operators tutoials needed Programming Software Development by caroll please send me tutorials to know about the operators////.. especially 1) ^,>>,$,~..etc... Re: Operators Programming Software Development by gerard4143 You may be wondering why two + operators are required? Try reading this link, it may clear up … 2k's solution doesn't require this explanation because both + operators are defined outside of the class Number but if you… Re: Operators Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>then how do I need to adjust this implementation file to work with it!? You have to add two more methods: (1) print(), and (2) the * operator. The code you posted already has the = and + operators so make the * operator look similar to that + operator. Just substitute * for + and you have it done. Re: Operators Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … commutative. Anyways, to solve the problem, you should define two operators, one for each case. Now, the int + Number version cannot… Re: && operators doesn't work with error provider Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca Try to change the AND operators with OR: [CODE] If (textBox1.Text.Length < 5 || textBox2.Text.Length < 5 || textBox3.Text.Length < 5) return false; else return true; [/CODE] It should work now. Re: precedence of operators in java Programming Software Development by dougdudley11 … if(prec(op2) >= prec(op1)){ operators.push(op1); operators.push(op2); }else { operators.push(op1); operators.pop(); operators.push(op2); } }else if(line.charAt… Beginner's Tutorial on Operators Programming Software Development by Learner010 …Operator Miscellaneous Operator(i added Assignment Operators in this categeory) **Arithmatic operators:-** There are following arithmetic operators:- + Add [6+2=… Expression Evaluation Result !(a<b) !(tue) false **Bitwise Operators** & Bitwise And | Bitwise OR ^ Bitwise Exlusive OR… precedence of operators in java Programming Software Development by dougdudley11 …(i) == ' '){ ; }else if(line.charAt(i) == '/'){ op1 = (Character) operators.peek(); op2 = '/'; if(operators.isEmpty()){ operators.push('/'); }else if(prec(op2) >= prec(op1… Re: Beginner's Tutorial on Operators Programming Software Development by Learner010 …(maybe i accidently skipped this section while reading about operators).Anyways , i get this concept while having conversation …are integer constants. `+` and `*` are two of arithmetic operators. Hence it’s an example of Expression. Now the …question arise that what operators will be evaluated first. This concept is called … Help with "operators overloading" Programming Software Development by XodoX …. The class must support the following operators: 1. from basic operators: +, - 2. from relation operators: <, <=, >, >=, ==, != 3. from… increment or decrement operators: ++, -- 4. from assignment operators: =, +=, -= Make sure that the usual setter and getter functions… c# random operators and math problems. help!!! Programming Software Development by kegs88 …) //{ // Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} = ", number1, number2); //} //else if (operators == 4) //{ // Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = ", number1, number2); //} //break… Overloaded Pre + Postfix operators Programming Software Development by El3et … member variable itsRadius of Get and Set and my overloaded operators prefix, postfix and assignment (assignment works fine) The main section…: SimpleC(); SimpleC(int); SimpleC(const SimpleC&); //Copy ~SimpleC(); //Overloading operators const SimpleC& operator++ (); //Prefix const SimpleC operator++ (int); //Postfix… Re: c# random operators and math problems. help!!! Programming Software Development by kegs88 …number1 = 0; int number2 = 0; int operators = 0; double answer = 0; double correctAnswer…;Math problem {0}:", mathProblem); switch (operators) { case 1: answer = number1 + … Re: c# random operators and math problems. help!!! Programming Software Development by cgeier …... number1 = number.Next(1, 31); number2 = number.Next(1, 31); operators = number.Next(1, 5); // 1 = add, 2 = minus, 3 …quot;number2: " + number2); //debugging Console.WriteLine("operators: " + operators); //debugging Console.WriteLine(); //debugging Console.WriteLine("\tMath Problems\… Overloade operators Programming Software Development by Vallnerik25 …a hypothetical question. Say I have 2 overloaded operators functions defined for a class. The overloaded operator…is just a simple string class that has overloaded operators for concatenating strings and copying strings. [code=c…What would be the syntax for using the overloaded operators inside another overloaded operator? Would I have to use… Re: Help with "operators overloading" Programming Software Development by mrnutty You need to create your own semi-string class, that has the operators above overloaded. Overloading Operators for a Class Fraction Programming Software Development by mswezey … the opposite boolean value desired. At first it was different operators that were not working correctly that had to do with… is the way you see above. The overloaded ==, <, > operators seem to work just fine at the moment. I don…;...ect and the second one if the the two char operators such as ==,!=, <=, and >=. I'll still be cracking… implementation of the copy constructor,operators [ ],-,+,=,!=...its urgent Programming Software Development by mbulaheni I am confused on how to implement the copy constructor, operators and a destructor given different contexts I have a vector(…;) const) and a bool operator!=(const Vector &) const; operators,These comparison operators should define how tests for equality and inequality… bytewise operators with #define Programming Software Development by dospy … can i store more values in an int with bytwise operators, also, i have read that #define directives are evil… like this: #define SEVEN (2 + 5) */ [/CODE] usually, bytwise operators are used to store different values into one single variable… understand why. does the '<<' and '>>' operators have a bigger precedence than '&' operator? need some help in java operators. Programming Software Development by Johnstep …the given problems. A. Create a program using arithmetic operators. Use JOptionPane for input of any four variables. B.… Create a program using relational operators. Use java.util scanner for input of any three… variables. C.Create a program using Logical operators. Use Scanner and for input of any three … Boolean operators Programming Software Development by cadence441 … of algebra. We will be learning about three Boolean operators today-AND,OR,NOT The order for evaluating Boolean… operators are as follows:- AND-If you have a code …; 0 = 0 !0 (reversed) = 1 Finally,why are Boolean operators used?Well,to make more complex conditional statements.Suppose you… Re: Shift Operators: >> and << Programming Software Development by Duoas … yeah, the << and >> are bitwise operators. << is shift-left and >> is …end). In C++, the << and >> operators suggested themselves to putting something in an output stream: [inlinecode…>> my_int;[/inlinecode] They are still actually shift operators, but they have been overloaded to do something [I]else… Diff b/w logical operators and bitwise operators...? Programming Software Development by web_master i know how we can use logical operators.....but how do we use bitwise operators..... Re: how to compare operators if they are characters. Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon put all the operators in a character array then use strchr() to see if a character is one of the operators. [code] const char operators[] = "/*+-()"; while( !empty_optr() && ischar(operators, top->data_optr)) { // blabla } [/code] Re: implementation of the copy constructor,operators [ ],-,+,=,!=...its urgent Programming Software Development by mbulaheni …;) const) and a bool operator!=(const Vector &) const; operators,These comparison operators should define how tests for equality and inequality… Re: Understanding C++(Class, constructor and overloading operators) Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … be used to initialize den and num. void print(); //the operators need to operate on objects of class "fraction"… can try and fill in the remaining operators and test them out. For the relational operators, they are essentially the same but… Re: Bitwise operators Programming Software Development by imolorhe i understand how and when to use the logical operators, I read about the bitwise operators, but i saw a question that had… with on and off switches and the solution contained bitwise operators which, from what i have read about it, has to… Re: Boolean operators Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … mention that C++ also implements the AND and OR operators as short-cut operators, that is, if evaluating the first expression is… probem with code of conditional operators Programming Software Development by abd2 hi, This is the code to be changed to conditional operators: #include <stdio.h> main() { int x, min, max; … code is runing but problem is when changed to conditional operators: #include <stdio.h> main() { int x, min, max… Overloading operators Programming Software Development by madt … and relational operations on fractions. Overload the arithmetic and relational operators so that the appropriate symbols can be used to perform… the operation. Also, overload the stream insertion and stream extraction operators for easy input and output. Write a C++ program that…