So has anyone else here ever played final fantasy seven? I know it's a little old by now, but I still think it's the best game I've ever played. I've had it for a long time, but just recently I killed emereld weapon. I still haven't beaten Ruby weapon yet. Anybody else play this game?

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I watched my boyfriend play it, and I know a lot of people that love it, but I just don't see what's so great about it. Lol, maybe I'm weird. But I'm more of a Halo 2 type of gamer. ;)

Well, for me, I started playing when I was like seven years old. I got frustrated with it at parts, but it took me until I was ten or eleven to beat it. Most video games I play are too easy or don't take much playing time to beat. And even now, being seventeen, I still haven't completely mastered the game yet.

Wow... interesting.
I don't really understand how to play.

hah yea.. I love halo 2 too.. xbox live rocks, I've only played with my cousin though.. that sword owns lol

Yep, I played it. Played it on my PC, p166, 32mb ram. First time I beat the game it froze right before the ending started.

I only played the ones that came out on PC. I've thought about getting a PS2 to play ff9,10 and 12.

I like FF7 but i also like......i think its 9? - the last PS1 version anyway, came on loads of cds

Yep, I played it. Played it on my PC, p166, 32mb ram. First time I beat the game it froze right before the ending started.

I only played the ones that came out on PC. I've thought about getting a PS2 to play ff9,10 and 12.

Heh, that sucks. But I think you can see the ending video on utube or something. I've played 10 and I thought it was pretty good except the main character seems kinda dorky but it's okay. If you get a chance to play 10 then see if you can notice while you play that all of the characters call each other by their name (I think it's the first final fantasy that uses actual voices) aloud, but since you can create the main character's name, they go through the whole game having absolutely no idea what his name actually is. I didn't really notice it until the end.

I like FF7 but i also like......i think its 9? - the last PS1 version anyway, came on loads of cds

I think it was nine that was the last ps1 version. It was either 8 or 9 that came with four discs. 7 had three but to tell the truth I kind of think they could have fitted it on two but they used it as a selling point (maybe, I don't know).

Wow... interesting.
I don't really understand how to play.

Yeah, I was real confused for a while, especially cause of how young I was when I first played, with all the materia and if you equipped some it would raise some statistics but lower others. That and I didn't like to fight the battles I didn't have to so I'd run and by the time I had to kill a boss I didn't stand a chance. It's time consuming at first, but it isn't as addictive as w.o.w. I've lost a few friends to that game. lol.

I remember bits and pieces of the game when I played it. I also remember spending days on end in my basement playing FF8. Keeping in mind that particular summer was crazy humid.

Final fantasy X for the PS2 was crappy IMHO. Same goes for kingdom hearts.

Yeah, I was real confused for a while, especially cause of how young I was when I first played, with all the materia and if you equipped some it would raise some statistics but lower others. That and I didn't like to fight the battles I didn't have to so I'd run and by the time I had to kill a boss I didn't stand a chance. It's time consuming at first, but it isn't as addictive as w.o.w. I've lost a few friends to that game. lol.

Haha.. yeah. My boyfriend is crazy about Final Fantasy. =/ He's about to lose me over it! ;)

I don't know what IMHO is, but I guess it means graphics. The thing is, the game was originally japanese and when they translated it they didn't change any mouth movements or when they did it was very little (I remember watching this somewhere). That and sometimes two objects should be in contact but they're far from it and it's kind of funny to see.

IMHO= In My Humble Opinion

Jbennet doesn't like offending people, so he uses this phrase instead. I don't think he should really care what other people think.. but w/e

>but w/e
What does that mean? :P

"but whatever". I think people are too sensitive to other people. We are way too 'politically correct' these days..

> "but whatever"
I know what it means. I was trying to make the point of how useless abbreviations usually are. I guess I'm not completely innocent of that myself, but using them just so that it saves you a few keystrokes? I don't really know...

>I think people are too sensitive to other people. We are way too 'politically correct' these days..
Perhaps. But think of this the other way, is racism, sexism, and all the other sorts of ridicule good to have? Maybe we're too restrictive now, but it would definitely be far worse on the flip side.

It really doesn't offend me if someone disagrees with me, especially if it's only about a video game. I think it would be worse if people were racist/sexist/prejudiced, etc. but I think most people aren't, so being too restrictive isn't always necessary, although it is better than racist/sexist/prejudiced comments. But like I said, I don't really think it's very offending to anyone if it's just about a video game or the like.

But anyway, has anyone actually killed Ruby Weapon in Final Fantasy VII? Any tips or hints or strategies for it?

I think people are too sensitive to other people. We are way too 'politically correct' these days..
Perhaps. But think of this the other way, is racism, sexism, and all the other sorts of ridicule good to have? Maybe we're too restrictive now, but it would definitely be far worse on the flip side.

I know. Political corrctness is ruining my country.

I have NEVER played final fantasey ever!
i doubt i'm missing much
Racing games are my genre!

I like racing games also...
But one game I absolutely love is Zeldo on the Wii.

Hey, you changed your avatar. What does VT stand for?

Yeah, it's Virginia Tech.

It's really sad what happened, but it really annoys me the that the media eats it up just for ratings. They say, "Hey, look! We have footage of what this guy had to say before." That just isn't appropriate and it's disrespectful. I can't stand the media sometimes.

True, the media is stupid sometimes.

>But anyway, has anyone actually killed Ruby Weapon in Final Fantasy VII?
Yes. Personally, I thought Emerald was harder.

>Any tips or hints or strategies for it?
You're going to lose two members of your party, so make sure that all of them can cast a powerful life and link it to an all materia. Alternatively, you can kill two of the members before going into the fight, but that's kind of a cop out and I don't like to do it. Then just cast knights of the round and mimic it until Ruby dies. It replies with ultima each time though, so you have to heal carefully too.

If you don't have knights of the round, get ready for a really long fight, and victory won't be assured.

With Elmereld weapon I used W-summon with two knights of the round and I had two mimics. The difficult thing with Ruby Weapon is that it will always hit with Ultima afterwards and if it kills me, then I have to use the Life2-finalattack combination with mega all. After that I can't mimic knights of the round until I cast it again and I only have one knights of the round left (It's at level three). I could master the materia, but that's so time consuming. On top of that it's only vulnerable when its claws are in the ground. I'll give it another shot after I level up some more materia.

In FFVII, Ruby weapon was a lot simpler to kill than Emerald. IIRC What made him hard was that he was invulnerable until he killed a couple of your guys. If you went in with only one member of the party alive, he would already put his tentacles in the ground or whatever and you could hurt him. That way you already knew what guy was going to be alive and so you could load him up with all the materia you wanted, like final attack phoenix and w summon knights of the round etc.

I missed out on VIII, never really played it.

I liked a lot of the aspects of IX, once I got past the main character having a tail for whatever reason.

X was interesting, I enjoyed some of the characters, and once I got into it, the story. But the ending really rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe its a culture thing, I don't know but personally it made me feel like I wasted all my time getting into the developement of the characters. It is kinda the same thing as how in film school they tell you to avoid writing scripts that end with "it was only a dream" or employ Deus Ex Machina because it will just tick off the audience.

I'm currently playing XII, and it seems pretty fun but then again I haven't beaten it yet so I can't say for sure.

Alot of the newer FF's rely heavily on the characters and the ending, at least that for me is what seems to make them memorable and good or the other way around.

I've been increasingly dissillusioned with the main characters in recent releases as they seem to follow the exact same architype and it is getting old. A blonde young teenager that is usually some poor rogue with an anger issue against something (Empire, Father, Whatever) and if you can give him baggy cracked-out shorts that must be a bonus.

Maybe they are trying to market to a younger audience, maybe I am an old codger who is out of touch, but all of the Zidane's, Tidus's, and Vaan's, the kid from Bouncer, the kid from Kingdom Hearts are starting to run together.

Enough of my ranting about the newer FF's, I will say that FFVII was a very compelling and ground breaking game. I enjoyed it immensly.

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