Heool There,
I am new to DaniWeb and it looks like a great place. I worked for a major Internet/VOIP provider in the NY area. I am 43 and have 2 daughters, one just turned 8 and has been battleing Cancer for the last 11 months but we are starting to see some good light at the end of the tunnel. The other is 12 and uses AIM alot and I need to track her logs so I can try to keep a step ahead as we I cannot spend enough time with her because I am caring for her sister. I have AIM logger installed and Cybersitter and both seem to work quite well exept for.... It seems that when the IM Logging option in AIM 6 is turned off only the incomming logs record. I know that a long while back I was able to change a Reg Key to make the IM Logging tab dissapear from the program but I cannot seem to get that job done again. Can anyone out there help a burned out Dad?
Thanks, Jim
and if this is not posted properly please let me know.

Welcome Jim. So sorry to hear about the health problems with your daughter, don't know how I would cope if one of mine were that poorly.

I have copied your message to the Windows forum here where hopefully someone will be able to help you out.

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