Quantum Computers: Mysterious Export Bans and the Future of Encryption Community Center by Johannes C. … of these export controls across different countries hints at some form of secret international consensus. The European Commission has clarified that… With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. …—if all that disappeared, chaos would surely ensue in one form or another. ## *Decentralize!* ## Yes, humanity would most likely recover from… Generate custom autonumber Programming Software Development by Bhopat ….net-(VISUAL STUDIO 2010) with MS SQL database. When the form load the autonumber should be displayed in text. And when… Re: Generate custom autonumber Programming Software Development by pritaeas Personally, I'd use three separate (number) columns for this, combined with an INSERT trigger. The value you want to show can be a calculated column, combining the three into your display format of choice. Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner … that I own), (not even a real email address) and form emailed successfully. And by changing only 1 line of code… Graph of quadratic function with CanvasRenderingContext2D Programming Web Development by alexanderrm2024 …> This programme calculates zeros of quadratic polynomials of the form ax² + bx + c and graphically displays the solution in the…="submit" value="Calculate zeros"> </form> <p id="output"/> </body… ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. …**, as it will become increasingly necessary to use a short form in order to illustrate this notion. First, I submit that… of novelty. It is conceivable that a system develops a form of ‘**existential boredom**’ or a lack of intrinsic motivation to… How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by carnoico … forms/surveys on the same page, we want each feedback form/survey under student name and rank so they can easily… Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri … code). 2. Bells and Whistles included (Routing, MVC, Database interaction, form building, etc.) 3. Integration with Composer/Packagist. 4. Proven to… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Dani … web design means that the design changes based on the form factor or dimensions of the web browser window). However, what…? e.g. click on a specific button, fill out a form, etc.), as well as behavioral psychology, to design the best… Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani … a brick 'n' mortar that uses PHP for a contact form, etc.), OOP is an almost necessary way to organize code… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani You only need to use htmlspecialchars() if the text appears on a website or an HTML email. I’m not sure if you need it if you’re sending plaintext emails. Re: Graph of quadratic function with CanvasRenderingContext2D Programming Web Development by Dani Have you learned how to graph things? Did your professor teach you about using Canvas yet? Here is a tutorial for getting started: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by simhakidsden It's quite baffling to witness such a stark contrast in Dell's approach to promoting Ubuntu between Europe and the USA. Their inconsistent messaging only adds to the confusion for potential customers. Hopefully, Dell can streamline their marketing strategy to provide clearer information and support for Linux enthusiasts worldwide. Re: How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by Dani If I understand you correctly, what you're asking for is custom development work. If you don't already have an in-house developer working on your website who is capable of doing this, you most likely will need to go the custom consulting route. You can use freelance services such as [Upwork](https://www.upwork.com/) or [Toptal](https://www.toptal.… Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by Dani Wow, this is old. I just stumbled upon it and it’s so crazy looking back at old code you wrote once upon a time. Especially since we are still working off the same framework so it’s just interesting to see how much it’s morphed and evolved over the years. Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri Glad to know that Daniweb uses CodeIgniter! It's a very minimal but robust framework and has all the bells and whistles which other so called "modern" frameworks keep talking about. I myself use CI3 for most of my freelance projects. For database interaction, I usually don't use the CI models, I prefer dealing with the `$this->db` … Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by Dani I started with CI3 probably like a decade ago, and that’s what I’m continuing to use, albeit with a bunch of security updates and so forth. It’s not worth it to me to upgrade to CI4 right now since that would pretty much be a complete rewrite of the entire app for not much upside. Do you have any experience with CI4? Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri I have never bothered to check CI4 as CI3 fulfilled all my web development needs. It required some modifications when PHP 8 came (PHP 8 didn't allow dynamic properties which are used in CI3). But otherwise, it works fine for most small to medium sized projects. One of the best things about CI3 is that it works out of the box with minimum initial … Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani I've posted my story many times before, but here it is again :) I've been programming the majority of my life, first in Apple BASIC, then QBasic, then Visual Basic, then C++. PHP was my first foray into web development, and DaniWeb was my first project. DaniWeb started 22 years ago with phpBB, and then evolved to vBulletin. I knew the phpBB code… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri That's a very fascinating journey, Dani. The early era of the Internet was very different, bulletin boards and IRC were phenomenal, especially when it came to quality of interaction. It's a great achievement that you not only used to be a part but also helped build parts of that Internet. As the PHP creator himself once said, CodeIgniter is a … Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by soly_1 Although superintelligence and God are both considered "mighty entities," the devil is in the details. A superintelligence merely needs code; unlike supernatural beings, it doesn't require faith. The proof isn't found in antiquated literature, but rather in the quick developments in AI and machine learning. Though, in my opinion, the … Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by olivia_24 It also assumes that said AI will be vindictive (like the gods). If the theory is correct, why would a sentient AI need to be vengeful once it has been created? In any case, there is still no evidence that machine consciousness it attainable. At least one engineer involved in the development of OpenAI has made claims about consciousness, but those … Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani Have you played around at all with jQuery 4 yet? Re: form help Digital Media UI / UX Design by almostbob … the browser is predefiend the submit button on a form sends text, textarea : name & contents pair select, checkbox,radio … selected item with no further coding needed, [code=html]<form action='./emailhandler.php' method='post'> <select name='email_address…> <input type='submit' value='send email'></form>[/code] Re: Form Programming Web Development by tgreer Form processing and email generation are server-side tasks. You'll need to ask this question in the forum for whichever server-side language you use (PHP, ASP, ASP.NET...). Form wouldn't submit Programming Software Development by rockbluster …dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"); dojo.require ("dijit.form.Form"); dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox"); dojo.require… ("dijit.form.FilteringSelect"); dojo.require… Form captcha Programming Web Development by davy_yg …" field'); return false; } return true; } </script> <form action="?done=1" method="post" name…;</td> </tr> </table> </form> Your Name: Your Email: Message: Are you a human…