Hey All,

I just heard about revenue sharing forums, where members can essentially earn revenues on the quality of there posts. This can be done because having better threads, that get more views can earn more money for the member creating the thread. As a community, it becomes a win-win situation for both the community and the members as it promotes discussion. Has anyone heard or know anything about this? I think it could be a real great thing if it was possible.


There are a couple of webmaster forums that do revenue sharing with Google AdSense. For example, if you have a Google AdSense account (for your own website), you can plug your account number into your profile. Then, whenever someone views a thread, part of the time it will be the account number of the thread starter, part of the time it will be the account number of a random poster in the thread, and part of the time it will be the forum owner's account number ... hooked up to the Google AdSense seen on the thread.

Of course, this really only works with webmaster forums. Additionally, I'm pretty sure it violates Google's terms of service, but I'm not 100% on that.

Of course, this really only works with webmaster forums. Additionally, I'm pretty sure it violates Google's terms of service, but I'm not 100% on that.

I was wondering about the same thing. I doubt that Google allows that. Yet, this "feature" is advertised on some of the webmaster forums that I have visited.
Google must be aware of this and yet it did not take any action against those who use this practice.

Yeah, but I wouldn't risk it.

yeah i think google allows this kind of sharing because theres tons of website that are offering revenue sharing.

I'm pretty sure it violates Google's terms of service, but I'm not 100% on that.

I'm about to implement this on one of my forums. I'm looking at Google's terms and I cannot find anything that would prohibit this. Can you explain how it violates the TOS? I don't want to get in trouble.

Hmm. To be honest, I'm not sure how Google would even be able to detect revenue sharing. The ad that appears on the page uses Google's JavaScript code exactly as Google specifies. Doing revenue sharing doesn't involve breaking Google's code, nor does it involve any trickery. The ad on the page is plain JavaScript with an AdSense ID, like any other ad.

Of course, I've been wrong about Google before, which is why I ask.


As a community, it becomes a win-win situation for both the community and the members as it promotes discussion.

Not only that, it promotes quality discussion, because the people participating don't want to drive away members. Suddenly, the top posters start to view your site the way you view it. They want to provoke discussion without provoking flame wars or anything that jeopardizes the number of viewers.

Has anyone heard or know anything about this? I think it could be a real great thing if it was possible.

Fairly easy with phpBB. Grab the phpBB mod, Custom Profile Fields. Add 2 custom fields to the profile -- 1 for the AdSense ID, and 1 for the Campaign ID. VBulletin can do custom fields built-in, so that should be easy.

Next, the only difficult step. You query the database when a topic is viewed. You get the IDs for the person who started the topic. Then, using PHP's echo statements (or print, whatever your system uses), you write out the Google AdSense JavaScript code, plugging in the IDs of the topic starter. The page is sent to the person's browser, the JavaScript is run as usual, and Google serves an ad for that ID. If someone clicks an ad, Google credits it to that ID, not yours.

After that, you can get pretty fancy. You can plug in your own values if the person who started the topic never entered an ID. You can do yours 50% of the time, and theirs 50% of the time. You can do it randomly, based upon anyone who posted in the topic. You could tie it to their reputation or karma. Lots of ways to do it.


yeah i think google allows this kind of sharing because theres tons of website that are offering revenue sharing.

And the best example of this is Digital Point Forums. They have been doing soon for years now.

Does anybody know a working hack for vBulletin 3.5.x?

oh yea just put my adsense code in digitalpoint forum god my daily revenue from DP is around $7 this works

I think its a great too to increase forum activity.


Revenue sharing is perfectly legal as Google has given the owner of the website permission to place Google ads there on the site. Whether the webmaster wants to place thier own ads or someone elses, Google doesn't care... they get paid either way! ;)

Rev sharing is available on my forum and when you look at the Google ads (click any thread or forum... cuz their not on the home page) you'll see in the lower right corner in little text....

"Adsense Revenue Sharing Hack - Get It Now!"

There's a link there that will take you to the hack that Steve (I think was his name) placed on my forum. This particular hack was the best by far but all his coding is encrypted AND he will only let you have it if HE places it on your site.

It's a neat hack in that you can set the percentage of sharing AND you can make the sharing unavailable to anyone who posts UNDER a certain amount. SO, it's very plug and play! I like that! :)

The cost WITH the text/link above is $100. If you don't want that link and referral back to the guy's site then the price is $150.00.



I never used this and I don't have to complain about quality of the posts. Quality in posting is done with personal example from the staff and admin. When people see we don't post spammy one liners thet understand we mean business.

As for the hack, never used it. Even if I am active in some of the forums that use this trick, I never even thought about plugging in my code. I think my revenue would be that small it;s just not worth it. My humble opinion :)

There are quite a few forum out there using it. I'd not go so far as to call it a "trick." There's nothing shadowy about this hack! lol

I'd not use the one that costs either... the one I referenced in my previous post. There's a free one on VB.org and I just found out that upgrading can cause you to lose the that costs. Then you have to pay ($25/hour) to have the guy put it back on. Hmm! :(


you need to have traffic on your forums

Has any one tried using google adsense with phpbb forum. i have small start up forum and would like to use that so that we get quality content.

Also is their anything apart from google adsense. That we could offer to our users. At present we are just offering free hosting but would like users to get paid so we started with $5 contest that didnt work. If you know anything elase do let us know.

It depends on what forum discussion you're running too.
Personally, I don't think adsense revenue sharing will work for non webmaster-related forums.
B'coz mostly only webmasters had adsense account with google.

Yes ... while revenue sharing is, indeed, a cool idea, its implementation is often so limited. A more unique way might be to write a fancy script which automatically PayPal's members.

Thanks for this information. I've heard a little about it, but would like to know more. In addition to this sort of revenue, there are also some reseller programs that can be lucrative, like the one we're using -- with << snip >>

Hey All,

I just heard about revenue sharing forums, where members can essentially earn revenues on the quality of there posts. This can be done because having better threads, that get more views can earn more money for the member creating the thread. As a community, it becomes a win-win situation for both the community and the members as it promotes discussion. Has anyone heard or know anything about this? I think it could be a real great thing if it was possible.


I am still looking for stable mod for phpbb fourm. :( tried few but they done seem to be stable.

If any one of you have any idea do let me know. Since my forum is webmasters forum it will surly help him as well mine site.

Hey All,

I just heard about revenue sharing forums, where members can essentially earn revenues on the quality of there posts. This can be done because having better threads, that get more views can earn more money for the member creating the thread. As a community, it becomes a win-win situation for both the community and the members as it promotes discussion. Has anyone heard or know anything about this? I think it could be a real great thing if it was possible.


In revenue sharing forums is not easy to earn because all people there are webmaster are in general blind to adsense.
I was in this scheme but I get out.

In revenue sharing forums is not easy to earn because all people there are webmaster are in general blind to adsense.
I was in this scheme but I get out.

Well you have nothing to invest. You have to just add your google id in your profile. rest you can post on forums as you normally do. If you have a good luck and in the forum you have some keywords that have high cost adwords and if any one clicks on it you might get direct $100. Yes this is not a fack or any guess. I have many adwords running with keywords in range of $0.5 to $50. You can read more on same at forum Mod: If you think posting this link is not fair you can remove it.

Revenue sharing forums are free but I get out because :

- the revenue is very very low to zero
- and the most important i got many invalid clicks

so to be safe I get out.

Maybe other users that use or used a revenue sharing forum can write their opinion about how much money can you get and about invalid clicks.

There is a Squidoo lens with a huge list of rev. sharing forums. It's set-up so you can add your own if you have one.

The number of sites doing this is quite impressive.

hey thats cool

Just to add to the list of rev share forums, Menuism.com just started offering a revenue sharing program as well.

It's a bit different though. Your adsense ID is inserted on 50% of the page views of users you refer to the site through your affiliate link.


I already heard about this but not earn yet...

Just to add to the list of rev share forums, Menuism.com just started offering a revenue sharing program as well.

It's a bit different though. Your adsense ID is inserted on 50% of the page views of users you refer to the site through your affiliate link.


Any idea if we can get similar mod for phpbb3?

i run a adsense sharing forum in my sig

i run a adsense sharing forum in my sig

Are you using phpbb?

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