Dani, bless her, has pulled an allnighter (literally) and has implemented tagging for DaniWeb blogs.

Can I ask anyone here who blogs, when they have time, to go and edit their postings to add tags please. It doesn't take long, and is very straightforward in typical Dani style.

You'll notice that a tag cloud section has been added to the blog home page, and over time this will reveal the most popular tags with DaniWeb blog readers.

Also, when you are reading a blog posting you can now click on any of the tags shown to display a list of all other postings (not just from the same blogger) with the same tag.

Nice one Dani. Now get some sleep! :D

After the movielad fiasco, non-moderators have a time limit set on how long they have to edit their blog entries, similar to the forums, so not everyone has the ability to go back to far previous entries. However, everyone can add tags from now forward.

Doh! My bad.

I totally forgot about that...

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