5 Topics

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Member Avatar for affordacall

Im currently making a webpage for my thesis.. its in HTML and on localhost, the system should be able to view a profile of the client and also do a task the should be able to open an application on the client's computer.. im running the webpage on wamp.. can …

Member Avatar for jalarie
Member Avatar for cogitoergosum12

I have seen a few other threads on this topic, but they do not seem to be asking what I wan to ask. Firstly, no this is no homework / class project. It is something that I am doing in my free time. I impart a training session which lasts …

Member Avatar for cogitoergosum12
Member Avatar for shakeel3442

I Wanted to create a Live Audio Broadcaster by which i can transmit Audio from a local computer to a webserver . Which all programming languages can be used to make it and how can i make it . Any Help will be Appreciated .

Member Avatar for RedexProGamma

Hi again... I have been working on a small webbrowser application, and am having trouble with my Favorites bar script. So far I have [CODE]Public Class frm_Main Public Function NewFav(ByVal Name As String, ByVal URL As Uri) Dim twoToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem(Name) AddHandler twoToolStripMenuItem.Click, AddressOf Me.twoToolStripMenuItem_Click Me.FavoritesToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(twoToolStripMenuItem) End …

Member Avatar for RedexProGamma
Member Avatar for erogol

I am currently developing a search engine and I have some implemented algorithms that are written in Java but also I need to get some Database communication which is easy thing in Ruby an Rails. Thus, Is there any way to use both language in the web application development Regards …

Member Avatar for SoldierCoder

The End.