tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Google has been backing up the United States Election for the fast few days very strongly; today they released a new application for volunteers trying to get people to vote; frankly volunteers could have used an application like this to get voters months ago not days before people go to vote!

Google has gone out of its way so volunteers will have information that just hit Google News about the election race to tell potential voters. It also makes it easier for volunteers to tell potential voters what election center they are suppose to go to by just putting down their home address, city, and 2 letter state abbreviation.

This Election is historic because of the internet; 4 years ago we were mindless voters going off of what we read or heard now are voice makes a difference in the election thanks to Googles Youtube. People wonder why Google bought Youtube; the answer is revealing itself slowly. Google was one of the companies that helped form the Global Network Initiative. This Group is formed on the principal that everyone should not have limited freedom of speech and privacy; having privacy on the internet with sites like Geo-ip will be an almost impossible feat for the Global Network Inititiative. With the Global Network Inititative People will be able to speak more freely on youtube; and on the internet in general.

Word dictionary for this blog is below.
Geo-ip is a Website that allows you to put in some ones IP address and shows you what city the person lives in, area code, and the longitude and latitude of the IP address. that visitor lives in.
US Election: The US (United States) holds an election for citizens to vote for who they want for president.
Abbreviation: a shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole; at least that’s what Merriam-Webster says.

IP: Internet Protocol You have one; everyone has one if your on the internet you have an IP.