64 Topics

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Member Avatar for SoulReaper1680

Hey, I have four labels in a form: label1, label2, label3, and label4. Now, if this was VB.NET, I would have used the following code to change their contents without having to type the code for each one separately: [CODE]For I = 1 To 4 Me.Controls("label" & I).Text = "Some …

Member Avatar for SoulReaper1680
Member Avatar for Muhammad Anas

Hello guys, I am trying to declare a two dimensional array in C++ on runtime. For this purpose I am asking the user about how many rows and columns should be created in the array. I have written the following code for this purpose. Apparently it is working just fine. …

Member Avatar for Muhammad Anas
Member Avatar for pravej

Hi All, I just wrote a program of string. In the below program every blank space will be replace by char 'x'. The program compiled successfully but it dint not run, give error. What I am doing wrong plz suggest me. [CODE]#include<iostream.h> using namespace std; int f1( char *st); int …

Member Avatar for pravej
Member Avatar for Hellborg

hello there, i have a problem, it might be trivial but i cannot for the life of me understandw what is causing it. so i have a numeric updown and based on the value, it loops and creates as many txtboxes as the value in hte numupdown. and then i …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Robbie Y.

Hey guys! I'm trying to write a program that involves a switch/case on Microsoft Visual Studion 2010. Unfortunately, some of my variables are not being initialized. I am a very novie programmer so please have mercy on me! Two of my options (1,4) are working but options (2,3) are not. …

Member Avatar for Robbie Y.
Member Avatar for bhattpratik

Hello Everyone !!!! [COLOR="Red"][B]Is It Possible To Create JSP at A runtime ?[/B][/COLOR] It Means Can we Get The Data From One JSP And then Show it on another JSP which is Generated [B]By Coding [/B]Through Runtime ? Please Help......:S

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, I want to know two things here.. 1. Can we create object variable on Run time? 2. Can we store one object variable's data (Object) into another object variable? Please guide me sir/madam. Because, i have no idea in this regard.

Member Avatar for P.manidas
Member Avatar for scarlettmoon

Hi ~ I am getting a strange [B]RunTime Error[/B] while debugging my code. Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'player' was corrupted. Code is below. Would love some help on this one. Thanks. ps ~ I realize that system("pause") is frowned upon but it is what we …

Member Avatar for scarlettmoon
Member Avatar for Voidz

Hi DW(DaniWeb) - I hope that's the correct term, since I'm a total Python/DaniWeb noob. I [B]think[/B] Python doesn't have a RE(Runtime Environment), but Python has the option for one. [URL="http://www.python.org/download/"]http://www.python.org/download/[/URL]. So, basically what I want to know is, do you [B]have[/B] to have a RE(Runtime Environment) or anything like …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for echocoder

I am using the following string and Java code to create a user on a Linux box via Java. [CODE=java] ... String x = "/usr/sbin/useradd -g users -s /bin/bash -c 'FIRST M LAST, STERK,DIV-DIS-OFF,123-456-2913' -p 2342asdfa231rcawef09 -d /home/flast -m flast"; RunCommand(x); ... [/CODE] However, upon execution it spins a list …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for satti

am facing an error 'Run time error:424 Object required, Private Sub Form_Load()iam highlighting the error in code below. [CODE]Private Sub cmdAddEntry_Click() ' add a new entry to our table. With DataEnvironment1.rsDataTable .AddNew !CodeNo = txtCodeNo !DealerName = txtDealerName !TruckNumber = txtTruckNumber !Quantity = txtQuantity !NetPrice = txtNetPrice !Commision = txtCommision …

Member Avatar for satti
Member Avatar for kebbby

I have this Algorithm that sorts array of integers implemented in a simple inventory system in Visual Basic 6.0 for my thesis. The system can sort items by total price, unit price, quantity, etc. But when the input number is within 7 or more digits (ex: 3,382,328), the application produces …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Aelphaeis

Essentially, my problem is that I have a program that dynamically creates controls. The Controls included are buttons and on click I want the buttons to remove themselves and all related data. The problem is I'm not sure how to identify the buttons from within the delete method. The important …

Member Avatar for Aelphaeis
Member Avatar for Timmo987

Hi! I need to be able to change the location of the database at runtime through a menu in my program. My question is how to best achieve this. If for example the ip to the server change, the user need to be able to update the database path; i.e. …

Member Avatar for Timmo987
Member Avatar for ricky_125

Hello, Any ideas why this is giving a segmentation fault?: #include <iostream> #include <new> using namespace std; struct List { int A; int B; List *next; }; int main(void) { int llength; llength=1111111111; List *L; L= new List[llength]; L[37370197].B=-37370197; delete [] L; return 0; } Cheers

Member Avatar for ricky_125
Member Avatar for Tango2010

Hi All, I wonder if anyone could help? I have a large Java program which needs at various points to run UNIX commands. The only wayI have found to do this is below (although I would have liked the program to output all terminal commands into the same window (shell) …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Nirvin M

I am developing a science application on VB.NET. I want the controls to be edited, resized, and drag & dropped (like in Visual Studio IDE) by the user during runtime. How to achieve this functionality? Please help...

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for xxunknown321

I believe the error has something to do with my mergeArray function. Its a modified version of the insertNode function. i tried to make it so that i can loop through and insert an entire array of elements into a linkedList. My program compiles without error but gives me a …

Member Avatar for xxunknown321
Member Avatar for asiaenforcer

I have able to generate several labels and textboxes based on a table in the database during runtime. My problem is that I could not get these values from these textboxes whenever a user changes these values and update them. Thank you for any answer or idea. I am using …

Member Avatar for simongh2
Member Avatar for meazza

hello fellow programmers. I am having an anoying problem with a Contact book i am making. As the title of this thread suggests i am getting that error but only when i call for a specific function in the program called void search(). All the other functions in the class …

Member Avatar for meazza
Member Avatar for deepak_1706

In my Forms application i tried to resize a pictureBox control during runtime and it seems to give some trouble. There is scale factor scalex , scaley which i applied to the width and height property of the control. [CODE] tempw = 980.0f; temph = 130.0f; tempw = float.Parse(pictureBox1.Width.ToString()); temph …

Member Avatar for deepak_1706
Member Avatar for hi5.ankit

I have 10 buttons and a textbox on my widow form. 11th button to fire the operation. Task is that i need to input a no. in the textbox ranging from 1-10, and press the fire button. This should change the forecolor of the respective button in the form. Suppose …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for epicasian

Hello all, My question is, when using Visual Studio, and compiling this piece of code: [code] int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 32, SDL_OPENGL); SDL_WM_SetCaption("OpenGL Awesomeness", NULL); //run time error here SDL_Event event; while(event.type != SDL_QUIT) { SDL_PollEvent(&event); RenderScene(); SetupRC(); SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); SDL_Delay(60); } SDL_Quit(); return 0; } …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for Tweed

I have a form that creates a row of checkboxes depending on the type of analysis the user wants to perform on the incoming file. I need to be able to determine if the checkbox is "checked" but I don't know how to do that when the controls are created …

Member Avatar for Tweed
Member Avatar for oneml

Hi I am getting a Runtime error when I debug this code. Could someone lend a helping hand? It will be very much appreciated.[code]#include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const int SIZE = 9; int numbers[SIZE]; int counter; int temp_swap=0; counter=0; cout << "This …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for leiger

This is code I've taken from another website, and adapted to work with the JFileChooser. I got it working so that someone could select a java file with the chooser, and I'd send a "java -jar FILENAME" to the console and the app would launch. However as soon as I …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for leiger

Python works fine in the console, but I'm having problems using python in a Java program. In case someone here has any ideas, I'm posting a link back to my original post (please reply there and not here): [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1246152.html#post1246152[/url] Thanks!

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for zismad

Hi all, i need a 26 rows by 8 colums check boxes table. i get the number of rows from a data base so i prefere to create the check boxes at run time. the thing is it takes something like 10 seconds on my powerful computer to draw them …

Member Avatar for zismad
Member Avatar for reid1

I restarted my computer and bootup to desktop was extremely slow...it took about 5 minutes to display. I received a Microsoft C++ Runtime error message with the following path. Program:...es\common files\RoxioShared\9.0\SharedCom\RoxWatch9.exe I thought that it may be associated with RealPlayer SP that I downloaded about a month ago so I …

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Member Avatar for DarwinRock

I need to load a single jpg image to a windows form at run time. file name / path is a given. Any insight on how to do this?

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The End.