Re: longhorn compatible software Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by OlyComputers … vista now, not vise versa. Longhorn was a working project name or codename in the early … stages (the first closed Beta I played with still said longhorn, I think). If you have a new system using a… Longhorn Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by curiousdan … the new O.S. from Microsoft: [B]Microsoft Windows [I]Longhorn[/I][/B] would be coming out and any information that… Re: Longhorn Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by steveneven … it in some areas of their business, Why bother making longhorn? Of course I only half agree with my own point… Re: Longhorn Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by oalee … it in some areas of their business, Why bother making longhorn?[/quote] I know one really large multi-national company here… Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dark_Omen Wow, I have been looking at the new things that longhorn will come with and I am impressed. There are a lot of new tools that they are going to release for developers for .net. Can't wait to try them. Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by nanosani Hey Dark Omen ! can you give me some type of url or info about what features will be included in longhorn. Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by dlh6213 Here's the latest on Longhorn: [url][/url] Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by server_crash [QUOTE=Dark_Omen]Wow, I have been looking at the new things that longhorn will come with and I am impressed. There are a lot of new tools that they are going to release for developers for .net. Can't wait to try them.[/QUOTE] If it's only .NET tools, I bet there will be some bum that claims Monopoly just like they did with Internet Explorer. Longhorn Reloaded R.I.P Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by happygeek …), who mourned the passing of promised core parts of Longhorn such as WinFS when Vista finally emerged? If you …real surprise that the [URL=""]Longhorn Reloaded[/URL] project is [URL="http… have been nothing short of a miracle if the Longhorn Reloaded project could succeed given that it had no … Longhorn Beta in 5 Months! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by MasashiMikamida Holy Crap!! Longhorn Beta is scheduled to hit the interweb, and existence, by … allready nearing completion and have pre-beta versions available!! Plus, Longhorn promises to run in 64-bit mode!! Which is nice…!!! for more info, visit [url][/url] LONGHORN --- gives way to -- TA Community Center by ! ! formerly Windows code name "Longhorn" [img]…;"]… Re: LONGHORN --- gives way to -- TA Community Center by jwenting Nice name. Everyone knew (or could have known) that Longhorn would not be the name of the product. It's a project name only, and probably still is. longhorn compatible software Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gauravsolified hey guys i m looking to update my window xp to longhorn..want to confirm that if windows drivers and softwares((games))) will work with longhorn.. Re: longhorn compatible software Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by dickersonka Vista is called Vista Longhorn is Vista, its codename was longhorn and I believe released Vista as its official name before … Re: Longhorn will ship in 2006 - claims Gates Community Center by MGM I cant wait for Longhorn, XP is fine and all but Longhorn's new filing system is really exciting and I can't wait to mess around with it and see just how improved it is over 2000 and XP's file systems. That is an interesting article !!... I'll have to research that more thoroughly when I get home. MGM out Re: longhorn compatible software Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gauravsolified will it be good for gaming purpose than xp and also is vista called longhorn now? Longhorn will ship in 2006 - claims Gates Community Center by ! ! … work with Windows XP, the current version of Windows, and Longhorn.[/color] [/indent][/i] Longhorn and FAT16 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Kamex Does anyone know if Windows Longhorn will be able to read FAT16 partitions like Windows XP, or is it too early to tell? Re: Longhorn and FAT16 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Dani I don't think Longhorn is going to be released until 2005-2006 (or was … Re: Longhorn and FAT16 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Kamex … older games. Even if FAT16 is no longer supported by Longhorn, I can still use DOS on my computer, but without… Re: Longhorn will ship in 2006 - claims Gates Community Center by dlh6213 Here's the latest on Longhorn: [url][/url] Re: Longhorn Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by caperjack Hi ,I have a Bata copy and used it for a bit once when i had a spare drive to put it on ,looks a little different ,a lot of what is in SP2 is coming fro mLonghorn ,like the popup stopper and the 2 way firewall WMP 10 and some othere stuff . one thing i remember when i first boot to it was this great big clock and calendar on the desktop that came… Re: Longhorn Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by oalee I don't understand why they have to develop/release/sell something new when the not so old ones still work... I mean, you have winXP, win98 and win2k... they're working fine as long as you don't screw them up yourselves, and they can be easily updated using service packs... I say don't fix it if it ain't broke... but then again, MS is in it for the… Re: Longhorn Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by caperjack [QUOTE=oalee]I don't understand why they have to develop/release/sell something new when the not so old ones still work... I mean, you have winXP, win98 and win2k... they're working fine as long as you don't screw them up yourselves, and they can be easily updated using service packs... I say don't fix it if it ain't broke... but then again, MS is … Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dark_Omen That would be great. I have been trying to get my hands on some of the betas from microsoft, but they want people subscribed to their program thing. Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting I'm in several beta programs (including the software I write for a job of course). Beta testing is not just having access to cool new software, it's serious (and often incredibly boring and frustrating) work. Microsoft wants only people they know they can trust to keep their mouths shut and to really work at it in their beta programs, an … Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dark_Omen How do u become a beta tester anyways? Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting by knowing developers :) That's the nice thing of online communities, people who know their stuff can get noticed by the developers of a product. That's how I got in contact with several, leading to places on beta teams and vollunteer work as a customer support person for one company (with free access to their entire product line as a reward). Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dark_Omen I know some people that have a connection with microsoft I'll have to ask them. Re: Longhorn Community Center Geeks' Lounge by server_crash So is a 64 bit processor needed?