Hi. Good day

This is my code in C#

 while (SMSMessages.Count != 0)
                String SMSMessage;    
                if (SMSMessages.TryDequeue(out SMSMessage))

                        string[] nummsg = SMSMessage.Split(';');
                        ConsoleWriteLine("Waiting for message to send...");
                        IAsyncResult result;
                        Action action = () =>

                        result = action.BeginInvoke(null, null);

                        if (result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(20000))
                            string TaskID = null;
                            if (nummsg[1].Contains("Service Ref. No.:"))
                                TaskID = nummsg[1].Split('J')[0].Substring(18).Trim();
                                //ConsoleWriteLine("Send SMS TaskID: " + TaskID);
                                updateStatus(TaskID, "Sending Message...");
                            sms.SendSMS(nummsg[0], nummsg[1]);
                            string TaskID = null;
                            if (nummsg[1].Contains("Service Ref. No.:"))
                                TaskID = nummsg[1].Split('J')[0].Substring(18).Trim();
                                //ConsoleWriteLine("Send SMS TaskID: " + TaskID);
                                updateStatus(TaskID, "Sending Message...");
                            sms.SendSMS(nummsg[0], nummsg[1]);

So where does the SMSMessages method came from? Here is the code:

public override void handleGETRequest (HttpProcessor p)

            if((!p.http_url.Equals("/favicon.ico")) && (p.http_request.Equals("/sms"))){
                Uri myUri = new Uri("http://localhost"+p.http_url);
                string num = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(myUri.Query).Get("num");
                string msg = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(myUri.Query).Get("msg").Replace("%3A", ":"); 
                if (msg.Length > 140)
                   string[] msgchunks = SplitIntoChunks(msg, 140);
                   foreach (string chunks in msgchunks) {
                       Program.ServerInstance.SMSMessages.Enqueue(num + ";" + chunks);
                    Program.ServerInstance.SMSMessages.Enqueue(num + ";" + msg);
                SqlConnection myConnection = Program.ServerInstance.myConnection;

Next, the "msg" itself where the .Split Method should have split for me to get the taskID. To be clear, here the Javascript code where msg is added:

        var msg = 'Service Ref. No.%3A '+taskID+
        ';J.O. No.%3A '+document.getElementById('JONumber').value+
        ';SRF No.%3A '+document.getElementById('SRFNumber').value+
        ';Client%3A '+cname+
        ';Site%3A '+sname+
        ';Date%3A '+document.getElementById('datepicker').value+
        ';Time%3A '+document.getElementById('Departure').value.split(':').join('%3A')+' to '+document.getElementById('Arrival').value.split(':').join('%3A')+
        ';Verification Code%3A '+captcha+
        ';Objectives%3A '+document.getElementById('Objectives').value;
        //togglepanel('addpanel', 0);
        if (taskID !== undefined) {
            sendsms(phone, msg);

My question:
1) Do I miss anything? I need to split the "msg" for me to get the taskID which is needed for my program.
2) Do I have the right method of splitting the "msg" to get "Service Ref. No.:"? If not, what other way can i split the "msg" so that i could get the "Service Re. No.:"?

It looks to me that you're accessing the wrong index of the array after it's split. The first element in the array is numbered 0 not 1.

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