Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Brian Wozeniak … for Ozzu full time, we were able to get enough revenue from that to support everything. These days not so much… Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. … their site. As clearly stated on their site, they earn revenue from affiliate deals. Thus, their success largely depends on how… Re: What is ROI in influencer marketing? Digital Media Digital Marketing by m2host The return on investment (ROI) that a brand gets from working with influencers to promote their goods or services is referred to in influencer marketing. This metric compares campaign revenue to partnership costs to assess influencer marketing campaign success. Re: What is ROI in influencer marketing? Digital Media Digital Marketing by markwilson860 … incurred. ROI in influencer marketing is calculated by assessing the revenue or benefits derived from the campaign, such as increased sales… Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Alexandro Revenue sharing forums are free but I get out because : - the revenue is very very low to zero - and the most important i got many invalid clicks so to be safe I get out. Maybe other users that use or used a revenue sharing forum can write their opinion about how much money can you get and about invalid clicks. Revenue Calculator won't display data in labels Programming Software Development by tuckerdwz2025 … intClassC = CInt(txtClassC.Text) 'Calculate the Revenue for each class sngRevenueA = CSng(intClassA * …sngRevenueC = CSng(intClassC * int_CLASS_C_PRICE) 'Calculate the total Revenue sngTotalRevenue = sngRevenueA + sngRevenueB + sngRevenueC 'Display the … Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by wiicopy nothing illegal in revenue sharing forums, digitalpoint forums is the sample, hubpages also allows revenue sharing program in their hub business, so that is nothing prohibits here, the only problem is to recruit as many member to contribute high quality content and quality visitor, this is what determine revenue sharing program works or fails Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by aboyd … not sure how Google would even be able to detect revenue sharing. The ad that appears on the page uses Google…'s JavaScript code [i]exactly[/i] as Google specifies. Doing revenue sharing doesn't involve breaking Google's code, nor does… Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by PC101 Hello, Revenue sharing is perfectly legal as Google has given the owner … the lower right corner in little text.... [B]"Adsense Revenue Sharing Hack - Get It Now!"[/B] There's a… Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by WebHoster … like to know more. In addition to this sort of revenue, there are also some reseller programs that can be lucrative…;> [quote=dolphins;221690]Hey All, I just heard about revenue sharing forums, where members can essentially earn revenues on the… Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Alexandro [quote=dolphins;221690]Hey All, I just heard about revenue sharing forums, where members can essentially earn revenues on the … great thing if it was possible. Thanks:mrgreen:[/quote] In revenue sharing forums is not easy to earn because all people… Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by x3mario [QUOTE]- the revenue is very very low to zero - and the most important i got many invalid clicks [/QUOTE] Yeah. This is true. It's your luck if you can get better income in revenue sharing forum. Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by dolphins Hey All, I just heard about revenue sharing forums, where members can essentially earn revenues on the … Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani There are a couple of webmaster forums that do revenue sharing with Google AdSense. For example, if you have a … Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by playkid yeah i think google allows this kind of sharing because theres tons of website that are offering revenue sharing. Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by contactsonia [QUOTE=playkid]yeah i think google allows this kind of sharing because theres tons of website that are offering revenue sharing.[/QUOTE] And the best example of this is Digital Point Forums. They have been doing soon for years now. Does anybody know a working hack for vBulletin 3.5.x? Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by 010081 oh yea just put my adsense code in digitalpoint forum god my daily revenue from DP is around $7 this works Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by dojo … even thought about plugging in my code. I think my revenue would be that small it;s just not worth it… Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Football.SG It depends on what forum discussion you're running too. Personally, I don't think adsense revenue sharing will work for non webmaster-related forums. B'coz mostly only webmasters had adsense account with google. Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani Yes ... while revenue sharing is, indeed, a cool idea, its implementation is often so limited. A more unique way might be to write a fancy script which automatically PayPal's members. Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by einfoway [QUOTE=Alexandro;389000]In revenue sharing forums is not easy to earn because all people … Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by mickmel [URL=""]There is a Squidoo lens[/URL] with a huge list of rev. sharing forums. It's set-up so you can add your own if you have one. The number of sites doing this is quite impressive. Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by jc22 … of rev share forums, just started offering a revenue sharing program as well. It's a bit different though… Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by einfoway … of rev share forums, just started offering a revenue sharing program as well. It's a bit different though… Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by alivedot [QUOTE=010081;237890]oh yea just put my adsense code in digitalpoint forum god my daily revenue from DP is around $7 this works[/QUOTE] Hey! I'm quite interested on your DP earnings..Can you further explain how it works? How do you put your adsense code at DP. Can you make a detailed instructions please..just interested. thanks Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by llcoolrobb yes,i have earned a few dllors a week from revenue sharing on digital point forums! Re: Revenue Sharing Forums?? Digital Media Digital Marketing by enbeeone3 these days many social media websites are revenue sharing. SNIP