602 Topics

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Member Avatar for christopher.ava

Hi everyone, My phone 5c runs so slow recently, and I tried to delete some files in my iPhone and get more space. Ah, it doesn't work at all. Do you meet this? My phone has used 2 years and everything goes well until last week. It suddenly changed so …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for codesparrk

We examine the steps involved in developing an iPhone app and their efficiencies. With the help of our blog, you may identify important developer requirements, pick the best programming language, and acquire reliable resources. Existing business owners and startup ventures eagerly anticipate realizing the benefits brought forth by iOS mobile …

Member Avatar for Ja sa bong
Member Avatar for indigo_4

It has to be said that Apple in recent years has not had any particularly eye-catching upgrades. Even, some features that users like very much have been removed, such as fingerprint unlocking. I'm using iPhone 13 now, if I wear makeup sometimes, iPhone 13 can't recognize my face. Once, I …

Member Avatar for Ja sa bong
Member Avatar for AsifJavaid_1

Hi All, I am Asif. I want to develop a mobile application in Android and iOS using Google AR spatial api. After running the sample applications in Google Code Labs, we are getting an error, VPS is not available in your region. Yes we know it is available mostly in …

Member Avatar for graceweb
Member Avatar for Christian_30

If you own a grocery business and have plans to take it to the next level, building an Instacart clone app will be the ideal choice. Facilitate your users to purchase groceries online and get it delivered to their doorsteps. To get started, formulate an innovative business plan and approach …

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for samauden

Hello Friends, I have .com website and would like to get traffic or more sessions for the website from USA. The company is located outside of USA, in India,Asia.Their main business is iphone application development, android app development and ipad application development.Overall their focus of business is mobile application development.They …

Member Avatar for Sandyrock
Member Avatar for beltonengratis

Hi everyone! Is there a way to delete ring tones from an iPhone? I linked my phone with my Windows 10 computer and iTunes, but under the tones section there is no list of tones to find and I have a couple of tones I do not want anymore. All …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Matrel

Hey Folks, Hope you are all well. Long time no visit for me, but I had a weird question that I am struggling to answer and thought somebody here may be able to help. I am looking for a camera app for my phone (either Android or iOS) that has …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for falotfalon
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Nick_10

Hi all! I have recently attended to my sister's wedding and helped her record some happy interesting videos with my panasonic camcorder, and she wants me to send those movies to her so that she can keep it in her iPhone. I found files are all ended with .ts. In …

Member Avatar for william0ffil512
Member Avatar for happygeek

If the schools that my kids attend are anything to go by, it seems that high on Santa's list this Xmas just gone was an iTouch, iPhone or iPad depending how well off the parents were. That's understandable, they are just as attractive as gadgets for kids as they are …

Member Avatar for luka98
Member Avatar for Dani

This page keeps crashing on my iPhone, both in Mobile Safari as well as Chrome. https://www.daniweb.com/connect/developers/endpoints

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for keitech

I've encountered an unknown user appear in my calls log and its had a 16mins airtime videocall to this person in messenger. I'm just suprised, it was appear in my call logs even though I didn't do anything Can anyone help me to track this code or identify who is …

Member Avatar for keitech
Member Avatar for Helen_7

If you are using your iPhone XS as a music player, then you probably know how to transfer music from computer to iPhone. The default way of transferring between your PC and iPhone is by using iTunes. This is the most common way of sharing music and other media to …

Member Avatar for Robert_73

Hello, all can anyone have some information on how to develop a simple iphone app..? (its for an FYP)

Member Avatar for crystal_1
Member Avatar for darren2005

Hi, I seem to get an Assertion failure with the following code: if (Butten.tag==1) { //int errorCount = 0; //UIImage *filterImage; GPUImageAmatorkaFilter *ColorMatrix=[[GPUImageAmatorkaFilter alloc]init]; [ColorMatrix prepareForImageCapture]; UIImage *filterImage=[ColorMatrix imageByFilteringImage:img_MainImage]; //while (! (filterImage = [ColorMatrix imageByFilteringImage:img_MainImage]) ) { // ++errorCount; //} //if (errorCount > 0) { //NSLog(@"GPUImageiOSBlurFilter imageByFilteringImage button clicked:"); //} …

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

Hi, I have been struggling on a project for few weeks but yet, still no fruity result. Having an app that is running on ios ipad. I have a requirement to remove inhouse app if the app was not logged in for x number of days. It is in-house app, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

iPhone and more can automatically recognize phone numbers and make them an active link to click and initiate a call to that number. I can do this on many webpages, but not in myTinyTodo task list. Anyone know what might be preventing the phones from being able to recognize the …

Member Avatar for John_142
Member Avatar for koneill

All, I have a .mov file and am wondering what is the best way to have this autoplay so that users don't have to hit the play button while viewing on a IPhone device. I tried utilizing the ac_quicktime.js script as such (I went to the ac_quicktime.js - a few …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for panduranga_1

What is the exact reason that Iphone is more costlier than Andriod phone like samsung or other brands with china hardware. I have not found any difference between two phones. Many andriod phones have same outer design like iphone.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Daniweb Community, It has recently come to my attention that my website does not load on iPhone's, my website is (also I'm not trying to advertise) [http://twisteddigital.com.au](http://twisteddigital.com.au). So could someone help me with this problem, I've tried searching around for a little bit but couldn't find anything.

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for tmvinc
Member Avatar for Lp_baez

I keep getting a direct identifier error. I have tried deleting the pillarPlat004 assets and re-importing it and connecting it to the code, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I'm using swift in xcode. ![Screenshot_2016-04-09_19.27_.25_.png](/attachments/small/4/1f4a31b4ae5c37226cc4901e500e6fcd.png "align-left") ![Screenshot_2016-04-09_19.31_.50_.png](/attachments/small/4/4d94fd0a79c2f6fa708b11ec67f58885.png "align-left")

Member Avatar for asif49

What is the best way, using technology, to discern whether someone has gone from an awake state to a sleep state. Ideally, this would be something passive and non invasive/not limited to the room or location the person is in. Ideally this thing would be: 1) efficient 2) cheap 3) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for asif49

Hi! I'm interested in being able to detect when someone goes from an awake state to a sleep state. I know this is possible with both the iPhone and Android devices as there are apps on both of these that claim to do this: On IOS there are: 1) Sleep …

Member Avatar for exsoft
Member Avatar for Tina277

My brother set his iPhone back to 1970 because of his curiosity, then this behavior bricked his iPhone. What's a awkward thing! Then I called him to go to Apple Store for help, because I don't want to disassemble battery cover and make power break. Anybody has some other ways?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for happygeek

I have been a happy user of TomTom satnav products since they first hit the market some ten years ago now. For the most part, that has meant dedicated hardware for in-car use. However, when I last [reviewed the TomTom app for the iPhone here at DaniWeb back in 2010](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/tablets-and-mobile-devices/reviews/333687/edit-your-own-satnav-maps-with-tomtom-for-iphone) …

Member Avatar for rockingjohncart
Member Avatar for FindNerd

As the iPhone7 will going to be launched in the coming months for all its personal and professional customers , So the Apple will Provide many new features in its upgraded version iphone7 which are embedded with advanced technology as compared to its earlier version iPhone6. You can check upgraded …

Member Avatar for ChrisRogers
Member Avatar for pradiplamsal

Hi guys from last month I am using one browser it called [Max Safe Browser](https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/max-safe-browser/id774765714?mt=8) provided by Max Secure Software India Private Limited and I am feeling good by using this browser in my iphone and here I am just asking which browser is your best for iphone? If you …

Member Avatar for jeffmarkel

The End.