Flies often bother people during the spring and summer months.

Months in the year include June, July and August.

August has 31 days.

Days last forever while a lifetime lasts a day.

day and night is a never ending process.

Process completed, shutdown will occur in 10 seconds.

Seconds away from my room , i saw a ghost.

Ghost sightings are rare.

rare to take a bath :D

Bath festivities can be quite interesting.

interesting questions have interesting answers

Answers are the question in this game.

Game of words that is.

Is he dead?

Dead is not the end of everything.

Everything you know is wrong.

Wrong is right and right is wrong, so how do u know when your right?

Right is the hand most people are dominate with.

With asinine people making new viruses and such on a daily basis, daniweb will live forever

Forever the drum of war will beat.

Forever the drum of war will beat.

Beat of House Music was great

Great people will always be remembered.

Remembered is a 10-letter-english-word which is the past tense of of the word remember

Remember that daniweb rocks

rocks are boring :icon_cheesygrin:

boring is both, a continuous past tense form and an adjective

adjective is an english word that starts with a.

a is the first letter, and z the last letter of the alphabet

Tasty is how I describe the new Bud-Light with Lime!!

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