Re: Why some people copy / paste LLM answers to a question as their own ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani … content that pays a lot by AdSense, such as payday loans, instead of writing about content that you are passionate about… Loans payment ER Programming Databases by moali72 … don't know how to make it i have many loans,each loan has many draw downs each group of Draw… Ukash voucher codes targeted in loans scam Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek … people out of their Ukash codes. “The official Start-Up Loans Company is a government backed organisation and is not associated… with providing loans to individuals, but is one of the names criminals are… ABC Loans Company Programming Software Development by dennis.teye ABC Bank gives loans to its customers at a monthly interest rate of 0.… Loans Programming Software Development by new programer Hi all, This program is compiled successfully but it does not do what it is meant to do [CODE]# include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { double interest_py, interest_pm, month_pay, loan, interest_due=0; int counter=0; cout << "Loan amount ="; cin >> loan; cout << "… Re: Loans Programming Software Development by new programer I modified this part : [CODE]do { loan = loan + interest_due -(month_pay-interest_due); interest_due = interest_pm*loan; counter++; } while (loan != 0); // end of do while [/CODE] but still, there's some issue Re: Loans Programming Software Development by Gaiety every thing is correct except this it is always false [CODE] if (loan=0) cout << "Months to repay the loan =" << counter <<endl[/CODE] it should be [CODE] if ( loan == 0) cout << "Months to repay the loan =" << counter <<endl[/CODE] … Re: Loans Programming Software Development by new programer oh yeah .. you're right :D that was one of the mistakes lol I figured out there are some semantic mistakes thanks mate Re: Loans Programming Software Development by pspwxp fan The compiler shouldn't have just ignored this :/ What compiler do you use? Just so that i don't ever use it. Re: Loans Programming Software Development by new programer lol I'm using visual C++ what do you use ?? Re: Loans Programming Software Development by VernonDozier [QUOTE=pspwxp fan;1025358]The compiler shouldn't have just ignored this :/ What compiler do you use? Just so that i don't ever use it.[/QUOTE] = vs. == being ignored has nothing to do with the compiler. It has to do with the compiler flags you set as far as a warning level. I had the same question a while ago. If you want to catch = vs. … Re: Loans Programming Software Development by new programer aha .. thanks for the clarification :) pspwxp fan, almost made me doubt my compiler :P Re: Loans Programming Software Development by ithelp [QUOTE=pspwxp fan;1025358]The compiler shouldn't have just ignored this :/ What compiler do you use? Just so that i don't ever use it.[/QUOTE] If(a=b) is a valid syntax , atmost compiler can provide an warning. Re: Ukash voucher codes targeted in loans scam Digital Media Digital Marketing by LastMitch >The advice is, obviously, that Ukash voucher codes should never be given to a third-party by any method other than through an official Ukash partner site. “No genuine loan company will ask for a fee to be paid in advance" McLean advises, continuing "the simple message is to treat Ukash with the same security as you would physical cash… Re: ABC Loans Company Programming Software Development by NathanOliver A) You are in the wrong formum >Write an interactive program in C B) You didn't read the [rules]( or you ignored them. Re: ABC Loans Company Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA First off, this is the C++ forum, not the C forum; you'll want to ask questions about C programming there. Second, all you've done is post your assignment; you haven't asked a question, or shown any indication of having done any of the work on the project yet. [Daniweb rules]( state: > **Do** provide … Allowing multiple adds to SQL database Programming Web Development by 0weavern …// Load form values function LoadFormValues() { // Load from form global $objForm, $loans; $loans->id->setFormValue($objForm->GetValue("x_id"… RestoreFormValues() { global $loans; $loans->loanid->CurrentValue = $loans->loanid->FormValue; $loans->id->CurrentValue = $loans->id->FormValue… Syntax Error in From Clause. Selecting between two Dates Programming Software Development by Sam_49 …quot; ")) sqlQuery = MainQuery & " Select TOP 100 LOANS.LoanID," sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " Borrowers.NAME,"…PAYMENTS " sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " INNER JOIN LOANS ON PAYMENTS.LoanID = LOANS.LoanID) " sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " INNER … Keywords Targetting For a Page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by webmaster@123 … Personal-loans, Business-loans, Home-loans, and Education-loans Now let us consider Personal -Loans page Keywords For my personal-loans page is Personal loans Mumbai Personal loans Re: Syntax Error in From Clause. Selecting between two Dates Programming Software Development by adam_k … = Barangay.BRGYNO)) " sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " WHERE (LOANS.RELEASED >= @d1) and (LOANS.RELEASED <= @d2) " sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "…; ORDER BY LOANS.RELEASED ASC" The FROM needs to close before going … Re: Syntax Error in From Clause. Selecting between two Dates Programming Software Development by SouthernImp …'s always using English. So you should use DateDiff(d, LOANS.RELEASED, @d1) >= 0 AND DateDiff(d, @d2…, LOANS.RELEASED) >= 0 - you then don't have times to … Re: Syntax Error in From Clause. Selecting between two Dates Programming Software Development by Santanu.Das FROM WHICH TABLE YOU ARE GETTING THESE `[AMOUNT],[INTEREST],[TERMS], [TotalInterest]`. YOU MUST SPECIFY THEM IN FROM CLAUSE. YOU CAN USE `BETWEEN` CLAUSE FOR A RANGE OF DATES IN WHERE CLAUSE. `WHERE (LOANS.RELEASED BETWEEN @d1 and @d2) FileNotFoundException help Programming Software Development by annetria …in the group ButtonGroup loans = new ButtonGroup(); loans.add(sevenYearLoan); loans.add(fifteenYearLoan); loans.add(thirtyYearLoan); setDefaultCloseOperation(javax….setText("Select from the available mortgage loans"); mortgagePaymentAmountLabel.setText("Mortgage payment amount… Applet Works Differently in Browser than appletviewer Programming Software Development by Germy Loo …0]; EconFinal.unemployment+=EconFinal.ceal1.get(i).getu1()[0];[0]; } else if(EconFinal.yearcount…()[2]; EconFinal.unemployment+=EconFinal.ceal1.get(i).getu1()[2];[2]; } } } //EconFinal.govspend=EconFinal.… Java Programming Programming Software Development by DamianPrinze … for construction projects. There are two categories of Loans-those to business and those to individual applicants. …Write an application that tracks all new construction loans. The application must also calculate the total amount … CreateLoans- An application that creates an array of five Loans. Prompt the user for the current prime interest rate… Financials Hurting Wall Street; Small Business Tech Spending on the Rise Digital Media Digital Marketing by Brian.oco …the credit crisis has already ravaged sub-rime mortgage loans, Alt-A loans (where mortgage holders don’t have to pay… borrowed every month) and are now focusing on prime loans, especially in hard hit home mortgage markets like Las…value misery of Californians, for example. But with prime loans in increasing trouble, banks and lenders are pulling way … USDA Rural Broadband Program Criticized Community Center by slfisher …that the Rural Utilities Service continues to grant loans to areas that already have broadband service and … appropriate definition of "rural area" [*]focusing loans in areas where broadband service does not already exist … grant and loan programs [*]recovering funds from defaulted loans [*]maintaining a database of all grant and loan … Need Help with assignment Programming Software Development by carepanther … have a mutator method (setter) o If attempting created loans larger than the maximum lånegrænse, the loan must…with the maximum lånegrænse o If attempting created loans with other maturities than the three defined, the loan … method created a list (eg ArrayList <Loan>) of loans. There must be prompt for input of the current discount… Submit Button Help Programming Web Development by Ben501wh …><b>Value of outstanding debts/loans/credit cards £</b></font>…input type=text name="Value of outstanding debts/loans/credit cards £"></td> <…lt;b>Any late or missed payments on loans</b></font></td&…=text name="Any late or missed payments on loans"></td> </tr>… nevermind: ignore arrays problem - quick question Programming Software Development by WonderWomen204 …getting all of the input, print a list of the loans, the number of months, and the payment per month …no ************************* <<- YES PRINT THESE ASTERISKS There are 3 loans. Loan 1 for $1000 for 10 months has a payment…"There are " << totalLoans << " loans. " << endl; cout << "Loan &…