110 Topics

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Member Avatar for ppl154

i need some help on my pi approximation it's really slow. compile it and see for your self. i think my problem is with my math. it comes out with the wrong first few numbers. i'm trying to use gregory's formula or the advanced version of it.[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for rzhaley

im supposed to write a code that you prompt to enter 10 different grades then drop the minimum value, while computing the average of the remaining 9. I'm getting infinity as the answer when I run the program so I know my min is messed up, somewhere but i cant …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://popacular.com/gigatweet/"]GigaTweet[/URL] has been counting the total number of messages posted to Twitter in real time, and the rolling count is almost hypnotic. Overnight the 5 billionth Tweet was posted. So what was it? Perhaps someone [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/28479/53/"]speaking out[/URL] against corporates trying to gag freedom of the press again? Nope. Maybe another …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for Daiosmith

Hello all, I'm having some trouble with a project I am doing and I was wandering if anybody could help me/point me in the right direction. So the gist of what is happening is I have a program that is supposed to be flipping 2 coins independently of each other …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for newsguy

According to the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/business/7582081.stm"]BBC[/URL] there are now 16.5 million UK households which have Internet access. Not only is that figure up from last year, up by 1.2 million to be specific, but it also means that some two-thirds of UK homes are now online. The Office for National Statistics figures …

Member Avatar for happygeek

There are lies, damned lies and statistics. Or something like that. However, there are also some really interesting figures emerging about online life right now which are worthy of repeating here. How about [URL="http://community.zdnet.co.uk/blog/0,1000000567,10007735o-2000537720b,00.htm"]this report[/URL] that the numbers of web sites on the Internet has risen from, can you believe …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

Two statistics entered my radar today and stopped me dead in my tracks, which doesn’t happen often. Both concerned the remarkable growth in the connectivity of the Chinese population. The first comes courtesy of the [URL="http://www.cnnic.net.cn/en/index/index.htm"]China Internet Network Information Center[/URL] and reports that the total number of Internet users in …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

They say it is a ‘man thing’ this fantasy about swapping their wife or partner for someone new. Unfunny jokes about trading up to a newer model abound, some even indulge in a swinging lifestyle. But now it seems that some 13% of men in the UK, according to new …

Member Avatar for stargazinc
Member Avatar for happygeek

In an astonishing display of pique, Google (the new Microsoft) has complained bitterly to both the US DoJ and the European Commission about Microsoft (the old Google). What exactly has the Boy God Gates done to annoy billionaire double act Brin and Page so? At the risk of reading like …

Member Avatar for Texjd
Member Avatar for blud

Recently I've been selected to participate on quite a few of the google 'beta' projects, such as analytics, Company based e-mail, and their google page maker. First off, let me just say that all of the google projects are wonderful. I've been playing with the google analystics recently and the …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for Dani

For those of you webmasters out there who are running Google Analytics ([URL]http://www.google.com/analytics[/URL]) then you can welcome a new feature ... site overlay. It's a feature that so far I have only seen in paid analytics software, so it's definitely a more than welcome addition. Google Analytics logs pageviews to …

Member Avatar for clarinetalex
Member Avatar for kc0arf

At the US Association of National Advertiser's annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona, Google's Eric Schmidt said that "We did a math exercise and the answer was 300 years". "The answer is it's going to be a very long time". Google right now claims they have 170 terabytes indexed so far, …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for tgreer

Last August, Business 2.0 magazine published an article that speculated Google was considering building a U.S. broadband network capable of targeting specific advertising to users, based on the location of their WiFi. The so-called "Google.net"" or "Google WiFi" caused much speculation, however, the company remained close-lipped. Tuesday, Google finally made …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

The search engine specialists have been the subject of a fair bit of attention over recent days but this story takes the cake for sure. US men's magazine 'Perfect 10' is suing Google, claiming that the company is not really performing a search service at all. Instead, they claim, Google …

Member Avatar for benna
Member Avatar for Catweazle

"[i] In only two days, the company has already completely reshaped the IT community’s perspective of the company. ‘Tis amazing.[/i]" writes DaniWeb 'newsie' Danny. Does that mean we should flock to use the new products? Perhaps not. I've been trialling the Version 2 (beta) of Google Desktop for a couple …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for Dani

Talk is cheap, or so they say. At least it is with Google Talk beta ... Google's new IM /voice client! You can check it out at [url]www.google.com/talk/[/url] - I have yet to try it but I'm going to go ahead and download it right now. It seems like this …

Member Avatar for Danny

It seems as though Google has done it again: released a product that is sure to send ripples through the software development and web development communities. Wall Street didn’t care -- Google stock is down, but that’s not the point. The new “intelligent

Member Avatar for IGeovani
Member Avatar for Danny

In response to the moaning and groaning of book publishers, the world’s favorite search engine announced it won’t be scanning copyrighted books for a while. Last October, Google announced that it had launched its “Google Print" program. The program entails scanning books, and making their content searchable. For publishers, Google …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for ddanbe

A bunch of basic statistical functions. I could have made a class here and I could have used more features of C#. But just to keep it simple I left it as a console application. So the modifications you have to make if you're into C, C++, Java etc. should …

Member Avatar for afr0

Hi All, I'm trying to implement the NORMSDIST function of MS excel in the C#. I found its implementation from the following link. [url]http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HP052091941033.aspx[/url] and I've written the following code for this i.e. [code] static double NORMSDIST(double z_score) { double z_ = - ( (z_score * z_score) / 2 ); …

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The End.