The IRC profanity filter has gone out of control.

<Rashakil> sss _ss
* DaniBot sets ban on *!*
* You have been kicked from #DaniWeb by DaniBot (Watch your language!)
* Cannot join #daniweb (You are banned).

First of all, how is sss _ss profane? Second, why does it merit a ban, when using actual profanity merely gets you kicked?

Invisal got banned for sss _ss , too.

scru commented: Come join Kindowm and aid our protest! +3

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All 24 Replies

You _ss! What happens in IRC stays in IRC!

But those kicks/bans are silly. The one(s) it's designed to catch work around them in seconds anyway.

It's all because of Josh >.>

commented: It was of great help. +0

I don't deal with the irc. You guys will have to wait for blud on this one.

The underscore words were a preventative measure against a user that was abusing them. That has been removed.

The ban was because you were flat out abusing the system, you would think after 6 kicks you would get the idea you weren't supposed to do something.

I think its silly to censor words on IRC,on the bases here i understand but on IRC it shouldnt be as big of a problem.....

I dunno........

I have to agree with Sam and the dude on this one..

Blud, the filter is whack :P

Come on man, I know you don't agree with internet censorship.. so why censor the irc? Profanity is simply a way of expressing yourself..

I mean, really.. Who actually is an advocate of censorship? Besides, you can never really censor everything. I suggest the filter be disabled.

commented: hahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha +3

The profanity filtering applies globally to DaniWeb, as part of the standard of professionalism we expect from members no matter where they happen to be on the system.

It would be a nonsense to say that you cannot call another member a <insert profanity here> in the forums but it is OK in chat, that you cannot litter your reputation feedback with profanity but it is OK in your blog comments, and so on.

No matter what your personal view on censorship, swearing and the rest of it - once the decision has been taken to make DaniWeb a profanity free zone then that has to be implemented across the board or not at all...


I'm just going to quickly throw in that the IRC profanity filter censors the exact same words as the forum profanity filter and always has.

I'm just going to quickly throw in that the IRC profanity filter censors the exact same words as the forum profanity filter and always has.

How is

<Rashakil> sss _ss
* DaniBot sets ban on *!*
* You have been kicked from #DaniWeb by DaniBot (Watch your language!)
* Cannot join #daniweb (You are banned).

filtering the same as daniweb?

sss _ss ain't a curse word as far as I am concerned...

commented: It WAS the same until you started abusing it. :P -3

I also protest to some of the words being filtered. It's really not reasonable.

There is also a double standard on the filter. Ops and Voices can say curse words but we can't? What?

Another example of (expletive deleted)-for-tat censorship?

I find it excessive that some words with ordinary uses are banned because they also have illicit uses. I can't even post either name of my favorite comedian.

How is
filtering the same as daniweb?

sss _ss ain't a curse word as far as I am concerned...

If you read the rest of the post, you would know that that has been removed from the filter list.

Another example of (expletive deleted)-for-tat censorship?

I find it excessive that some words with ordinary uses are banned because they also have illicit uses. I can't even post either name of my favorite comedian.

Comedians with vulgar names shouldn't be discussed here anyway. If they don't realize that society as a whole (not just the USA, but the world), looks down on that, that's their fault.

He is a famous comedian from the 1960s, and is also the main actor in "Diagnosis Murder".

Vulgar people independently made words identical to parts of his name vulgar after he became famous. They have no connection to his name except for the spellings.

dick van dyke?

I don't think any of those are in the swear filter.

No matter how much I was a fan of the Dick
Van Dyke show on Nick@Nite back in the day, I still feel sorry for that guy being stuck with the name he has. :)

I've loved the Dick Van Dyke Show since it started. And I think he's great is most things I've seen him in! But until you mentioned it, I never made this connection! :icon_eek:

he was in mary poppins as the chimney sweep

He was also in "Cold Turkey", which sorry to say was a real turkey.

Although "Drop Out Father" was good.

I guess it doesn't trigger it here. But there are other sites where I have to refer to him as "the actor who plays Rob Petrey and Marc Sloan" to refer to him at all.

For some reason, the History channel site does not like the word "rim". And you cannot use the most common fastener that holds phonographs together on a site on repairing phonographs.

I liked him as a criminal in a Columbo episode too.

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