Hello there,

I got my new laptop today. Having been thinking of getting a good notebook I decided to buy this one from Lenovo "IBM ThinkPad R60e" .

Would you please help about what do I have to check in my laptop in order to be sure that this one has no problems.

What things I have to check after getting a new laptop?

I have tested LCD of it using such called software "Eizo-test". and the results are good, no bugs.

I have looked around the case of it and it is normal too.
I have tried to test hardware part using "CPUBurn utility " but it shows error which says.

"Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid."

Thank you very much.
I aprreciate any suggestion by you.

Hello Free eagle. Congrats on the new Laptop. I have a feeling they are a cheaper brand of IBM's not to say they arent good though... I know of a few website's that have good testing software. One of them is Download.com. There site is very user friend and finding your way around shouldn't be a problem. If your looking for some "enhancers" or tweaks to make your laptop a bit more efficent then majorgeeks.com is your bet. I personally don't use tweaks but my laptop is buff and I don't need them so. hehe good luck hope it helps

as for the error. I think it has something to do with requiring runtime files which arent really worth messing around with. Probably best just to find a different program that does the same thing.. Go

as for the error. I think it has something to do with requiring runtime files which arent really worth messing around with. Probably best just to find a different program that does the same thing.. Go

Hello David,

Thank you for your kind reply to me. I found those web links very useful which you sent to me :)...

I really appreciate your opinion.

Now I am looking for some utility test software to make sure that all hardware parts of my laptop are alright .

As this is happening to me first time to get my own notebook I would like to get some ideas for a good software to test this notebook.

Hardware issues like CPU, chipsets ,harddrives ,Cash memories and etc.

thank you... :)

ummm....with my laptop...HP had a program that looks at all your hardware and checks to see how everything is running..its just a basic program that comes with Hp...maybe you could use one of the downlaod sites that David suggested to find something of the sort...if your looking for something to see what the components of your computer are try using Belarc.com, its just a PC audit...it will tell you what your running and all the programs...i dont know if this is exactly what your looking for..but it might help

Hello again ,

I just had a quick browse on the net and have come across a software program called Passmark BIT. The software runs a series of tests on your hardware to determine any problems . The test does take a while but im sure it'll be helpful in finding any errors with your hardware. Website is www.passmark.com . I found the website to be very unstable when it came to downloading. I recommend installing a download manager from download.com before downloading the Burnin Testing software. Good luck again

Hello David Sanders & maui_mallard

thanks for the information you have provided i will just go and get that software to test my laptop.

I will let you know the results.


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