I recently had a debate with a very close (if rather Macarded) colleagues about the iPhone, and its success in the market. His theory is that most ppl these days want a single device that does everything in one package, especially combining the portable media player and the mobile phone. My question in response was "what happens when the device breaks down? You effectively lose two devices (in terms of functionality) in one hit"

So I put it to you guys; the loss of which device (media player or mobile phone - cell phone for you Yanks - would set you screaming... or could you do without either?

Interested in the feedback this one generates, as my colleague's excuse for my disagreeing with him is that I'm from the last generation, and so I "just don't get it"!

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I don't know that either would make me screaming mad. I would say "*** *** ******** ** * * ******* *****" then call for a replacement phone and get over it. My iPod already died about two months ago and I haven't gotten around to replacing it yet. I haven't lost or damaged my iPhone yet but it is only a matter of time before something happens to it :(

I'll be sure to post back when my phone breaks.

> as my colleague's excuse for my disagreeing with him is that I'm from the last generation, and so I "just don't get it"!
Nothing dates technology quicker than oldies getting hold of it and saying how great it is using "yoof" words to describe it ;)

I'm waiting for the iDontBelieveIt automatic whinging gadget :)

If I lost my iPhone I would miss the phone part, but I doubt I will have to as I have every phone I have ever owned sat in a drawer incase I ever need them......

I also have a 30GB iPod sat with the phones which got replaced with my iPhone.

So unless I suddenly lost all of them I wouldnt need to worry, but I would miss the phone most.

I would probably miss my mp3 player more, I spent a long time customizing it to be exactly how i want :) My phone I would miss, but I could still use the phone I won from a crane machine (still can't believe I finally managed it).

I don't have a phone since one would be of no use to me.

I have some Sansa MP3 and a 120GB iPod, but I don't use them that often. Except on the once a week drives I have during the school year. Over the summer I've found a new source of comedy and entertainment, talk radio.

I could easily live without either of those. What I would hate to lose is my light detecting LED nightlight in the hall. Keeps me from walking straight into a closed bathroom door at night.
That would be a true shame to lose.

I wouldn't miss either because i'm infront of a computer most of the day where I can get music via internet+itunes and if I need to make a phone call I can simply make a free sms (I think) message through gmail.


No need to get cranky. He happily describes himself as Mactarded, and gives rise to many a good-humoured ribbing from both sides... he's also a good mate :)

Personally would miss the MP3 player more. Head-phone died a few weeks back, leaving a commute to work without music... had a new pair by the end of the day.

dead mobile phone for sure!

If my MP3 dided I can still listent to music through stereo or my laptop.

BTW, my mobile can also work as a MP3 player!

Personally, I wouldn't miss either of 'em!
The only reason I own a mobile phone is because my wife and my bandmates nagged me into it, so they can pester me incessantly....So if my phone should ever so accidentally on purpose fly off my desk and into the wall...ooops!.....Hey if my wife asks, none of you saw that OK?!

And I don't own an MP3 player. I don't walk around enough to need one! However if my car stereo was to die or get stolen, that would be a completely different matter!

Heh heh :D

Being a thirtysomething, I guess that makes me a member of the 'Last Generation'

Being 60something, I had the pleasure of getting in on the cell phone early (1987 - got a car phone), played all the games (calling the bartender to order a round of drinks, ordering pizza delivered to table, getting tossed out of bar for annoying bartender) got wrapped up in being in contact (called up in the middle of Hurricane Fran to go get the computer back on-line - land lines down, effing cells not so much), tossed the brick and was cell-free until May of this year.

The mp3 - hmmm - I actually compose stories while listening to German Industrial and Ambient on long walks but I don't always take one with me - I think I have 4 or 5 around and grab the one that still has enough juice if I remember to grab one.

Being 60something, I had the pleasure of getting in on the cell phone early (1987 - got a car phone), played all the games (calling the bartender to order a round of drinks, ordering pizza delivered to table, getting tossed out of bar for annoying bartender) got wrapped up in being in contact (called up in the middle of Hurricane Fran to go get the computer back on-line - land lines down, effing cells not so much), tossed the brick and was cell-free until May of this year.

The mp3 - hmmm - I actually compose stories while listening to German Industrial and Ambient on long walks but I don't always take one with me - I think I have 4 or 5 around and grab the one that still has enough juice if I remember to grab one.

I guess i am okay with all the situation, the only thing that maks me scream is the dieing of the computer!

Of course it is the phone, if it is dead, then I feel I am out of connection!

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