15 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. Has anyone worked with TCP/IP socket in Windows Phone? I'm using Windows Phone 7 and I would like my app to communicate with my server which my client will send some data to the server and the server will also send some data to the client, It's more …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Leon Guerrero

Hello everyone, I'm new around here and yes, I've checked the forum before posting this thread :) I'm having big troubles with an app (developed for Windows Mobile phones) that has, basically, to control the temperature of a room and send a message to the phone if something's wrong... Well, …

Member Avatar for Erdogan
Member Avatar for ara_tul87

Is there anyway to optimized application performance? I already try to change setting at [B]Visual Studio 2005[/B] and tick [B]Optimized code[/B] at application properties on [B]Build[/B] section. When I tested and deploy the application at my Windows Mobile device, it seem does't have much different. I want to make the …

Member Avatar for ara_tul87

I'm testing my application at Visual Studio 2005 at Symbol Motorola MC75, the problem is the application keep restarting after go to main screen.The application using something like this [URL="http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vssmartdevicesvbcs/thread/51e09510-3d6e-42a6-bec0-a68ef9d7b947"]code[/URL]: [CODE][DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError=true)] private static extern bool KernelIoControl(int dwIoControlCode, byte[] inBuf, int inBufSize, byte[] outBuf, int outBufSize, ref int bytesReturned); private …

Member Avatar for fruitymo
Member Avatar for Seten

Hello, I would need a help from you with my application. I received a lot of (email)sms, and I don't want to store them in my regular sms-phone database. I receive them quite a lot (daily - 40), so mostly I just read and delete them. So I created an …

Member Avatar for ashu.innominds

Hello everyone... i am working on windows mobile application which i need to run continuously and in background .. can anyone help me.. how to do this?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]15946[/ATTACH]Just as we were finally getting to know all the ins and outs of Windows Mobile 6.5, Windows Phone 7 is getting ready to drop - ain't that just like Microsoft? According to the guys [URL="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2366631,00.asp"]at PC Magazine[/URL], who recently got some hands-on time with the new platform, we've wasted …

Member Avatar for popin
Member Avatar for rhubarb65

Hi I am trying to cross compile a simple program for Windows CE using CodeBlocks. I am using mingw32ce (part of CEGCC) which is a set of tools and libraries for building WCE programs on XP. And some WCE SDL libraries I found here: [url]http://users.uoa.gr/~knakos/scummvm/libraries/release-0-10-0/wince-gcc-libs.tar.bz2[/url] I have succeded in building …

Member Avatar for rhubarb65
Member Avatar for JamesGeddes

Reading from a text file on your local computer is easy, but surely using a URL to point to a different location should work too? The code I have thus far is as follows [CODE] 1. using System; 2. using System.IO; 3. 4. namespace csharp_station.howto 5. { 6. class TextFileReader …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for happygeek

Does anyone know just what is happening with Microsoft Windows Mobile devices? It would appear that many users with Windows Mobile powered mobile phones have been getting SMS text messages dated 2016. The first reports came as folk started to receive Happy New Year messages from family and friends on …

Member Avatar for Crash~Override
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Sometimes someone you'd written off surprises you. Take Palm, for example. My first ever hand-held computer was a Palm - or PalmPilot as they were called then. So was my second, and my third. I really, really liked them. Then things moved on a little, or indeed a lot. Compaq …

Member Avatar for happygeek

What do you do when you poo? It is the kind of question you might expect your ten year old son to ask his ten year old mates in the school playground. However, it seems that Microsoft has been asking pretty much the same thing in order to generate some …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Cnet [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-10122751-37.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5"]reported[/URL] the other day that Microsoft has placed an app, Seadragon, in the Apple AppStore, even before releasing it on the Windows Mobile platform because, get this, the iPhone is the only phone platform with the graphics chops to handle the application. There is such delicious irony in all …

Member Avatar for rigved123
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's an odd thing, being a journalist. Your job is to report what other people have said and only occasionally should your own view creep in, if at all. It's the same in America; the serious newspapers were exemplary in being fair to both sides in the recent election, at …

Member Avatar for Fred Mackie
Member Avatar for EddieC

Device maker Palm this week placed its bet on a pair of pros. First is the [URL=http://www.palm.com/us/products/smartphones/treopro/index.html?creativeID=SP_BB_treopro]Palm Treo Pro[/URL], its next-generation smartphone to rival Apple’s iPhone and RIM’s Blackberry. The other is Jon Rubinstein, the company’s executive chair hired earlier this year and now charged with the company's salvation. Rubinstein …


The End.