A strange thing happened after the page rank updation. Most of the sites only had the page ranks of internal pages updated, the homepages did not show any alteration in their ranks. Any others who experienced similar things? and any idea why?

Perhaps they didn't get enough decent links on the home page to make the PR change. I've seen a lot of people who said it went up or down. Nothing to worry about.

PageRank is logarithmic and displayed on a rather course linear scale. large changes can occur without the display changing much.

Indexing as your probably aware happens per page, so if the other pages on the site are updated more, have a better keyword density for chosen keywords, then all this needs to be taken into account

Mr. Backup

Julian Hall

Indexing as your probably aware happens per page, so if the other pages on the site are updated more, have a better keyword density for chosen keywords, then all this needs to be taken into account

PageRank has nothing to do with page copy.

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