What's up?

I'm 19 yrs old and most interested in computers. I'm having problems with my computer right now. If you've got time, here is the story:

I have an old GQ ("Great Quality") laptop (2003) XP Home Edition with a Intel Celeron CPU 2.4GHz. RAM 256MB. So the cheap (HDD 40GB) hard drive crashes, probably because it froze while I improperly unplugged my external hard drive, and I bought a new 40gig hard drive and istalled XP from the reboot CD. All is good.

Then, I noticed how the video pixel graphics were sluggish and the colors suck. I go to the display properties and, to my dismay, there is no SiS (Silicon Iintegrated System); the one that allowed me to change the video setting options and external monitors. So, I know its in the chip, do I need some type of software to make it work?

A week later my laptop has not any processing power whats so ever. It freezes all the time and I can't run any programs.

I'm thinking of just updating it to at least Intell Pentium III, and let the guy at Fry's explain to me the installing procedure.

What do you smart/experienced techies think I should do?

Is this the right place to post Threads like this one?

How in the world do you upload an Avatar pic?

Is the "your signature" the quotes displayed in the forums reply?

How does Dani manage to send a welcome message to each new user?

Why can't scientist alter the DNA of roses to make them Black colored?

HELP! please, I'm going crazy!

> What do you smart/experienced techies think I should do?
No idea, sorry.

Is this the right place to post Threads like this one?
> No, check out our tech talk hardware forum: http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/forum7.html

How in the world do you upload an Avatar pic?
> Up until yesterday, there was a problem with it not working, which I believe I fixed. From within your control panel, the Edit Avatar options should now work.

Is the "your signature" the quotes displayed in the forums reply?
> No. It's what appears below every post you make. Mine, for example, currently talks about buying advertising from the DaniWeb Media Kit.

How does Dani manage to send a welcome message to each new user?
> Because I'm just incredible.

Why can't scientist alter the DNA of roses to make them Black colored?
> Because there aren't enough goth men in the world to give black roses to their goth girlfriends.

HELP! please, I'm going crazy!

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