I don't get it.. How do you go to a basketball trophy?

You walk down the hall and when you get to the glass case, you turn towards it and fine tune your position to stand in front of the basketball trophy.

Boy, some people are just dumb!


commented: sarcasm....really sarcasm +2

Well the way they made it sound, 'basketball trophy' was a place.. Perhaps saying "I went to see a basketball trophy" or "I went to a basketball trophy case". Lol.. idk maybe it's just me :-/

commented: sarcasm +2

I don't get it.. How do you go to a basketball trophy?

I have no idea...........I went to a football trophy once.

commented: sarcasm +2

do you mean the real football, the football that is actually played with feet? or do you mean the fake football?

commented: sarcasm +2

It may be fake on our side, but you forfeited the name when you allowed your version to be shortened from association football to assoc. After all, that's where we get the term 'soccer' for it from.

commented: sarcasm +2

I don't get it.. How do you go to a basketball trophy?

Sorry....I meant I went to a basketball camp and won a basketball trophy.Nice sarcasm though guys.I'll give you rep for that.:)

Heh, yeah I always thought it made more sense to call soccer football. But what I thought was funny is how they started NFL Europe but nfl stands for NATIONAL football league, even though those are new nations and it is an international league.

Sorry....I meant I went to a basketball camp and won a basketball trophy.Nice sarcasm though guys.I'll give you rep for that.:)

hah ;) Sweet.. When I was younger I went to like 3 to 4 basketball camps every summer.. have tons of trophies, medals, and a few plaques. The usually did ball handling, shooting, and defensive competitions..

Heh, yeah I always thought it made more sense to call soccer football. But what I thought was funny is how they started NFL Europe but nfl stands for NATIONAL football league, even though those are new nations and it is an international league.

:D Europe is weird like that :-/

Heh, yeah I always thought it made more sense to call soccer football. But what I thought was funny is how they started NFL Europe but nfl stands for NATIONAL football league, even though those are new nations and it is an international league.

That's it!. That convinced me. The world is upside down. It is a sign
of the times, the end is at hand. We are in the last days.
Repent ye all sinners.
Oops!, :icon_redface: I think I am in the wrong forum. I thought I was in the Evangelist IRC channel. Sorry.

commented: Su~ure you did. +3

Hey it's fine. It's the anything and everything thread.

> Hey it's fine. It's the anything and everything thread.
Yeah, it has room for everything, even infractions. :p

But what I thought was funny is how they started NFL Europe but nfl stands for NATIONAL football league, even though those are new nations and it is an international league.

Well, the Society of American Magicians is an international organization, so why not NFL in Europe. :)

I don't know much about the society of american magicians but it can refer to the north american and south american continents maybe, so it could still be international.

>Yeah, it has room for everything, even infractions. :p


That sounds like the ultimate alliance to me.

I don't know much about the society of american magicians but it can refer to the north american and south american continents maybe, so it could still be international.

OK I guess I wasn't clear. Chapters in
Hong Kong
New Zealand
Puerto Rico
South Africa
United Kingdom


Heh, yeah you're right. People need to pick the names of these organizations better.

Heh, yeah you're right. People need to pick the names of these organizations better.

The SAM started in 1902. How were they supposed to know back then it would be this popular? :icon_wink:

We have "The Magic Circle"

I like basketball !, really random i know :P

edit: there is this weird kids program on at the moment called "The Sorcerers Apprentice"
there is this 'Sorcerer' that is brilliant at magic, looking for a kid to become his 'apprentice', while they learn magic on the way.
Is this a mock up of "The Apprentice" or what (both US and UK versions)?!?!

commented: I do too.(basketball) +2

Randomness? In this thread? That's madness. Mwahahahahaha!

Not really madness.Need a new topic though.

Okay......anybody know any get rich quick schemes on the internet?

Okay......anybody know any get rich quick schemes on the internet?

Yes, you all give me a 100 bucks each.

Done. What's phase two?

Done. What's phase two?

I will ask you for more.

i know you are willing to share some of that with me... just say yes...

You'd be surprised at the eBay scams. There aren't many, but I found a few playstation 3's that were obviously scams, and then the buyers were pis$ed. It had all the signs of a scam though.....by the way, aia I wired the $100 through yesterday. Now I wait for profit, right?

Get rich scheme= day trading :)

Okay......anybody know any get rich quick schemes on the internet?

There aren't any. There's plenty that claim to be though.

I see your post count is approx 1600 since march. So you like posting on a wide variety of topics. I have posted about 20 posts at myLot.com which pays for posts, so far that's got me $0.5 so you would be looking at something like $40 for you 1600 posts.

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