Hi. I'm Mousejockey. I'm a Creative Designer of over 20 years. I'm an Albany NY native. I was schooled at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where I studied Electronic Media Arts and Communication.

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Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hello mousejockey! I like creative design too - especially, using flash and 3d programs.

Sounds like you're in the thick of it with flash and 3d. Do you have a philosophy of design? Or a unique approach to the work?

Hi mousejockey, great username BTW. Although my first impression was that you must be a very small person, and then I got it :)

I don't get it. Anyone care to explain? *blushes*

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Sounds like you're in the thick of it with flash and 3d. Do you have a philosophy of design? Or a unique approach to the work?

My only philosophy is to learn everything and then try to master it.

I'm using flash pro 8.0 for my current work, and for the 3d work I use a combination of blender and autocad. Everything I have learnt so far is purely as a hobby, but I like to keep my knowledge refreshed by coming to daniweb. :)

@Dani I didn't get it too. :sad:

Sorry, British sense of humour...

A big person would squash a mouse if ridden competitively, hence the assumption of a small person. Mind you, I've never seen a mouse race, so I'm only guessing.

No, I get that part, Davey. It's what it REALLY stands for that I'm not sure of. You said that was your first impression, but then you got it. What did you get?

Ah I see!

Mouse Jockey, as in a professional rider of the (computer) mouse, someone who has tamed the little beast and can make it do wonderful things.

I've been using the handle Mousejockey for many years now. When I was first introduced to Adobe Illustrator, I asked my friend Bob if he still drew anything by hand. He said "No, I'm strictly a mouse jockey when it comes to drawing".

All I do is jockey a mouse around myself these days (except now I use a Wacom Tablet).

And that's how I got the name.

I used to be known as Wavey Davey for many years online, and off for that matter, and some people still call me 'Wavey' when they see me in the street.

However, I kind of outgrew the personality as I matured into Happy Geek.

Having said that, and the point of this posting, I often describe myself as being a Word Monkey...

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