99 Topics

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Member Avatar for dreamslct

**Hi forum, I've got a question for the pros. I am making a program that has map<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>(); and a Scanner to read a file contains some data which is assigned to map.put(); method. The data is something like this: UK USA Canada Australia etc. …

Member Avatar for dreamslct
Member Avatar for rev_ollie

Hi, I am coding some python to work with some wireless serial devices. I have 2 devices reading temperatures and other environmental data over an Xbee which then writes the data over serial. The data looks like this when read in Hex: *7e001090007d33a200408b2e0c2db7010016005763* The important character is the 7e at …

Member Avatar for rev_ollie
Member Avatar for Echo89

Well, I have just made this funtion that will split an array using a delimiter. I'm new to C++ so I will take any suggestions you have. Anyhow, good luck! Enjoy!

Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for naui95

Hi there, how can I split a string into variables?? better: string s = "one,two,three,four"; // Split string on character comma. string[] words = s.Split(','); foreach (string word in words) { Console.WriteLine(word); } how can I put an incrasing variable (for n splitted words) instead of 'Console.WriteLine(word)' thanks

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Dendei

Hey im just wondering if or how i can split up my services **IService** namespace Phpwcfconsole { // NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the interface name "IService1" in both code and config file together. [ServiceContract] public interface IService { [OperationContract] string KundNyKund(Variables.Kunder …

Member Avatar for Dendei
Member Avatar for dwhite12

I need to write a code that imports a list of files then goes through each file and rewrites only half the file. Cutting off the file at a key word. If I can make my code print the half I need I can make it write new files with …

Member Avatar for dwhite12
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi there, I was wondering what the string.split() does. And another question is that I want to loop through the class like Math and find out what functions are defined in it.But, I was not too sure how to that. I tried a couple of things but they unfortunately didn't …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for deshazer.jad

My application has a lot of buttons on it, and in order to create a skin for my application, I've been just creating a lot of images in my working directory and loading them all into my application as ImageIcons. I like working with ImageIcons, but not working with a …

Member Avatar for deshazer.jad
Member Avatar for HankReardon

Hello, Can someone please help me with a little problem that I am having splitting strings? I am trying to remove everything more than 2 - digits to the right of a decimal point in a string. For some reason I am not realizing my desired results. If you could …

Member Avatar for HankReardon
Member Avatar for blaaam

Hi! I have small problem, in my add.php is selection tag used to choose year, so in my edit.php has place for year too where i use selection tag too, but how can i show in edit.php that year in selection tag, that what i have choosed in add.php? With …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for blaaam

Hi! I have table of records of my database. I have too many rows, so i decidet to add feature what i dont know how to call english, but mybe it's call page numbering. So i need split my table after some 10rows and its will make after table Paga …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Krokcy

So i have a working network file transfer program now (if you want to see some of the code look at my other '[article](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/426357/networking-in-java-not-doing-it-right)'). But now that im trying larger files, im running into a problem where i run out of memory (which is understandable when the array is 1 …

Member Avatar for Krokcy
Member Avatar for blaaam

Hello! I have few problems. I hope you will understand me and can help me :) 1st - I have large input form, so if i press sumbit button then it makes large query thats slows down my page and database is overload, in form is somewhere about 180 colums. …

Member Avatar for blaaam
Member Avatar for hyung101

**How am I going to split a line of strings ang put it into an array if the strings are arranged into columns, just like the attached file then compare the first column with user's input..? **

Member Avatar for hyung101
Member Avatar for shandoosheri

hi i have this variable which looks like this ؛‎ ‎002005 And i want to split it into two halfs three each . What i want to do is to put the first 3 numbers in a new variable and to remove its starting zero padding to get only 2 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for klrdn

I brought the following text lines into Word 10 (aka 2002) & added the ~'s to the blank line paragraphs: How can I transform the address 'records' into tables sortable on name ? name phone adrs adrs ~ name phone adrs adrs ~ etc.... about 120 of these. If I …

Member Avatar for michelleradu

Hi All, I have to split a text into words using both spaces and punctuation as delimiters. Punctuation includes characters like .,!?:;'"- I am using the split function as it follows: [CODE]wordsArray = strLine.split("[.,!?:;'\"-]+\\s*");[/CODE] However, this only splits my text by spaces and ignores other characters I've set as delimiters. …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for pansquare

is there a way in python to only take from a file a string in between certain characters? for example, if i have this in a file: city state[long, lat]population how can i take from the line just what is in between the brackets (that is, come up with [long, …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for FaceSmasher

I am working on a command line program that communicates with another program. What i am trying to do is after i write a command it will split the string so the number on the end will be put into a seperate variable. For example if i write the line …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for EkoX

Hi all, How i can split a sentences into words and add splitted words into listbox. Thank you. Best regards Eko

Member Avatar for EkoX
Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hi, I am trying to split a single line of data into three separate parts so that they can be displayed in different textboxes. The data looks like this: item1_item2_item3 The code that I tried is: [CODE]Dim arrayLines() As String Dim record As String record = Subs.Text arrayLines = record.Split("_") …

Member Avatar for collin_ola
Member Avatar for python-noob

I have a problem that I have been working on. I felt like I was getting close just to find out with wasn't the 100% correct way of doing it. What I need to do is take a list of names from a file in the format last, first, middle. …

Member Avatar for ihatehippies
Member Avatar for mr_noname

Hey. I'm pretty new in Python. I'm trying to read from my file all the content and put it in a string. My file looks: 1 string1 2 string2 10 string 3 and I want to obtain: ["1", "string1", "2", "string 2", "10", "string3"] using this: [CODE] def read(self): file …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for FALL3N

ok, I'm pretty embarrassed to be posting such a simple question, I feel like I've done this in much harder applications like a million times... [CODE]String[] wordVar = text.split("$");[/CODE] Why does the above code not split the String 'text' at each occurrence of a "$"? Is the "$" a special …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for Malraux

Hello, I'm trying to represent the system date in a sequence such as: dd mm yy yy So far i got: dd mm yyy so, the year is represented on 2 ytes, but I only have 3 characters, i need to split after the first character and then add a …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pwolf

so im trying to make it so that pressing enter without inputting any value, will break the loop, however, an empty string can be used because of [ICODE]for i in range(len(x_str_array)): x[i] = int(x_str_array[i]) bit.[/ICODE] [CODE] 'Exercise 7.3' # modified program from exercise 7.2 a=1 z="" while x !=z: x_str …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for skran

Hi! I m trying to open a filter form at the center of a form which is inside the panel 2 of a split container.. I ve selected Start Position of the filter form => Center Screen but the problem is that when I push the button which opens the …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for ahoysailor

Ok, so basically I have a text file that contains the following: Resource3 "Actuator" Resource10 "Insert Exhaust Valve" Resource1 "6, 10, 18, 1" Resource21 "Emergency Stop" Resource2 "Cool Down in Progress" etc. etc. I want to read the file line by line and store it in a vector (this is …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for apert

Hi guys, im sorry if my English very bad :) i got problem with this char str[] = "staff101"; i would like to split "staff" and "101" and cout them. im beginner in c++ hope you guys help me thank... any idea guys if c++ can generate pdf because im …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for paraclete

I'm having difficulties splitting up a string (that I read from a textfile) into three parts in a list (that I will then use in a function). The issue I'm having is that the 3rd element of the string is not always one word (sometimes its multiple words, but I …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis

The End.