‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … portable ToolAIs. Imagine a convincingly generated universe where people can live out their fantasies, free from the constraints of reality. Virtual… Re: Hi everyone, I'm Ginny79 Community Center Say Hello! by Lethabo Can anyone here help me build "SRD application status check" tool that checks the live status of the SASSA application and takes data from the SRD website. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani > Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? They do it to show how they live life on the edge by proving to the world (and the television audience) they won't have any more use for a lighter. > They were successful exactly zero times. Researchers, schmearchers. But has Myth Busters had a go of it? Re: Answer to my 100% tools thread Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … end up not getting the job because of that? You live and you learn, and always strive to do better next… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim … wasteful the current format is, the beta (likely to go live shortly) is even more wasteful showing less useful data per… Re: Data Caching layer for Web application - Emmanuel Katto Uganda Programming Web Development by Dani …, we make heavy use of redis to manage activity streams, live chat, and sessions. How they are implemented is specific to… Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by simhakidsden It's quite baffling to witness such a stark contrast in Dell's approach to promoting Ubuntu between Europe and the USA. Their inconsistent messaging only adds to the confusion for potential customers. Hopefully, Dell can streamline their marketing strategy to provide clearer information and support for Linux enthusiasts worldwide. Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Live Chat or Live Help is useful for high value products Digital Media Digital Marketing by webmaster_new Live Chat is specifically useful for high value products. People can’… assurance and some sort of personal feel. Now with a Live Chat support system he can have all this.According to… Re: Live Chat Support Software Digital Media Digital Marketing by Ewald Horn … value. People have come to expect fast results, and live chat support provides a channel for that. Why do I… many people are afraid of using the phone! Adding live chat options also provide an incentive to visit the website… found themselves, but were too lazy to search for. Live chat also provides an opportunity to gather information and trends… Re: Live Chat Support Software Digital Media Digital Marketing by Coloradojaguar Live chat provides benefits to many different types of websites. Online businesses will benefit dramatically from using live chat to get their clients service and support more quickly. Personal or niche sites can benefit from live chat in that it brings a higher level of engagment to its users. Re: Live Chat Support Software Digital Media Digital Marketing by susanjeff live chat is the best service in which you can get the best efforts for your site for making the customer Re: Live Chat Support Software Digital Media Digital Marketing by bettergraph Live chat help in conversion. if user want something to buy and searching. He/She ask directly to chat. So chat help those website who are getting much traffic. Re: Live Chat or Live Help is useful for high value products Digital Media Digital Marketing by rei12 I have been using SNIP Live Chat for a couple years. From my experience there is no so many people clicking on "Live Chat" button. It is hard to say why. About 50% of chatters just coming because of curiosity. So I think it is not so effective as it seemed. Re: Live Chat or Live Help is useful for high value products Digital Media Digital Marketing by Alfredito I totaly agree with you, large % of customers leave, i was thinking on actually open a live chat window without their approvel but then i thought its to much and might scare them away.. you know, me invating their computer... Re: Live Chat or Live Help is useful for high value products Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani They're talking more of an ecommerce-style site where someone can interact with a live salesperson (like in a chat window type thing) before making the purchase. Re: Live Chat or Live Help is useful for high value products Digital Media Digital Marketing by guinanie Thanks for the info. Live chat or online chat is a better idea and it is very helpful to a site. The possible clients can ask questions about the company products, services and online inquiry as well. Re: Live Chat or Live Help is useful for high value products Digital Media Digital Marketing by lajocar Very interesting to hear that not many people click on live chat button Re: Live Chat or Live Help is useful for high value products Digital Media Digital Marketing by carlecomm Good idea! Yes, a live chat can close more sales and improve customer satisfaction. Comm100 is a good one, totally free and has high availability. SNIP Carle Live Edit Table Issues Programming Web Development by Angellore_1 …'m trying to capture the idea of a Live Table Edit similar to the comments function in …as the plan) But when I tried the Live Edit to place a value for the No.ofRentedProperty…and display to its cell. But, since the Live Edit isn't working, even the Amount Tendered … guys have any idea how to make this Live Edit Work? After all, only one column is… Live Chat Support Software Digital Media Digital Marketing by jessecasey I have read many topic about live chat where had been described benefits of live chat. I want to know that one thing is website's traffic can be increased by using live chat app? Please share experience live chat users. Live Messenger Login problems Hardware and Software Information Security by ANSch …forums but soooooo glad I found you. I downloaded Live Messenger after having used IM for years. Since then…? Forget. No system go. Keep getting "live messenger has encountered an error" AppName: msnmsgr.exe …do the same for me please????? I have removed live messenger through add/remove programs, reinstalled and that … Live Stream Connection problems. Community Center by Cerbia …]Hey guys, I've been having problems connecting to live feeds/streams that use Flash Player and JavaScript integrated setups…, such as sites with live cam/video chat rooms. It would appear that something …and it still won't connect to any of the live feeds/streams that run off Flash Player 9 and would… Live Search Help Programming Web Development by SunnySideUp Hi, I am trying to get a live search facility working but my code is not working, I …; class="searchButton" id="clickSearch" value="LIVE JOB SEARCH" /> <p class="leftClear txt1…,true); xmlhttp.send(); } [/CODE] I have tried to take W3Schools live search facility and change it to meet my needs but… Live Table edit- PHP and AJAX Programming Web Development by himanshu.1691 … tried to mimic the code of a tutorial for a live updatable table....dat is connected to the MYSQL server .... i… the website [URL="http://www.9lessons.info/2011/03/live-table-edit-with-jquery-and-ajax.html"]http://www….9lessons.info/2011/03/live-table-edit-with-jquery-and-ajax.html[/URL] and here… Live iOS app Ticker ??? Programming Software Development by Harvey_10 … have a question, i am trying to implement a live Ticker for my iOS app but i am stuck in…a very frustating situation. So my app should have live internet connection to connect to a sever which has a… it would display it somewhat like this on the View : **Live Ticker** $ 12.90 ** Feed ** ... i want that value &… 'Live' updates of div without hammering server Programming Web Development by MargateSteve … were refreshing (via Ajax) every 9 seconds to give a 'live update' on the site (it is a sports site so… this was to give live score updates etc). Now I am looking for an alternative… any suggestions or pointers that will give me the same live updates without running the risk of the host pulling the… Live TV Streaming... Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by xoftmade … cpanel / cent OS. I want to use my server for Live TV streaming. For this i have install Flash Media… Live encoder on my PC, then i need rtmp configurations on … properly??? Or anyone have a full detailed method to play live TV on my website??? Its urgent so please... Re: Live Chat Support Software Digital Media Digital Marketing by jessecasey Thanks **Ewald** to such great reply and I liked it. Have anybody used live chat? please share, I would like to add live chat feature on my website.