ChatGPT, Gender Bias, and the Nuclear Apocalypse Community Center by Johannes C. … likely reflects that while initiatives to integrate women in traditionally masculine roles have gained momentum,…researchers “hypothesize that certain negative behaviors directed towards women, such as harassment, may be perceived as…showed a strong bias, finding actions against women more morally objectionable than similar actions against men… Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by yogi_bear_2k2 …are they getting such bad press? Why arn't other women going into the computer industry? I do not mean … Because they are dumbed down by the ignorance the men!! Women programmers are much too few and far between. And the…violent? Because they are programmed by men! We need more women (like Danni) to be interested in computing! Its not JUST… Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja … they are dumbed down by the ignorance the men!! Women programmers are much too few and far between. And the…violent? Because they are programmed by men! We need more women (like Danni) to be interested in computing! Its not … can be done just as well if not better by women, [URL]… Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by yogi_bear_2k2 … while I agree that there should be more women in IT (and there is certainly an upward… parise they deserved in the IT business? Women seem to always get the raw end of…;violent games" quote. How many girls/women have you spoke to who like killing innocent … as it is, and I think that women would drastically tone down the violent nature of… Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Anonymusius … to the "violent games" quote. How many girls/women have you spoke to who like killing innocent people and… the world today as it is, and I think that women would drastically tone down the violent nature of video games… violent games. You shouldn't be so stereotyping, there are women who love (virtual) killing an there are man that love… Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Narue … to this "bad press"? >Women programmers are much too few and far between.…and measurable deficiency because of the lack of women? Or are you just trying to be … I wonder what the ratio of men to women on this site alone is? Predominantly male, … my own work. >I think that women would drastically tone down the violent nature of … Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by SparkyCola … On the other hand, there are likely more women than men on courses such as Sociology, English …sort of thing. The fact is, men and women think differently, and I would imagine (though I…a fact) that men are more numerical and women more verbal. This isn't sexism, it's…ll have to see if the numbers of women in IT and Computing increase as time goes… Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by yogi_bear_2k2 … all the replys on this topic regarding women in computers! Did'nt reliase it would… looks as if I was wrong and that women are breaking into the predominantely male world of IT…oppertunities for all! You have shown me that women are now taking just as much a role…I was wrong in my way of thinking! Women and men are equal here and everywhere else!!… Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Scottg1989 I think many women in ICT get seen as the 'receptionists …an email' The fact is that more and more women are getting into the ICT sector. I dont really…anything to do with discrimination, but just that most women either arent interested in it, or think that they…as the men. Of course, most of the women working with computers are very good at it :) Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by 'Stein Well Said Sparky! [quote]The fact is, men and women think differently, and I would imagine (though I don't … this for a fact) that men are more numerical and women more verbal. This isn't sexism, it's just a… why the Writing section was added to the SAT. ;) *curses women for making the SAT harder to ace for me* :mrgreen: Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek What 'bad press' are women in IT getting? Unless you are referring to Patricia Dunn … it. Seriously, while I agree that there should be more women in IT (and there is certainly an upward growth curve… Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon I work with two women -- one is my supervisor and the other does the same thing as I do. Our company has several other women too, one has a Ph.D. of some sort. Women In Combat Community Center by AssertNull … a bright kid and I'm all for women in 2016 learning to climb telephone poles and …in the military. She says, "You know, women can do anything men can do?" I say, …is true. It's no longer a hypothetical. Women can now enlist in the Infantry. My ace in… once. Here's how they act when no women are around" speech. I was never in… Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Anonymusius I don't agree with you, are even or more qualified women get turned down for an job in IT then? I never heard of something like that. And games are violent because there is an ask to violent games, not just because the programmers like them. Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pty I think the reason there are less women in the IT field is that when it comes to higher education they don't want to be the only girl on a course. Same with engineering courses. My group at uni had 3 girls and 25 guys. Well, 2 girls and one I think was a girl. Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Narue [QUOTE]I can sleep tonight knowing that I was wrong in my way of thinking! Women and men are equal here and everywhere else!! Thank you!! I have seen the light!! Goodnight!![/QUOTE] Either that was excessive sarcasm, or you really need to switch to decaf. :rolleyes: Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by FireSBurnsmuP … guess I'm a little late. I do wish more women were interested in the field. Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mesamb1 I think that what you are feeling is a flaw in our society and not just the IT world. Sure there may be less women programmers but as was said earlier part is easly the peer preasure not to go into it. Re: Women in Computers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pty An female team won yahoo's hack day recently [url][/url] Re: Women In Combat Community Center by Agilemind … a reputable organization I wouldn't be too concerned. >Women have the exact same right as men to make that… I respect their decision whichever way. If it turns out women are not physically capable of serving in some positions then… enough, but for the military leaders to just assume all women can't make the cut or worse want to "… Re: Women In Combat Community Center by AssertNull …Lots of us were raised that chivalry and protecting women was a GOOD thing. You're going to …platoon-mates because they are unwilling to let the women take those risks themselves, just like it was…quite a few times from combat veterans regarding women in combat: "I don't know if… the women can handle it or not, but I KNOW… Re: Women In Combat Community Center by AssertNull … Committee member (Duncan Hunter Jr.) who did NOT want women to have to register proposed that they SHOULD have to… It's still largely hypothetical… adversaries, not ourselves. The Viet Cong had lots of women and I've never heard an American Vietnam Vet say… Women more likely to be online stalkers than men Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by newsguy … in order to spy on former partners and enemies alike, women were more likely to be doing the online stalking than… men. Yes, some 62 percent of women 'fessed up to searching for an ex-partner using online…"]why women prefer the Internet to sex[/URL]. Re: Women In Combat Community Center by diafol … on radio in an interview about the UK ary allowing women into the infantry. I fully expected her to support the…; upbringing, makes me shudder away from the thought of allowing women to be used as cannon fodder (sorry poor choice of… words), but there again, women have the exact same right as men to make that… Re: Women In Combat Community Center by AssertNull … far the Marines are 0 for 30 as far as women passing the Marines' Infantry Officer Course. We'll she what… thinks.… Women prefer chocolate to IT security Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy …"]InfoSecurity Europe[/URL] then women are four times as likely to give away their …passwords for chocolate than men. This reveals two things: women prefer chocolate to IT and men rather predictably do not… with this incentive 60% of men and 62% of women gave us their contact information", said Claire Sellick, Event… Re: Women In Combat Community Center by Agilemind …; is still sexist. But for the current generation of young women, it will go over much better if you phrase it… Re: Women more likely to be online stalkers than men Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by kanaku Maybe this is a good point for assuming that women take LONGER to get over a relationship than men. Which is why we would still care about our ex-partners. We're more 'constant' and loyal creatures. (I'd like to think) =P Re: 51% of women would rather shoot themselves than shop online Digital Media Digital Marketing by Adamdavid Women always keeps shopping.They take such a long time to buy something.If they can do shopping on internet they will be very happy to do it.Instead of going to te shop they will find that easy sitting at home and do shopping. Re: Why women live longer than men. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by scru WOMEN LIVE LO(NGER THAN MEN?! Now I have to think up a whole new way to get back at her! :(