20 Topics

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Member Avatar for cereal

Hello, on Hotmail/Outlook webmail, when I receive an email message in the spam folder (formally Junk), I can mark the message as **Not Junk**. The server will then start to deliver the messages from that source, directly into the Inbox, working like a whitelist. Is it possible to do the …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Siberian

Within my email client I had a hotmail.com account setup as a POP3 account. I was informed if I wanted to move emails from one IMAP account to another IMAP which is simply moving emails from one folder to another folder within my email client; folder being an email account …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for donoskaro

Hey guys, I am currently *trying* to create an IMAP authentication backend for Baikal/SabreDAV. The aim is for SabreDAV to authenticate users using an IMAP server (which will make CalDAV and CardDAV authentication a lot easier). This is the code I have produced so far: <?php namespace Sabre\DAV\Auth\Backend; // Auth …

Member Avatar for vipulasri.2007

Is there any open source code project of **WEB MAIL CLIENT** that i can use straight away by doing some of the modifications in its ui .I just want to configure **imap or pop3 or smtp** settings in that and i should start recieving my mails from the specified account.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for joslup9

Hi guys, I am try to open a socket to connect a email account on C language, but i don't know how to use this protocol into a socket, in some links i found that i will need to use SSL protocol, but i don't understood. Any can explain how …

Member Avatar for Smeagel13

I handle my email myself with open-source IMAP implementations, at work we have IBM Domino, I'm trying to get a feel for what yourself/businesses (you know of) use? Not so much why, but just to see rough market usage... Thanks.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ru60hz

for newbie on networking like me, i hope somebody could give some light about my question. what is a mail server, what is it use for, and probably how to make one or is it possible to make one at home?

Member Avatar for soumphair
Member Avatar for ztirt
Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for rayidi

We all know how to open a mailbox using `imap_open`. Here the problem is i'm creating a maill system here. I'm not able to find to create a mail account with `imap/pop3` in `php`. Is it is possible ? Assume suppose my domain is www.studentmug.com. I want to create a …

Member Avatar for ckchaudhary
Member Avatar for vijaykavin10

Hi While i am using IMAP protocol to download mails from the Gmail.Some of the mails are skipped(Not downloaded) any ideas would be appreciated...

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for R_K

I display the progress bar for downloading attachments and it works fine … but when I am downloading some attachments I get the exception message: [QUOTE] Exception in thread "main" com.sun.mail.util.DecodingException: BASE64Decoder: Error in encoded stream: needed 4 valid base64 characters but only got 1 before EOF, the 10 most …

Member Avatar for IanArcher

I have clients who send email messages to a specific e-mail address, and i have a script that will automatically update the MySQL table with that data from that e-mail and will publish it to a web page. Images inserted into the emails cannot be seen on a web browser, …

Member Avatar for hakeemtunde
Member Avatar for itsgrace

I'm creating a web-based mail client from scratch using PHP IMAP library. What I need to implement right now is fetch the error and display it in a fancy way(ex. pop up in the view when error occured). How am i going to do this? This is a sample of …

Member Avatar for surjeetk27

hi friends.... I'm getting this type of error n running my program... Warning: include(include_fns.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 7 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'include_fns.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 7 Can Anyone plzz Tell me what this …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for dw_user

I need to have a script that will help me save the same groups of fresh email and reply mails (suppose from gmail)to it into the database. My choice is IMAP. Right choice i think. 1) i know how to get the total number of unread emails . But how …

Member Avatar for rcavezza

I'm building an email application that filters emails with certain keywords out of my gmail inbox. Right now, it's working by running a cron job every five minutes and this is killing my server load. I'd like to know if there's a way to add a filter to IMAP so …

Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi All, I am in the middle of developing an admin center for my friend's website. He has asked to be able to read his emails by clicking on a link which takes him to a page which displays all his emails. I nodded slowly (thinking to my self "I …

Member Avatar for racertim
Member Avatar for sutt0n

Ok, so basically I want to be able to do this. I have it all down from obtaining the content from the e-mail and saving the attachment, but when I save the file's content into a file (permissions aren't a problem, as you'll see in the code) it doesn't show …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

When Google launched Gmail's IMAP capabilities last year, it thrust the ubiquitous Web-based mail service into the limelight as a true contender for enterprise use. Even though it's tightly integrated with [URL="http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/business/index.html"]Google Apps[/URL], a powerful suite of business tools, many people still shunned Gmail citing about a lack of offline …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Google has [URL="http://mail.google.com/support/bin/topic.py?topic=12760"]added IMAP support[/URL] to its free webmail service Gmail. Users can now access email from client applications using the Internet Message Access Protocol, and at the same time automatically update the message status within Gmail itself. This is something that many people who access Gmail messages via the …


The End.