17 Topics

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Member Avatar for ZixCo

Hi. I am making a program and I started at the first example for sphinx 4. I can't even run the program becouse I get an error:new ConfigurationManager(args [0]) so I can't even run the program. Please help. Here is my code: import java.net.URL; import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice; import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager; import edu.cmu.sphinx.frontend.util.Microphone; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Dani

We store a list of keywords in the database as a comma-delimited string. I want to use Sphinx to query against the field, but I'm worried that the keywords would all be treated as a single word since there are no spaces. I went ahead and edited the MySQL query …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm attempting to use Sphinx for the first time in awhile. require('includes/lib/sphinxapi.php'); // Sphinx Search API $cl = new SphinxClient(); $cl->SetServer($config['SphinxServer']); $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE); $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ANY); $articles = $cl->Query('Foo', 'articles delta'); If I then do `var_dump($articles);` it just always returns `bool(false)`. What am I doing wrong? If, from the CLI on the web …

Member Avatar for vfedorkov
Member Avatar for SMVK

I am goign to do a project which needs voice input to be done. I looked through HTML 5 have tags for voice input. I like to use Sphinx 4 to do speech to text conversion? Where do i start? Any help please...

Member Avatar for ohblahitsme

Hey everyone, I'm trying work on a text based game and I'm a little stuck with navigating the rooms. So let's say I'm in a room with another room to the north, east, south, and west. I wanted to create a "navigation" function which takes four parameters, which are the …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ghada ali

I have a code for speech recognition but it not work good it has a problem in line 31 what is the solution ??? [code] import edu.cmu.sphinx.frontend.util.Microphone; import edu.cmu.sphinx.recognizer.Recognizer; import edu.cmu.sphinx.result.Result; import edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.ConfigurationManager; import edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.PropertyException; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class HelloWorld …

Member Avatar for ghada ali
Member Avatar for Tajinderpal

I am making a voice recognizer for my media player so as to stop and play the song through my voice .I tried to run a demo program given in the sphinx src through command prompt .I have also used apache ant to build sphinx pgm .when irun the demo …

Member Avatar for gthiruppathi
Member Avatar for azzaid

please anyone help me i take example from sphinx4-1.0beta6 but when i run it in netbeans this error appear run: Exception in thread "main" Property exception component:'dictionary' property:'fillerPath' - Can't locate resource:/WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz/dict/fillerdict edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.InternalConfigurationException: Can't locate resource:/WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz/dict/fillerdict at edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.ConfigurationManagerUtils.getResource(ConfigurationManagerUtils.java:483) at edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.dictionary.FastDictionary.newProperties(FastDictionary.java:149) at edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.PropertySheet.getOwner(PropertySheet.java:505) at edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.PropertySheet.getComponent(PropertySheet.java:287) at edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.language.ngram.SimpleNGramModel.newProperties(SimpleNGramModel.java:97) at edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.PropertySheet.getOwner(PropertySheet.java:505) at edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.PropertySheet.getComponent(PropertySheet.java:287) …

Member Avatar for daitkarsachin

Hi all, I am developing an application which needs to comapre voice and match them through java. I am using jsapi and CMU Sphinx engine.But i need to recognize hindi words from the user. Would anyone let me know how can i achieve this ? Thanks & Regards Sachin

Member Avatar for Dani

I currently use Sphinx search, and am attempting to sort my results in time segments mode, which means time segments in descending order and then relevance in descending order. Currently I use SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE, and it works fine. But every time I switch to time segments mode, it returns zero results. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for lich

hi, im doing my final year project. im using some api's. i was reasearching on speaker dependent systems. but i wanted to know about speaker independent AP's but after searching for several hours i realised there are some api's so that the user do not have to do those put …

Member Avatar for lich
Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello! There is possible to download automatic speech recognition engine Sphinx4 in two versions, one is bin, the other is src. It is explained how to build Sphinx4 engine with Ant here: [url]http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/#how_build[/url] . However there are many applications which use this Sphinx4, e.g. HelloDigits. I'd like to create my …

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Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello :-)! [quote]SUMMARY: How to run pocketsphinx_continuous on mobile phone with Symbian, and how to do it with simulator of mobile phone with Symbian. PocketSphinx can be downloaded for free here, for both Linux and Windows: [url]http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/html/download.php[/url] .[/quote] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHORT EXPLANATION I'd like to create application for mobile phone and …

Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello :-)! I'd like to create application for mobile phone (maximum price of phone would be about 220USD, it is for Central Europe; I will be testing the application on Sony Ericsson k750i and maybe on Motorola V500). The application must recognize speech and properly react for recognized numbers (calculate …

Member Avatar for johnyjj2
Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello :-)! There is a problem with building project in NetBeans. I've got two directories sphinx4-1.0beta3-src and sphinx4-1.0beta3-bin, which are part of speech recognition system CMU Sphinx, Sphinx4 is written in Java. In the directory S:\tutorial\sphinx4-1.0beta3-bin\bin I've got some .jar files, e.g. HelloDigits.jar. In S:\tutorial\sphinx4-1.0beta3-src there is no bin directory, …

Member Avatar for johnyjj2

Hello :-)! I installed Ubuntu in order to install CMU Sphinx ([url]http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/sphinx/tutorial.html[/url]). There is one problem with executing perl script and I think it is good place to ask for help. Script make_feats.pl is here [url]http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/attachments/debian-linux-help/2267d1256986736-kde-startx-debian-make_feats.pl.txt[/url] . When I run "perl scripts_pl/make_feats.pl -ctl etc/an4_train.fileids" I see "Configuration (e.g. etc/sphinx_train.cfg) not …

Member Avatar for webie

I thought i post here to see if anybody would like to test new front end for openwebspider the script is PHP and uses the sphinx full text search engine and the smarty template engine for ease of skining new themes. Searh results are returned back lighting fast under a …


The End.