107 Topics

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Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hi guys, I'm still new to .NET and your answers to my questions have been so helpful. I have another question yet again, however. This time my question has to do with sql server and handling it with code behind. I am creating a stored procedure which is supposed to …

Member Avatar for while(!success)
Member Avatar for davkam

tickets consist of four colours: green, blue , red, and white. each ticket has an associated price: green cost €5, blue cost€10, red cost€20, white cost€30. write an enumerated class Ticket that has a toString method that pretty prints it and a getCost method that returns its cost.

Member Avatar for jalpesh_007
Member Avatar for Synestic

**Hi Daniweb!** I have a question regarding my e-commerce website. On my product overview, I have this code: <?php $replace_what = array('/',' ', ' - ', ' ', ', ', ','); $replace_with = array('-',' ', '-', '-', ',', '-'); //Start of (1) $mysqli = new mysqli(***); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("Connect …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for vanderbergit

Hello DaniWeb forum users, Thank you for reading my post. I am trying to build a function that checks the content of the form.. My HTML website contains a dynamic number of elements (with a standard of 5 elements) Each element contains 2 input text fields and a jqueri slider. …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hi guys, A quick problem that I'm facing with a return method. I've created a page for a friend with a questionnaire and i am validating all the radio buttons, this works nicely. When i want to verify the input fields of text type, it alerts me but the return …

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for Dendei

public string[] LandsKodComboBox(string[] dendei1, string[] dendei2) { string[] dendei1 = new string[5]; string[] dendei2 = new string[7]; //assign the array dendei1[2]="hello"; //etc etc.... return dendei1, dendei2; } why cant i return both of them? or how do you write? thank you Dendei.

Member Avatar for Dendei
Member Avatar for robert.rook.501

I need a javascript routine to allow a page that is called to return to whatever page called it, however the new page itself may have multiple pages to go to, so standard javascript window-history-back will not work. I need something like original-page="xxxxxx.htm" Oh yes the routines for both pages …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Dendei

hey i want to return my whole string array but the program wants me to specify one public string CreateCards( string[] Cards) { Cards = new string[52]; for (int a = 0; a <= 51; a++) { if (a <= 12) { Cards[a] = " Hjärter " + (a+1).ToString(); } …

Member Avatar for Dendei
Member Avatar for code739

hi guys i got some problem with this code error said that exact fetch row return more than expected rows CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "MAINTAIN_REQUESTSTATUS1" (emplevel IN NUMBER,eid IN NUMBER,depid IN NUMBER,teamid IN NUMBER) is lastreq number; seq number; stat NUMBER; tok varchar2(60); appr number; CURSOR c1 IS select empid …

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for choosenalpha

Hi All, I am needing some assistance on how I can grab the values for the number of die that come up as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. I have the count variables holding the count for each one that fits the "if statement". But I can't use …

Member Avatar for choosenalpha
Member Avatar for dheredhere

Hey guys! I have an encryption project for school and i have to randomly generate a 3x3 matrix. I know how to assign the values to the 2d array but i am unsure how to return the array. I know it is possible to return a vector of a vector …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for MikeShepard

I am new to writing C# programs, actually new to object oriented programming. I normally write programs in PICK. But I have a software package that will call a pre-processor to allow us to modify a text file before it processes a the file from a 3rd party. I have …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for shaffatshah

hello everybody [CODE]void func1(){ // do something //exit the function if some error occurs (like segmentation fault) but continue running the rest of the program } void func2(){ //do something //exit the function if some error occurs (like segmentation fault) but continue running the rest of the program } int …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for pwolf

Stuck again, still, im learning from my large list of mistakes, haha so this time im trying to convert a decimal to hexadecimal, i tried using hex(number) but its not suitable for the situation as this returns a string. and i dont know how or if i can convert a …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for jackbauer24

What is the difference between "[CODE]return[/CODE]" and "[CODE]messageBox.Show("whatever")[/CODE]"? Also explain(efforts will be appreciated): What does [CODE]retern[/CODE] do?

Member Avatar for EBS.VivekGupta
Member Avatar for pwolf

the objective is as follows: Write a function splitWord(word, numOfChar) that takes in a word and a number as arguments. The function will split the word into smaller segments with each segment containing the number of letter specified in the numOfChar argument. These segments are stored and returned in a …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for pwolf

Write the function search(word, substring) that takes in a word and a substring as arguments and returns the position (0 indexed) of the substring if it is found in the word. The function returns -1 if the substring is not found. is there a method to do this? i tried; …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for cangan

Hi people, I need to change return type of a function. So function should return array values.In here, data type of the array values are not int,char or double. The data type of the array values are a kind of custom type. So confused. Please help:scared::idea::( [CODE] [COLOR="Red"]void [/COLOR]DataType_Class::insert_rowData_into_array() { …

Member Avatar for cangan
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, my $.post code returns a whole page i want to get only content inside a id from that . this is my code it alerts null. what's wrong with it..? [CODE] $(document).ready(function(){ var url_select_file = "index.php"; $.post(url_select_file, { component: "tinymce_details", action: "selecticondata" }, function(data){ //alert(data); alert($(data).find('#ContentPane').html()); } ); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for link_umer
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi , this is my code. i want to return data using a php page after processing a query within it. [CODE]$.post('check_booked.php', { room:roomv, srtdate:sdatev, eddate:sdatev}, function(data){ alert( data); });[/CODE] before completing php page i test using online code which returned nothing.. i don't know what wrong, as i have …

Member Avatar for solid222

I am trying to solve this question (homework) that says the following : [QUOTE]Write a program that calls a function computeSphere that computes the volume and the surface area of a sphere with given radius. The function should not perform any I/O operations. [/QUOTE] the main problem is how can …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for baldwindc

Hi, in a given c program where you have [CODE]myvar = sumR(char * arg1, int arg2)[/CODE] sumR is a function in an assembly .s file. I have done all the calculations, but I have no idea how to return the value to the calling c program. Any ideas? Thanks so …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for Mehnad

here is my entire code. now, the only problem I have stumbled upon is in the last method, getRow, where i have to extract a row from an array of string. could anyone please help me with this, i've been stuck for hours, not knowing why it calls "missing return …

Member Avatar for Mehnad
Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

Suppose I have a simple program to find the largest of two numbers of different datatypes and return the largest.I'm implementing it as a template to support generic datatypes [code] template<class T,class U> T max(T t,U u) return (t>u?t:u); int main() { int x=70; float y=100.5; max(x,y); return 0 } …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for superjj

hi I get an error, "has the wrong return type". it has something to do with "tim1.Tick += new System.EventHandler(tim1_tick);" Help me please. [CODE] Timer tim1 = new Timer(); DateTime huidigetijd = new DateTime(); private bool CheckTim1Start; public Wekker() { tim1.Tick += new System.EventHandler(tim1_tick); // tim1.Enabled = true; enable == …

Member Avatar for superjj
Member Avatar for shenanigans902

Hi, I keep getting the error message "Missing return statement" after my if else controls. I have return controls, I'm just not sure if I can implement multiple returns. For example, I am trying to create a method in which the middle value of a sequence of numbers is returned, …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for slidepuppy1

I want to return the value of i, but I don't know how. My code is: [CODE]public int indexOfFile(String filename) { int value=0; for(int i=0; i<DRIVE_SIZE; i++) { if(drive[i]!=null && drive[i].getName().equals(filename)) { value= i; }else{ value= -1; } } return value; }[/CODE] so I want the value of i, but …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Octet

Hello DaniWeb Users, I am new to the forum however from what I have seen it is exceptionally good! I have searched the forums already and found various questions relating to a similar problem as mine however I am unable to work out how I can amend this for my …

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for xiangzhuang

Hey guys I keep getting the "no return statement error in two places, I have commented them for you [CODE] /** * A WordsCompare object stores Strings. It is used to determine if the first word * should be placed before or after the second word in the dictionary */ …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hai, I Have an sp like this: [CODE]ALTER procedure [dbo].[SP_ClassInsertion] @ClassType varchar(50), @ClassTypeId varchar(50), @ClassName varchar(50), @SchoolId varchar(50), @ClassID varchar(50), @BatchId varchar(50), @Userid uniqueidentifier, @ClassCategoryId varchar(50), @SchoolClassCategoryId varchar(50) as declare @STATUS int begin if exists(select Class_Id from SCH_Class where Class_Name=@ClassName and School_Id=@SchoolId and Is_Valid=1) begin set @STATUS=0 end else begin …

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The End.