Please help me!! I recently finished my C#.Net course, and need to start writing programs. But now the problem is, I honestly don't know where and how to start. Please advise me!!

Didn't you write any programs in your course? If not, I suggest you start with downloading the compiler and writing a simple "Hello World" program.

do homework during a programming course? Don't be silly, all you need to do is find some fool on a forum somewhere who can be tricked to do it for you.

calculator, binding data,

Please help me!! I recently finished my C#.Net course, and need to start writing programs. But now the problem is, I honestly don't know where and how to start. Please advise me!!

I hop you mean you want to start writing programs for profit (e.g. professionally). Have you got your college BS/BA degree yet? If not, then get one.

Please help me!! I recently finished my C#.Net course, and need to start writing programs. But now the problem is, I honestly don't know where and how to start. Please advise me!!

You need to install Visual studio .net version , IIS server, MSSQL serve and start programming in C# .

Nope. Start with installing MS Office (or another word processor), so you can create your design documents.

commented: Hilarious +1

You need to install Visual studio .net version , IIS server, MSSQL serve and start programming in C# .

I have all the above listed programmes installed!!

Then what do you not know how to do? You have your degree, you've written programs, you have a design. Start coding?

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