Hi There, it's Frank from the Netherlands. I am a freelance webdesigner. To design is my favorite activity but he, no website without some code!

So most of the site i develop on my own are made in Wordpress. I love it! Just bought a book for plugin development and when I got the time I will eat it ofcourse.

First it was hard to accept the Wordpress focus on blogging but since the web is more and more about who's got the most valuable content we need less time to get it on the web and more to produce the content. Thats why i try to get the most out of Wordpress. From simple CMS systems for business companies and light blogging for more traffic to heavily powered communities and high value ratingsites.

You name it, Wordpress can do it.

greetings, and welcome!

homey don't blog, so i won't be much help, but im sure you'll find a lot going on in the Web Dev forums.


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