121 Topics

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Member Avatar for madval88

I have saved a 2D matrix in a numpy file (.npy) in python. Is there a way I can access the same from C++ and possibly read in the values in a stl vector? [URL="http://www.scipy.org/C++_Extensions_that_use_NumPy_arrays"]This [/URL] is vaguely relevant. But here you make the call from python. I want to …

Member Avatar for madval88
Member Avatar for jeuxdeau2009

Im writing a blackjack program to train one to count cards using the Hi-Lo System. I found the engine online ( it was open sourced.) Instead of the code here using only numbers and Letters, i want to add only pictures of the cards instead of the numbers and card …

Member Avatar for zach&kody

My friend and I are in a Computer Science I class, and we are momentarily working on a project which asks you to import a method from a previously edited source, into another java source file. Here is our code. [CODE]import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Container; import javax.swing.JFrame; …

Member Avatar for zach&kody
Member Avatar for goshiluvarchie

Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul 4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ================================ RESTART ================================ >>> Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul 4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> …

Member Avatar for goshiluvarchie
Member Avatar for Rotten Elf

Hopefully someone can help me. Explaining this may be a pain for ya, but I would really appreciate any assistance that you may be able to give me. Here is my scenario. -I am trying to import a csv file into phpmyadmin. -The MySQL database is for Wordpress. -The .csv …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Mithrandir85

Hi, I recently set about making a simple application using python with some 3d components, i switched from PyOpenGL, because it was a little bit to complex for what I wanted to do, to VPython, which based on the YouTube video's looks very easy and simple... which is exactly what …

Member Avatar for Mithrandir85
Member Avatar for ctkam

hi, I want to import a text file which delimited by tab to mysql. 1) using phpmyadmin => results ( exceed time limit even i've extend) 2) open using excel file save to .csv but still couldn't save all the record 3) using ms access with odbc connection => almost …

Member Avatar for ctkam
Member Avatar for aviavyne

Hello, i have a project which requires that i work with three files. two files are text and one file is .dat Currently I have been successful at creating the dat and one of the texts. The project is a bit menu driven and is about stocks, when the program …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for 3FLryan

Hello, I am just starting learning Python and I am having some trouble properly importing a function from a module. I wrote the short script: [CODE]def print_twice(param): print(param, param) [/CODE] When I try to import the function print_twice, the shell tells me it cannot import the name print_twice. When I …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for kezkez

if i have a text file with data: test, 1, 2 again, 3, 4 Can someone give me an idea how to start puting each line into an object ? ObjectName o = new ObjectName(String s1, String s2, String s3); [CODE] class Action implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jackparsana

HI, pls help me in this.. How to import Excel Sheet data into SQL Server 2008.? i use Excel 2010. SQL Server 2008. how to import data? thanks in advance. jack

Member Avatar for Bruce100
Member Avatar for mahavir123

I am reading XML and PHP. I have to import a xml file in mysql database using PHP script. I tried using 'simplexml_load_string()' and 'simplexml_load_file()' functions. It worked. But how the xml parser is used to import XML files into Mysql Database. Please tell me about this, I tried the …

Member Avatar for Musing888

When I run my code the program adds the following before the start of my program: >>> Warning (from warnings module): File "C:/Users/Steven/Documents/CA/CA python/CAMain.py", line 142 def maxgen(fname, worksheet=1,encoding='cp1251'): SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level >>> [I]The first prompt of my program would be here[/I] The code it …

Member Avatar for Musing888
Member Avatar for teedoff

I am new to MySQL and navicat as well. I have been creating a database in Access and now adding records. I added about 50 records earlier and then saved them to my flashdrive to import the new data in navicat using the import wizard. The reason I have to …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for pi_lord12

I'm making a JPanel for a game. I want the background to be an imported image, so I set up a ClassLoader to import the image and converted that to a URL. However, that URL appears to be null, as when I try to put the panel into a JFrame, …

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Member Avatar for toomuchtodo

Hello all. I am very new to VB.Net and am currently learning the basics and mechanics of how the software functions, my past was mainly with Matlab, so naming variables and such is quite different to me now. My question is this: How can I read data from a .csv …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for echellwig

Hi, I downloaded some code from a university website that calculates a metric evolutionary trees. I'm trying to run the program (called example.py) and the first line of the program is [CODE]from TreeGenerator import Tree_generator [/CODE] I did not think this would be a problem because TreeGenerator.py is another file …

Member Avatar for ultimatebuster
Member Avatar for pooya083

Dear All, Hello, I am very new at python. I have an existing example project that have some scripts YYY,in path XXX/YYY and an script A.py that call these one by one. i.e, YYY is colection of py files { y1.py, y2.py,....}, that are imported to A.py. I mean that …

Member Avatar for pooya083
Member Avatar for seanvitalaim

Hello everyone. I am very embarrassed to post my code cause some might think it is horrible since my experience level is low. But I am having a problem. First I want to add that i have tried placing [CODE]import java.lang.String[/CODE] in the code but no go. Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for NP-complete
Member Avatar for Member 785010

Hi, everyone! I'm new to python, and I'm having a few issues getting started with writing useful code on mac OSX. I'm wanting to import a module, either wx or pygtk for GUI, but in either case I get the error that there is no such module. As far as …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for muthulazmi

how to install the msqldb package and where to place it in python? then when i compile the code there is an error like no module named MySQLdb.... pls clarify this....

Member Avatar for muthulazmi
Member Avatar for kbrill

I import data into MySQL over and over again. Always from .sql scripts. I have tried over and over to come up with a script that will [LIST=1] [*]Ask for a database name [*]Sign into MySQL [*]Drop the Database named in step 1 [*]Create a new database as named in …

Member Avatar for kbrill
Member Avatar for CobRalf

hello everybody! I have a main app, which imports another python file and uses its functions. my problem is now, that the external file itself needs some functions defined in the main app... if i copy the external files code and paste it into the main application, everything works fine, …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for daudiam

java class files are not loaded into memory till the time they are referenced. If this is true, then the use of import statement is just to save a bit of typing. Is it the case ?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Muhammad Anas

Hello Friends, I am an absolutely beginner in the world of computer programming. I started my voyage in this world yesterday by starting learning Python. I am reading an e-book on python [URL="http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/"]here[/URL]. That book has been written with examples from Linux platform. So, I felt this problem while going …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for MJFiggs

I have just started Python recently and for some reason, I cannot import anything on my computer. I can do it on the computer at my school, but not my laptop. This is the message I received when I tried to import the program "cTurtle" [CODE]IDLE 2.6.1 >>> import cTurtle …

Member Avatar for ultimatebuster
Member Avatar for vsmash

General Question, no code: I have the daunting task of automating the import of mysql, ms sql and ms access into a central location. I've nailed the microsoft crap using ms sql DTS but even with mysql odbc drivers, cant seem to nail that one. The optional is that I …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for bustersox

I am having problems filling an array of objects with a txt file. It seems to me that it should work, but I get all 0's printed out. Please help! I cannot write the rest of my code until I figure this out. Also I get this error message: "Exception …

Member Avatar for bustersox
Member Avatar for incog

Is there a way to import the contents of a text file into a source code file upon compilation? Just like the include()/require() methods in Perl and PHP (see: [url]http://php.net/manual/en/function.include.php[/url]).

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for furblender

Completely frustrating - I have been googling for a solution for this for a couple of hours now. I have this little bit of code that I wish to read a text file into a Python Dictionary. I used this dictionary format internally within the another piece of code I …

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The End.