Hi to all who read. I'm obviously new here. However, I'm not new to forums. I really don't do too good in a web community as far as regular attendance, but I'm excited to be so openly welcomed. So to follow suit, here are some things about me:

I've been married for 14 years and have 3 boys and 1 girl, who range in age from 3 to 15. I myself am 36, but feel much younger most days.

I don't have many restrictions for music; I'll listen to gangster rap and bluegrass in the same hour with no problem.

I like the summer time because I enjoy many outdoor activities, especially the ones that get me closest to nature. That's right, I'm a tree-hugger.

My favorite video game is Duck Hunt, though I haven't played it in a while. I also dig all of the Lego games: Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc.

And I am very open. If I have left unanswered questions here or elsewhere, just hit me up, I always love to share.

Hi Coultert, nice to meet you :D

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