I don't have one

Favorite Soccer team

C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C ooooooooooooooooooooo mbo

no one asked a question so i'm saying
fave programming language


what is your favourite festival?

fête de la musique.

What is your favorite password?

What's your favorite country?

My favorite subject was and still is mathematics.

What is your favorite dish?

Steak with bearnaise sauce and fries and salad.
What is your favourite vacation or holyday place?

houston, texas

did not read all the posts soooooo
what is your favorite time of day?


What is your favourite secret?

Female....cant keep secrets!!!

what is your favorite constellation?

My favorite subject mathematics.I like so much mathematics equations and the problems. what is your favourite chocolate.


what is your favorit flower

chemistry, biology!
what's your favorite song?


What's your favorite kind of zombie

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