leedurr 0 Newbie Poster

Name: Derek
Nickname: D
Height: 6 even
Hair: Blk
Eyes: Brn
Location: GA
Age: 20

Hobbies: work out, run out, watch tv, read, play video games for a small amount of time, surfing the net, listening to music.

Relationship Status: single n looking but i really care less if i don't got a g/f rite now.

Fav Music: lots of em just ask me :)

Education: devry university but no degress yet (30 classes left til i get my bachelors n technology). I am majoring in Biomedical Engineering.

Work: Wal Mart, I might be the best cart pusher they got @ this wal mart i work at.

Favorite Movies: napolean dynamite, bruce lee a warrior's journey, war games, bloodsport, mr deeds, spanglish, more.

Favorite TV Shows: i don't watch too much tv.

Stuff you Dislike: lots of stuff dat most peeps can't stand.