
My name is Waylena, and I'm a bit of a techie living with my husband and our two cats in Champaign, IL.

I use Windows a lot at work, but Linux is my passion, and has inspired me to take up some programming. So far I've learned a lot of html and some C.

Still very much an enthusiastic newbie, but I find my knowledge growing all the time.

I read about the site on JustLinux site. Looks great, I'll add it to my personal toolbar. :)


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All 13 Replies

Hello waystar! Enjoy your stay. Good luck with your programming endeavors.

Hi waystar- looks like more than a few of us from JL came over to check this out. :)

I'll throw my hat in-- Woo Woo!

Here, I'm alc6379. At, I'm Alex Cavnar, aka alc6379, the "Cookie Moderator"! I'd've used the same nickname here, but most forums don't like my long username.

Glad to be here, and I hope I can help somebody!

'lo there. :)

I'll throw my hat in-- Woo Woo!

Hey, Who told you that you could clock out? Get back to work!


welcome to the forum :mrgreen:

Well hello and welcome to techtalk.

Enjoy your stay and happy posting :)

Hey waystar, DMR, and alc ... all from :) We could really use your help with our Linux 'n' shell scripting forums over here! :)

Hey waystar, DMR, and alc ... all from .

You missed one- Steve (mahdi) registered also. OMG- three moderators posting on another site when we should be slaving away at JL... our site admin is not going to be a happy puppy!

:evil: :cheesy:

Tell him that I stole you guys away :P and I'll fight for ya if I have to! LOL j/k

Tell him that I stole you guys away :P and I'll fight for ya if I have to! LOL j/k

Not trying to be coy or anything, but the admin of this board is WAY cuter than our admin... ;)

hehe! :)

:@ I'm late it's Tu.06.19.07; Justin!!!


local fn hello
window 1, "Hello, World", (0,0)-(512,320),_dialogmovable,classa
text _monaco,9
end fn

local fn pr
print "Hello, World!"
until len(inkey$) or mouse(_down)
end fn

fn hello
fn pr

:-/ Communicating inside a single program is trivial: one method calls another, the result comes back, and the calling method continues. If anything goes wrong, an exception is thrown. If the program aborts altogether, both caller and callee share the same fate, making the interaction an all-or-nothing affair. This kind of binary outcome is a welcome behavior in the predictive world of computer software, especially one that’s based on 1s and 0s. Given the challenges in creating a correct conversation policy, one approach would be to simply enumerate a few common conversations and have services choose which to implement. WSDL follows this approach with the concept of message-exchange patterns (MEPs). WSDL 1.1 defines four transmission primitives, comprising sequences of input and output operations: one-way, request–response, solicit–response, and notification.2 WSDL 2.0 defines additional MEPs, and lets services define their own.3 Yet, the WSDL specification doesn’t include a language to describe the conversation policy associated with each MEP; it uses plain English, which means that humans have to interpret and implement these policies. “Web Services Description Language (WSDL), version 2.0 part 2::icon_rolleyes:

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