Sensor, data retrival Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo …to get data reading from mobile phone's in-built sensor with JSR-256 and Java Microedition [code….HCENTER | Graphics.BOTTOM); y += fh; if(mKeyCode != 0) { // Get sensor data xCor = sd.getX(); yCor = sd.getY(); zCor = sd.getZ… Re: Sensor Programming Programming Computer Science by wildgoose RS-422 or RS-485 would be an appropriate serial connection. Handles distance. Since it sounds like you're putting a processor (may I recommend a PIC) directly attached to the sensor(s) you may consider putting an LED on an output driver as well. You can self test by toggling the LED on and off and monitoring the input sensor. Sensor Programming Programming Computer Science by justin105 … availability but i m not sure what to use to sensor it.. any help will be appreciated a lot Re: Sensor Programming Programming Computer Science by wildgoose … so as to build your project. You want to do sensor monitoring but keep focusing on a camera, which you really… Re: Sensor Programming Programming Computer Science by justin105 … so as to build your project. You want to do sensor monitoring but keep focusing on a camera, which you really… Re: Sensor Programming Programming Computer Science by Colin Mac That's all that's needed for the sensor. The IR LED is on constantly. The output is taken from the collector of the phototransistor, which acts as a switch. When an object blocks the IR light, the phototransistor is off and the output is HIGH. When there is nothing in between, it's on and the output is LOW. Re: Sensor Programming Programming Computer Science by wildgoose …? And what about those overline parkers? First problem is the sensor. Work on it first! Hint: There's a reason automated… Android Sensor prob Programming Mobile Development by Viped …import; import android.hardware.Sensor; import android.hardware.SensorEvent; import android.… method stub if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) { mGravity = event.values; } if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) { mGeomagnetic = … Class: Class():Sensor(),rsensor(),rvelocity(){} Programming Software Development by Suraine …] class RotationSensor : public Sensor { public: RotationSensor(const Port port, int position = 0) : Sensor((Sensor::Port) port, true),…// CONF_DSENSOR_VELOCITY { on(); //! Turn on tracking of the sensor pos(position); //! Set the current position } .......................................................... }[/code] Thanks… The next small thing: an 8-megapixel image sensor for your cell phone Community Center by happygeek …first 8-megapixel CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) image sensor using a miniature 1.75 micron pixel design in … performance to your camera equipped cell phone, the new sensor packs a secondary potential punch: speed. The inclusion of…argues that the speed and power of the new sensor enable the use of a smaller lens without compromising … accessing values from sensor API,dll etc Programming Software Development by zaraf … it detects colors in terms of RGB values. The sensor is from a famous company and has been supplied with… should be called in order to access the values from sensor. For example, int USB_DLL_API MTCSGetADCAVR2( int iIndex, unsigned short* …use these functions so I could access the values from sensor, I was wondering if someone could give me a … Re: accessing values from sensor API,dll etc Programming Software Development by zaraf … have set to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\sensor\MTCSApi.h because this is where I have placed my…;ReturnVal; } [/code] just to see, as you said that if sensor was being initialized or not. i made this cpp file… debug it takes me to the header file of the sensor. I was wondering if one of you could suggest that… How to capture motion with magnetic sensor? Hardware and Software Hardware by heswtone999 … that detects human movement using magnetic sensors. These sensor will be attached to the human body. The …system. I understand that you must have a magnetic sensor (Any suggests on which would be helpful) that… information. So a basic overall of the structue is: Sensor (Detects movement) ------> Transmitter ------>PC Any ideas… help?Accessing a sensor with C++ Programming Software Development by zaraf Dear All, Lately I had been using a color sensor to read some colors in terms of RGB and XYZ …values. The sensor is supplied with a GUI on which I could view… the results. The sensor consists of a chip with a microcontroller (i dont know… Wireless Sensor Network Programming Computer Science by agieli … name is Eli.I'm working on developing a wireless sensor network for detecting bluetooth presence(switched on from a phone…).i have been trying to search which sensor nodes to use,but i'm abit there…,cause i need a bit of help on few basics(sensor nodes to use,and appropriate programming language) Thank you Problem with adding values from a sensor to an ArraList Programming Mobile Development by hatebin …'m stuck on adding Values from a sensor to an arrayList. The sensor is working good because it shows my …{ runSenor(); ...///SOME CODE OVER HERE///... } @Override public void onSensorChanged(int sensor, float[] values) { aL.add(values[1]); Log.d("Log… trying to write a program that takes input from a sensor and output to LED Programming Software Development by jason007thomas … how do I write code to take input from a sensor and turns on a LED? I'm writing an assembly… program that will read information from a sensor that will detect whether its raining or not. the… sensor will be the input and the LED will be the … Re: trying to write a program that takes input from a sensor and output to LED Programming Software Development by sbesch … should be trivial. What is not clear is the Rain sensor. Since you say nothing about the nature of the… sensor, it is really almost impossible to make any suggestions. Is …it a simple conductivity threshhold sensor: on when wet, off when dry? Or is it something… How to measure the time proximity sensor is registering near in android Programming Mobile Development by thing2 … long my finger has been in front of the proximity sensor? I am making a mp3 player app and right now… when I wave my hand over the sensor it changes songs. I wanted to add the functionality of… holding it over the sensor for a couple seconds to pause it and likewise to… Re: Java Swing and external Proximity sensor Programming Software Development by rproffitt … Java doesn't matter yet. You need to pick your sensor and then find a way to get that connected. There… boards and the way too many sensor boards there. Once you think you have your sensor picked out then you code up… your Pi board to be a sensor via your LAN (big nod to IoT.)… Re: Class: Class():Sensor(),rsensor(),rvelocity(){} Programming Software Development by Suraine … more confident now, thanks. The next question is, for: RotationSensor(...) : Sensor (...), rsensor(...), rvelocity(...) { on(); pos(position); } wat does this block of… Re: accessing values from sensor API,dll etc Programming Software Development by zaraf … hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibrary("D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\sensor\Debug\MTCSApi.dll"); /* get pointer to the function in… magnetic sensor Programming Software Development by anniedemas … home security system. i have test my magnetic sensor but fail to test my,i need some help from anyone… Designing Pressure Sensor Serial Library Programming Software Development by CanYouHandstand … could recommend a pattern that could be used for designing sensor / device communication libraries. Ideally whatever architecture I use for this… if it can be re-used for another type of sensor. Cheers guys Cameron Android Motion Sensor Programming Mobile Development by chuyauchi … from the emulator. I would like to add the motion sensor to move the ball. How do I use the motion…; import; import android.hardware.Sensor; import android.hardware.SensorListener; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import android… Re: Android Motion Sensor Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo You cannot do it in emulator as you need real device. Then just look for motion sensor tutoriala as there are many with ball control/monitoring Re: Java Swing and external Proximity sensor Programming Software Development by scheppy … my pc. The data will be coming from a proximety sensor somewhere else, lets say 50ft away, I dont know anything… about boards, In terms of the sensor, Anything will do, are there special brands for java? How… Air Temperature Sensor error in Dell Dimension C521 Hardware and Software Hardware by avi4ya Air Temperature Sensor error in Dell Dimension (Desktop) C521 , anyone has any clue ??? which platform should i select for making a biometric sensor? Programming Computer Science by deepaksabu7 hi guys, i'm planning to make a biometric sensor as my final year project..but i'm stuck at chosing a suitable platform..please give me some suggestions? .net or c# or any other language..which is better? working on proximity sensor in c# Programming Software Development by jain1.anuj hello, i have a device with proximity sensor. how can i use it with the help of c#? how can i get the distance of object with the help of the device??