703 Topics

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Member Avatar for jakizak

PHPMYSQL - How do you perform a double SELECT query or check against multiple fields? Does anyone know how this can be achieved? What i want is from a search page that has multiple search areas such as name / description / functions and be able to type multiple search …

Member Avatar for raju_boini525
Member Avatar for trilithon

Hi All, I need to use the results of this query as an array to exclude files from a tree. The file and folder names that I enter into $exclude work fine but I can not seem to add the results from the query to the array. Below is the …

Member Avatar for trilithon
Member Avatar for joshisumitnet

Dear Friends, I want to know that how can we compare two hebrew string in MySQL database? I tried and search a lot on net but still could not found the answer. My website is dealing with Hebrew(main) and English as well. So please let me know How can I …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for jakizak

I seem to be having difficulties when using the following query: [CODE]$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `name` RLIKE '%$s1%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s2%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s3%' OR `name` RLIKE '%$s4%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s1%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s2%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s3%' OR `description` RLIKE '%$s4%' OR …

Member Avatar for n1csaf3
Member Avatar for kayjenx

So I have a small database for managing stationery orders (internally with my company - I order from the stationery dept). In the orders forms i have a subform with the list of items being ordered. I have the Item_ID, description, UnitsOrdered,UnitPrice, TotalPrice. What a code that will lookup the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for emillion82

There's a query where I want to get the: - Username of the user attached to the current opportunity record - Sales Stage associated with each opportunity record - Dollar amount associated with opportunity record I want to: - Take the current SELECT IF STATEMENT result, and collapse it based …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Borzoi

The joke: An SQL query walks into a bar and sees two table, walks up to them and says "Can I join you?" The riddle: Halloween == Christmas - Why?

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for pallen

So I have a basic database of books set up. I am trying to use PHP to query the db and send back the results. I can sort of get it to work, but not working how I would like. The issue is that the search term that queries the …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for jimmiller96

Hi all, Fairly new at SQL, and running into the following problem. I am trying to create a query to count the number of unique fields in a column and display, but can't seem to get it right. For example, each day there are x number of entries from y …

Member Avatar for Brillig
Member Avatar for FlyByNight73

Hi All, I am working on a booking system for vacation rental properties. I have two (simplified) tables properties and propertyAvailability: properties:- propID propName propertyAvailability:- propID dayOfTheYear availabilityStatus Rather than use dates for the bookings I convert everything to dayOfTheYear (using ColdFusion) and each DOTY for each property has a …

Member Avatar for FlyByNight73
Member Avatar for tomo_uni

I am currently wanting to know how to find out two different dates from a list of dates for each customer. I can find out the first date for each customer but I need to know their 6 month and 1 year visit. But the problem is not all the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Dynamikz

Hi everyone, I'm a bit of a noob on the forum so please correct me if this is posted in the wrong area/or post is incorrect. I'm currently working on a new website ([URL="http://www.worldwidemixtapes.com"]http://www.worldwidemixtapes.com[/URL]) and currently stuck on the "sort by" section at the top of the page. What I'm …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477

Is it possible to pass arrays into a function and/or return an array from a function? I think it's possible but I don't really know how to go about it. lets say I have a function that returns a bunch of field from a database ex: [CODE]function a($sql){ $result = …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hey i need to know whether the below code is correct [CODE] string query = @"Select p.ID,p.Phase From Proposal as p, Negotiation as n,contract as c Where c.CID=con.CID and c.NID=n.NID and n.ID=p.ID and n.Phase=p.Phase (Select con.CID From Contract as con Where CStatus='Active')"; [/CODE] there is an error coming saying "Incorrect …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for watz_uph

hi all, i have a little issue with SUM query from this table UNIQUEID Date Production engine1 01/12/1999 1440 engine1 01/01/2000 6061 engine1 01/02/2000 5152 engine1 01/03/2000 5347 engine1 01/04/2000 4642 engine1 01/05/2000 5264 engine1 01/06/2000 5247 engine2 01/07/1995 561 engine2 01/08/1995 3066 engine2 01/09/1995 2133 engine2 01/10/1995 2282 engine2 …

Member Avatar for watz_uph
Member Avatar for dschuett

Ok I am very new to the php mysql world so please bare with me. I have set up a database for an apartment complex with a table containing the following: [code] create table apartments (apt_num int not null, available varchar(5) not null, beds int not null, baths int not …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for rhonda2010

Hi! I am having a problem with the project I am working on. The project will have more than one query; however, I cannot get the simple one to work yet. I have a form with two text boxes and a button. I also have an Access database that I …

Member Avatar for JSS at MSSU
Member Avatar for OsheRono

Greetings, I have been cracking my skull all weekend trying to find a solution to this, and I have no idea how to search as I'm not sure what to search for (I have performed a search, but it didn't show what I was looking for, hence, the post). I …

Member Avatar for jeffsbaker

Does anyone know why the following subquery is using filesort and scanning all rows in the table according to EXPLAIN? I am trying to get the total of the top ten scores and the result is fine. [CODE]EXPLAIN SELECT SUM( score ) AS top10_total FROM ( SELECT score FROM answers …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for ud2008

I try to create a selection page, where different query are made, depending on selected checkboxes, and textboxes. It works for most the part but I a selection between zipcode ranges and year of birth range (between nbs_zip and nbs_zip2 and between nbs_contact_year and nbs_contact_year2). It works when I have …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for gmunk

Hi all, lets say for example I have the following code [CODE]char *fname = "John"; char *lname = "Doe"; char *query = "SELECT fname, lname FROM table_name;"[/CODE] The last statement won't work, so my question is how to pass the fname and lname variables to the query?

Member Avatar for aryan79
Member Avatar for LaughingLynx

Hello, I am creating a page that displays sections of a database based on ClassTypeID, and using the following as my SQL statement: [code]"SELECT * FROM Classes WHERE ClassTypeID=" & request("ClassTypeID") & ""[/code] The user will select a category from the following menu: [code] <p><a href="class.asp?ClassTypeID=1">Care Management</a> </p> <p><a href="class.asp?ClassTypeID=2">Claims/Customer …

Member Avatar for donnyv

Hello, I am trying to insert an html document into a modal window based on the results of a database query using plone/tal and jquery. What I need is for the "href records/rpc*_url" to be a link to the html document of the same name as the query result. i.e. …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for cacoyle

basically i have a table which has different branch names recorded in the same column as other data. I cannot change how the data comes in so i have to find a way of extracting and matching data from this column. eg +---------+---------------------+------+------------+--------+ | Company | Branch | Tml | …

Member Avatar for cacoyle
Member Avatar for P00dle

I have a client and a server - the client sends the server a message, and depending on what message is sent, the server will perform an action and then reply to the client. Most of the actions that I have implemented are working. I need help with one of …

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for krishx343

Hi I need to know, is there any option to use For loop instead of While and ForEach to retrieve the result. While Loop ----------- [CODE] $query = "SELECT name, subject, message FROM contact"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "Name :{$row['name']} <br>" . }[/CODE] instead to …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Member 785000

Hello ppl, I have a mysql db and i want to know how is better to use queryes on my website in the table favorite i have many rows with id (some numbers..) and fav ( img1 img2 img3 img4 img5 etc..) and a table named img where the first …

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Member Avatar for peter_budo

I have this long winded query [code=sql]select i.id,i.name, i.item_type_id, (select it.name from items it, relations rel, relation_types relType where it.id=rel.to_id and rel.from_id=i.id and rel.relation_type_id=relType.id and relType.name='CityCtountry') as cityCountry from items i where i.item_type_id=2;[/code] Cut the long story short, we inherited database from customer that hasn't been happy with other company, …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for cubespeed

Hello to everybody I have a problem with a MYSQL query and I almost got it but am stuck for a while now. I would appreciate if anyone could help me or point me in the right direction. I have 3 tables: [icode][B]t1 (products)[/B] id | name ---+------- 1 | …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for guyanese4life

I am using the .Net 4.0 and excel 2003 How can i use an oledb connection to retrieve the cell format of an excel spreadsheet... I specifically want to find out if a cell column (or cell itself) is in a numeric percentage format. I cannot seem to find this …


The End.