Split pipe delimited into new columns as below :

col1                                     col2  col3                 col4
Data|7-8|5                               Data  7-8                  5
Data|asdsad|sad                          Data  asdsad               sad
fish|c cx cx xc cc xc cx |ededededeed    fish  c cx cx xc cc xc cx  ededededeed
Data|iueroiheqroqer|ewoijewijewd5        Data  iueroiheqroqer       ewoijewijewd5
tune||5                                  tune                       5
Data||                                   Data

check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19688863/split-pipe-delimited-into-new-columns


Do you have a question? Have you tried anything?

If your question is how do I split Col1 based on a pipe to produce a table then check out this great example Split a string to a table using T-SQL which creates a function to perform the split and returns the data as a table which you can then use within other queries if required.


PS, if you do have a question, it is better etiquette to post it here rather than expect users to visit another site.

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