'30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. **Alexander De Ridder, AI visionary and CTO of SmythOS, discusses the transformative power of specialized AI systems and the future of human-AI collaboration.** ![header-agi-talks-adr.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/cf1ab716c18354710010dabb4e9e2a9a.jpg) In the newest interview of our AGI Talks series, **Alexander De Ridder** … Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by rproffitt I noted the issues with your post and the problems with what is a dead system. While I do have one last VB6 dev laptop in storage I only pull it out for paid work. And at 250USD a hour the only company that pays is very careful about their requests. You ignored how such problems are presented. ZIP file? Too dangerous today. You could have … Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by SCBWV I don't understand a few things. There are option buttons and there are check boxes. So I don't know what you mean by "option button checkbox." I also don't know what you mean by "record." Do you mean print? Read values from a file? I would suggest instead of checking for "1" that you use "If chkExtra(0).Value … Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In previous articles, I explained how to use natural language to interact with [PDF documents](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/541732/paris-olympics-ticket-information-chatbot-with-memory-using-langchain) and [SQL databases](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/541771/using-natural-language-… pass data to another asp page Programming Software Development by Fergus_1 ok so i have a page with a gridview on it and it displays rows from sql table. i have also a link assigned to each row: <asp:GridView ID="GridViewMatters" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" OnRowDataBound="GridViewMatters_RowDataBound"> <Columns> <asp:… Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani You have the itemtype set to a VideoObject but, as you point out, only sometimes is there actually an .mp4 file. The rest of the time, it's a static image such as a png, jpg, or jpeg. Google probably doesn't trust your meta tags since they are inaccurate half the time. Re: What is best method for link building nowadays? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by KomalBhatt Use keywords in anchor text. Commit to regular link building. Build links from relevant websites. Create infographics and other visual assets. sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon I think I can record but I can't read with the option button checkbox I don't know if I do the recording procedure correctly Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by rproffitt 1. With so few having VB6 now, you need to move to a current release. Help will be hard to find. 2. I can't load up your project. Few others can so by not posting the relevant code in the clear with your assessment, you see the issue? 3. VB6, while I coded very large projects long ago, "It's Dead Jim." That is, you're on a deserted … Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon Sorry but you have not given a solution to the issue, because I see that here in this forum people continue to ask about vb6.0 Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Yes. People continue to ask about VB6. They shouldn't. And you likely won't see anyone answering questions about, for example, COBOL or QuickBASIC, except in a historical context. The only VB6 question that should be asked is "why are you still using it?" Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon because it still works and there are many people who use it, thank you Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon because it still works and there are many people who use it, thank you Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon thanks for everything Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book BUMP. Anyone can help with this issue ? :/ Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani I’ll take a look at this tomorrow. I’m currently in bed :) Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa It indeed seems to be working. The interface is all done in the browser, on your localhost,, and I stripped it down to just the message box. Just have to gather more data, and it seems good. Took ~50 minutes to get installed. The dataset can be a simple text file with a space between each topic thread. Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim Hi David, > More problems. I incorporated the coding Biiim provided. Before any changes, after submission, would display the correct (yellow) screen. After code changed, not only will still not send email but screen turns blank white. URL provider, IONOS, told me that the Host is smtp.ionos.com and the Username and password are for an email… How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 I wrote a Python script that included the python-swiftclient module to connect to the OpenStack Object Storage and upload some files to the OpenStack Object Storage container It works great if I upload a file that ends with the extension .gz however, I’m getting an error regarding the ‘TarFile’ object having no attribute ‘read’ after running my … Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem First, let's prepare two tar files using different compression schemes for demo purposes. $ cat foo_1.txt This is file 1 $ cat foo_2.txt This is file 2 This is file two This is file too # Three tar files, two compressed and one uncompressed for reference $ tar -j -c -f foo.tar.bz2 foo_1.txt foo_2.txt… Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 Good day, Salem. My apologies for taking so long to reply to your suggestion. I refactored my code to read the contents of the tar.bz2 file and then pass them as a file-like object to the 'put_object' and also to change the content type for the file transfer to "application/octet-stream". The first was sent through to object storage … Re: Read file properties of video files in C++ Programming Software Development by rproffitt Regarding "doesn't open the file". I've used so many tools over the years to profile and log what apps access that I can write that Windows does open the file for a peek. And then we have the problem that many files don't have duration. https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000105.shtml is for MP3 and it's not in … Read file properties of video files in C++ Programming Software Development by Thomasio I want to figure out what Windows does when you right-click a video file and check properties and I would like to write a similar piece of code in C++. I should be able to figure out how to read the file type and size, but I'm lost in how to get details of the video like resolution and runtime. Which API commands does Windows use there? Re: Read file properties of video files in C++ Programming Software Development by Thomasio Yes, I know, Windows doesn't report details for all video files, sometime it just doesn't and I already guessed that may be because of a file format Windows cannot read correctly. But then for the video files where Windows does report details within the file properties it gets them correct and it does that in near no time which makes me believe … Re: Read file properties of video files in C++ Programming Software Development by toneewa The [Windows Media Foundation API](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/mfmediaengine/nf-mfmediaengine-imfmediaengine-getduration#requirements) is probably what you are thinking of. You also can just use my example, using the ffmpeg library. Just change the filename. extern "C" { #include <libavformat/… How Build Html form ? Programming by Kirubel_2 <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="font-size: 16px;" lang="en"><head> <title>Comment</title> <script src="js/jquery.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sign.css"> </head> <body … Mariadb10.11.6 Glarea single failed node startup stuck failure Programming Databases by mx_983 Basic background information Mariadb Ver 15.1 District 10.11.6 MariaDB Glarea cluster, one with three nodes: Node1: Node2: Node3: Among them, Node1 node was restarted after a power outage of 1 hour, and after executing the system ctl start mariadb, it was stuck for a long time (running for 6 hours) … Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 I was searching for Paris Olympics ticket prices for tennis games recently. The official website directs you to a [PDF document](https://tickets.paris2024.org/obj/media/FR-Paris2024/ticket-prices.pdf) containing ticket prices and venues for all the games. However, I found the PDF document to be very hard to navigate. To make things easier, I … Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book Hello everyone, i am not able to fix this issue in the Search Console `Video is not the main content of the page` but actually it is! When you enter in my product page the first thing that appears is the video it self! (hosted on imgur platform) I even added additional Schema video tags but that seems is useless. here is the code i am … ABC for Github-programs and Python Programming Software Development by Audun Hi I want to make use of GitHub-programs, and so I downloaded a bunch of Python-tools. When I run this command in "Python 3.12", which looks like CMD to me, I get a syntax error. "To create a virtual environment, Python supplies a built in venv module which provides the basic functionality needed for the virtual …