I am 70 years old and have been programming since 1977. My first computer had no software. We had to write everything using a crude form of basic and a Zilog Z-80 compiler. It started as a hobby and then became a passion. I have used Basic, Cobol, Pascal, fortran, several compilers for machine code. Have used MS-Dos, TRS-dos, Unix, Windows and a few I can't remember. Most of my programming has been with databases.

I started programming for the web with a simple html editor, Apache Server, MySql dataabase and PHP scripting. I am currently learning Microsoft web applications and Javascript.

If you have something new I can learn, please share and I will be happy to return the favor in any way I can. Over these past 31 years, many people have helped me learn. It is amazing that there are so many smart people willing to help and teach.

I am 70 years old and have been programming since 1977. It is amazing that there are so many smart people willing to help and teach.

Welcome! You might rank as one of Daniweb's oldest members (something to be proud of). I'm not sure of Ancient Dragon's exact age but I know it is around 70. It sounds like you will be one of those "smart people willing to help and teach". :)

Nice of you to join us!

Hi...Welcome to Daniweb Friend :)

Welcome to DaniWeb -- I'm just a few 5 years younger than you :) I think you and I are the oldest here, but there are a couple others pretty darned close. I hope you feel free to share your experiences and vast knowledge with everyone here on the technical boards.


and yes, i agree. Best way is to dive right in.

Wilkommen nach Daniweb!
(Welcome to Daniweb!)

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