated to such an image search page. However, I've seen discussions online about… Mimic webbrowser's Copy Image feature in my own context menu Programming Software Development by weekendrockstar … My current form uses a webbrowser control to display an image search of different sites (There are radio buttons for each site… and you select the current one you want to search). Then I want the user to be able to …suppressed. I have created my own context menu with Copy Image as ToolStripMenuItem1. When I debug the program everything works … php web image search question Programming Web Development by youlichika I want to do a picture search engine. I use `simple_html_dom` and `preg_match_all` to get all the image, then use `getimagesize` get all…:\/\/(.*)\.(jpg|gif|png)$#i',$element->src)){ $image = $element->src; //$arr = getimagesize($image); //get image width and height //$imagesize = $arr[0] * $arr… Re: php web image search question Programming Web Development by ivan3510 first question: you can check the biggest image with this code: [CODE] //add this to you code //this add at top $max=0; //then, in loop if($imagesize>$max){ $max=$imagesize; $maxImageName=$image; } echo $maxImageName; [/CODE] How to make image search similar to Programming Web Development by amazed How we can search images similar to our image on internet or in our local directory? Further how we can recognise that image is of human or animal or some abstract like mountain, road etc? Re: Image search from different website Programming Web Development by nileshgr You can use cURL. Here's a sample - [code] <?php $query = $_GET['query']; curl_exec(curl_init("" . $query)); [/code] This would echo the full page returned by Google on the page where you ran this code. Re: Search Engine Optimization Digital Media Digital Marketing by seosailor … completely different forms of search, as well as image search, native search, video search, tutorial search,[1] news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.As a web… Re: Image serach Meta tag Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by jobtardis Image tag optimiztions is so important at seo tactics. Re: Image Traffic Digital Media Digital Marketing by FreeBMW … indexes images in your web pages. When someone uses Google Image Search to find images on the web, what chance does your… website have to show up in the search results[/QUOTE] In that case it depends on how many… posted your images and where you post them. Example: Your image would get a higher ranking than others if it's… Re: Image Traffic Digital Media Digital Marketing by guinanie Google search engine indexes images in your web pages. When someone uses Google Image Search to find images on the web, what chance does your website have to show up in the search results Re: Image Posting Digital Media Digital Marketing by mindstreak Image posting can help to increase the image optimzition of the website.Just like search results, when the optimized keyword is typed, the images would be appearing in the iamge results.It helps in branding of logo and banners of a business. Re: Image Maps, Hot Spots and Drop Down Menus Programming Web Development by fxm …everything else is completely free. If it is, though, Google image search now has a feature that allows you to specify the… exact size of the image. [I must admit that the idea of searching for… an invisible image does strike me as hilarious :) ] Alternatively, there are … Google image game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Catweazle …? Pick a ridiculous situation. Post a picture found with Google image search that illustrates it. Pick the topic for the next person… thinking and creative use of Search Criteria to 'find' an image which illustrates the term requested, using Google Image Search. Sometimes, simpling using the… Re: Google image game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by DMR …? Pick a ridiculous situation. Post a picture found with Google image search that illustrates it. Pick the topic for the next person… PHP Image crawler/spider Programming Web Development by frank754 … of the image filenames in the <img> tags, so that I can do a search (for example… IMAGE_1234.JPG) and find the url of the page where that image is on,… pictures but don't give me a list google image search for my site: they only have about 5%…site contents to my box and do a file search on the computer, but I'd like to… Using Bing Search Api to perform a advanced image search ? Programming Software Development by Damon88 …= New BingService.SourceType() {BingService.SourceType.Image} End With Dim response As BingService.SearchResponse = service.Search(request) For Each thumburl As BingService… point, i want to perform a advanced search. I want to search image using these parameters >A pre defined … Re: Using Bing Search Api to perform a advanced image search ? Programming Software Development by Damon88 …] request.Query="dani" request.Image.Filters = new string(){"Size:Width:200","…but still cannot filter depending on size [CODE] request.Image.Filters = new string(){"Size:Width:200",&…:Width:200","Size:Height:200"} request.Image.Filters = filters [/CODE] the above code is error… getting my images on a search engine images search result Community Center by patrickmillard … when i google my name in an image search. the website comes up in web search as the first listing, but the images… aren't on there when i image search myself. anyone know how i can get the photos from… Re: Using Bing Search Api to perform a advanced image search ? Programming Software Development by kvprajapati Try it, [code] request.Query="dani" request.Image.Filters = new string(){"Size:Width:200","Size:Height:200"} [/code] Re: Using Bing Search Api to perform a advanced image search ? Programming Software Development by Damon88 …"} imreq.Filters =fil imreq.Count = 20 imreq.CountSpecified = True .Image = imreq [/CODE] and thats it ...... List of Search Engines Digital Media Digital Marketing by L-Lists …general purpose and specialised search engines, metasearch engines and stand-alone engines, and search engines which cater …0mqs4v.html) [Video Search Engines ]([Image Search Engines ](http://l-…[People Search Engines ](http://l…