TLS SessionTicket Handshake how to get certificate from client? Programming Software Development by soudruhcz … identificator handshake, clientCertificates are returned correctly too, * but when is TLS SessionTicket mechanism used, then no client certificate is returned to… get it by Java? Or another solution could be disable TLS SessionTicket on Tomcat, then the communication will use Session Identificator… TLS and IpSec Hardware and Software Networking by manojsn99 Can someone help me with this: Diagram of TLS and IPSec based on an actual network. Also, I wanted the pros and cons of using TSL and Ipsec. Re: Exchange 2010 TLS Port Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by CimmerianX TLS will run over port 25 and is usually oppurtunistic. To force TLS over a send connector you would use: Set-SendConnector 'Name-of-connector' -RequireTLS $true In that case, if TLS could not be negotiated, no connection is made. BTW, if you want to enable tls globally, check it with a website called Re: SSL vs TLS Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by nancy_9 TLS V1.0 is marginally more secure than SSL V3.0 If you want to know the difference between SSL and TLS, please visit here: Re: How to ignore TLS : hostname does not match CN in peer certificate Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … this setting, the LDAP clients will fail to make any TLS/SSL connections to any servers. > > See the [Using… TLS chapter]( of the OpenLDAP Software Admin Guide… LDAP: error code 52: DSID-0C090E17 Error initializing SSL/TLS, data 0, v1db Programming Software Development by new_2_java … stops working throwing [code]LDAP error code 52, initializing SSL/TLS error.[/code] I don't know why this intermittent error…? Here's the line of code that gives error. StartTlsResponse tls = (StartTlsResponse) myLdapContext.extendedOperation(new StartTlsRequest()); Any idea, please? thanks… Exchange 2010 TLS Port Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Wazzza95 Hi All, I've been asked to setup a TLS conncetor between my company and a client site. Whilst there …, my question is this... What port, or ports, does the TLS connector use in Exchange 2010? I've read many articles… Re: LDAP: error code 52: DSID-0C090E17 Error initializing SSL/TLS, data 0, v1db Programming Software Development by new_2_java …, and for that I need to establish an SSL or TLS connection, and that's where I get the error code… How to ignore TLS : hostname does not match CN in peer certificate Programming Software Development by kuchi … LDAP and this is trowing the following ldap.SERVER_DOWN: {'info': 'TLS: hostname does not match CN in peer certificate', 'desc': "… Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 - Warning - Does not support TLS. Hardware and Software Networking by jcomputing I have recently installed Microsoft SBS 2008 and configured Exchange Server 2007. I can send and receive emails fine. When I goto and test my smtp I get the following results "Warning - Does not support TLS". I would appreciate it if anyone could raise some light on this. Thanks Jonathan SSL vs TLS Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Piers Rollins May i know how Secure Socket Layers (SSL) differs from Transport Layer Security (TLS)? And what is the most preferred choice when it comes to SEO? Re: SSL vs TLS Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by praveen_17 … protocol, Netscape (the company was later bought by AOL). "TLS" means "Transport Layer Security". The name was… Re: TLS SessionTicket Handshake how to get certificate from client? Programming Software Development by soudruhcz When I used BIO instead of APR, SessionTicket mechanism is not used. So it's solved. Re: TLS and IpSec Hardware and Software Networking by sheltant IPSec --> Layer 3 Security ( Between two VPN Gateways (Tunnel Mode)/ Between a Client and a VPN Gateway (transport mode)) Its an ocean to Read still foy your understanding [url][/url] Go through the pages mentioned in the above link.. SSL -->> Layer 4 security ( Between a HTTPS … Re: TLS and IpSec Hardware and Software Networking by manojsn99 thanx dude thanx! [QUOTE=sheltant;1135434]IPSec --> Layer 3 Security ( Between two VPN Gateways (Tunnel Mode)/ Between a Client and a VPN Gateway (transport mode)) Its an ocean to Read still foy your understanding [url][/url] Go through the pages mentioned in the above link.. SSL … Re: LDAP: error code 52: DSID-0C090E17 Error initializing SSL/TLS, data 0, v1db Programming Software Development by new_2_java Anyone??? Re: LDAP: error code 52: DSID-0C090E17 Error initializing SSL/TLS, data 0, v1db Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Is that a hex 52 or a decimal 52? LDAP error 52 (hex) is the totally unhelpful "Local error occurred", but if that's 52 decimal (34 hex) it's the self-explanatory "The server is unavailable" Re: LDAP: error code 52: DSID-0C090E17 Error initializing SSL/TLS, data 0, v1db Programming Software Development by new_2_java It appeared that my AD wasn't setup for SSL connection. Had my AD folks fixed that, and everything started working back again! Thanks. Re: Exchange 2010 TLS Port Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by ermeier I assume that the post from CimmerianX answered your question. However I found a picture of the Exchange ports that might be of interest to you. See attached jpg. ![cf47ccd4e8f6db0de65f82f722914edb](/attachments/small/3/cf47ccd4e8f6db0de65f82f722914edb.jpg "align-left") Re: Segmentation fault when freeing objects Programming Software Development by lius84 … value(s) ==26477== at 0x41A2E5F: __printf_fp (in /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ ==26477== by 0x419E563: … value(s) ==26477== at 0x41A2ED1: __printf_fp (in /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ ==26477== by 0x419E563: …on uninitialised value(s) ==26477== at 0x419CA4F: (within /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ ==26477== by 0x41A2F01: … Related to heartbeat startup Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by hellomythili …(init_config+0x44f)[0x805ce1f] heartbeat(main+0xb73)[0x80566a3] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7d52450] heartbeat[…-b7b40000 rw-p 00008000 08:03 689161 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7b40000-b7b4a000 r…-b7fa9000 rw-p 00006000 08:03 689159 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7fa9000-b7faa000 rw… 20 year old LogJam bug proves that 'crypto is hard' Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek … cryptography is never a good idea. Even though TLS provides a negotiation mechanism that should, in theory,…key exchange strength is a relatively obscure aspect of TLS protocol configuration. Until recently, most web servers …crypto, and certificate vulnerabilities out there lurking. SSL/TLS and certificates are the foundation of security on the … problem in sqlcxt() function in pro*c Programming Software Development by sikky_deep …Reading symbols from /lib/tls/ Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/ Reading symbols…Reading symbols from /lib/tls/ Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/ Reading symbols…/ #0 0x005be30e in malloc_consolidate () from /lib/tls/ (gdb) bt #0 0x005be30e in malloc_consolidate … What is the error... please Help! Programming Software Development by rhoit …)[0xb7e615b6] ./R[0x804acdc] ./R[0x804b6ac] ./R[0x804b89e] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7e06775] ./R[0x8048931…b7df0000-b7f4c000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 1205993 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7f4c000-b7f4d000 ---p… 0015c000 08:11 1205993 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7f4d000-b7f4f000 r--… Can't find the runtime error... Programming Software Development by group256 …./a.out[0x804b13b] ./a.out[0x804a4fe] ./a.out[0x8048f52] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x40186bd6] ./a.out…1 40170000-402c3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 3676435 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 402c3000-402c4000 ---…p 00153000 08:01 3676435 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 402c4000-402c6000 r… Deallocation of memory to array of objects Programming Software Development by suho …./a.out: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: 0x09072f68 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7cc5604] /usr/lib/…6(_ZdlPv+0x21)[0xb7ea8231] ./a.out[0x804a6a6] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7c6c775] ./…b7db2000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 50941 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7db2000-b7db3000 … why do i get this message ? Programming Software Development by moroccanplaya …[0xb7719aaa] ./tryp[0x804875c] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb76d4bd6] ./tryp[0x8048521… b76be000-b7811000 r-xp 00000000 07:00 1308267 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7811000-b7812000 …---p 00153000 07:00 1308267 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7812000-b7814000 … Error converting strings to doubles and ints Programming Software Development by Greyspectre …cfree+0x90)[0xb7d1e4f0] ./FileReader[0x80494bf] ./FileReader[0x8049569] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7cc5450] ./FileReader(…-b7df8000 r-xp 00000000 08:06 393018 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7df8000-b7df9000 r…--p 00149000 08:06 393018 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7df9000-b7dfb000 rw… Segmentation fault when freeing objects Programming Software Development by lius84 …0xb76f6b6d] SDAFp[0x8058980] SDAFp[0x804f253] SDAFp[0x804fc90] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb74d5450] SDAFp(__gxx_personality_v0…b74bf000-b7608000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 1849396 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7608000-b7609000 r…--p 00149000 08:02 1849396 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ b7609000-b760b000 rw… Re: Segmentation fault when freeing objects Programming Software Development by lius84 …#0 0xb77bc410 in __kernel_vsyscall () #1 0xb755d085 in raise () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ #2 0xb755ea01 in abort () from… /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ #3 0xb7595c1c in ?? () from /…/ #5 0xb75a1590 in free () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ #6 0xb7769b11 in operator delete…