I didn't know global heating was a problem. (annoyance: people that correct others on every little thing). Heh, I like making fun of myself.

Actually a lot of people that don't live in the United States don't like it. I think mostly because of its politics.

Here's one: people who bother others when they're sleeping. Last year a friend of mine fell asleep in class when we were watching a movie and my other friends put a bunch of little pieces of paper in his hair so during the movie I reached over and slammed my hand as hard as I could on his desk cause I thought it would be funny. He jumped up and little pieces of paper flew everywhere.

Sulley's Boo commented: hehe :P +4

(annoyance: people that correct others on every little thing).

Shouldn't 'annoyance' be capitalized? And shouldn't the period be in the parentheses? :D

People who disagree with me! Clearly I'm always right.

People that refuse to get drunk because they are afraid to reveal the real 'inner workings' of themselves.


I came on to one of my male friends a really long time ago (so I've been told). Does that mean I'm gay?


I came on to one of my male friends a really long time ago (so I've been told). Does that mean I'm gay?

Not really, you were just drunk!

People that refuse to get drunk because they are afraid to reveal the real 'inner workings' of themselves.

What about those who refuse to get drunk because they'd rather continue to have functioning livers?

People who like to get drunk to destroy their livers.

Most people who are Republicans.

People who make racists comments in the Geek's Lounge.

Most people who are Republicans.

Why? Because they have a different perspective, which lends itself better to a capitalist economy?

People who make racists comments in the Geek's Lounge.

Nigga please

People who like to get drunk to destroy their livers.

I do, however, completely agree with you on this one.

commented: I'm still chuckling. +12

People who like to get drunk to destroy their livers.

I'm just pushing it to its limits -- no pain, no gain.

Norah O'Donell, a US TV commentator, looks like an angel and laughs like a fishwife.

Ooh -- do you have an mp3 of this?

people smokes around me...
borrow my tools and forgot to bring it back or bring with damage.

Allowing myself to be sucked into reading threads like this.

People who whine about smoking.

people who whine about people whining about smoking.

people who whine about people whining about smoking.

No kidding. Those are the worst.

People who smokes but denies it when in front of other people who doesn't know they smoke.

people who whine about people whining about smoking.

Regex ftw: (people who wine about people whining about)+ smoking

People that whine about people whining of people whining about smoking. (You knew it was coming.)

gah...people who don't know when to end a joke...

And people who will see one joke, not understand it, and then post something silly afterwards.


People blindly following their "leaders"

Some People go to jail to find the Lord!

Some people find the Lord and then go to jail, after they kill their family out of compassion.

Some people find the Lord and then go to jail, after they kill their family out of compassion.

Provide examples, please.

people who whine about people who whine about people who whine about people who whine about people who whine about people who whine about people smoking.

People who keeps on saying the word whine. -_-

people who didn't admiring another people (do what they want without caring people rights)

commented: yes, absolutelly for a smokers +1

People who don't act their age.

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