86 Topics

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Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke

Back in the days **Google's Disavow Tool** could be useful to **disavow spammy backlinks**, which competitors created to hurt the rankings of a website. Negative SEO and Spamlink-attacks were (and are) real and can cause serious damages to businesses relying on Google's Organic Search as a Traffic Source. Of course, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for koneill

I’m suddenly having issues regarding my Google Search Console -> Page indexing has it has 1.13K pages not indexed and 1 indexed. Therefore, what do the settings have to be so that all the pages are indexed? I’m not a guru on Google technologies and this interface so I must …

Member Avatar for koneill
Member Avatar for Dani

We host some page resources, such as fonts, on a different subdomain (e.g. webpages are at www.daniweb.com and resources are at cdn.daniweb.com) An HTTP header of `access-control-allow-origin: *` is being sent from all cdn.daniweb.com requests. When inspecting indexed pages from Google Search Console, from the URL Inspection tool I click …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

In light of being forced against my will, kicking and screaming, to use Google Analytics 4, can someone please walk me through how to pull up a report of where newly registered users are going immediately *after* a sign_up conversion event? Thanks in advance!! :)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Dani

Google Analytics initially evolved from Google's purchase of Urchin Analytics, an Apache log analyzer. That's why legacy Google Analytics property IDs all begin with UA-. The familiar ?utm_ keywords that can be tacked onto URLs to track referrer statistics in Google Analytics are remnants of Urchin Tracking Modules. All these …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

I’m using the UA tag to populate both my original UA account as well as GA4, and the users and page view difference is absolutely astounding. Probably like a 20% discrepancy in UA’s favor. UA is set to exclude bots. Is anyone else having a similar experience?

Member Avatar for odeskavita
Member Avatar for Dani

How can I tell how much bot traffic I'm getting in Google Analytics? I've been doing a lot of work on improving my crawl budget and I want to see if Google Analytics reports similar data to the Search Console Crawl Stats charts.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

I am trying to get the hang of Google Analytics 4. One of the conversions that we track is sign ups. I'm seeing a lot of conversions attributed to the Organic Social group. However, a lot of these conversions are people who found the site some other way (e.g. organic …

Member Avatar for Dani

I was impressed when I logged into Google Analytics and noticed that instead of sampled data I was presented with a drop down menu where I could choose if I cared more about accuracy or speed. I was then thoroughly less impressed when I selected to focus on accuracy and …

Member Avatar for Dani

How on earth do I get Google Analytics to filter out the tremendous amount of referral spam that is showing up in my reports?! For those of you who are unaware of what I'm talking about, do a google search for "google analytics referral spam" to see what I mean. …

Member Avatar for Dani

Does anyone know how to effectively do pivot tables in Google Docs? Do they work the same was as in Excel?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi Everyone! I need a really techie answer to this one. I have been practically shut out of my account on Google+ (I can still post but I cannot access my settings) and I cannot get into one of my blogs, simply because I won't furnish Google with a secondeary …

Member Avatar for midastouchwebs
Member Avatar for kiruba.m
Member Avatar for canadafred

Is G+ the beginning of Social Networking 3.0? Is it better than Facebook? Why? What? ANYBODY!!!!

Member Avatar for Honeyclerkk
Member Avatar for Shree1234

How we can set campaign using google adwords? How to select proper price for keywords?

Member Avatar for rimids736
Member Avatar for Dani

Is anyone else seeing this new Cohort Analysis [beta] section in Google Analytics? It just showed up for me today.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi everyone, I have been working on some research for at least a week but have made so little ground it is extremely frustrating. I am hoping that somewhere here has the expertise to point me in the right direction. Any help is much appreciated. Essentially I want to find …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Nonar

Can web directories hold on Google's Panda and Penguin Update storm ! How far web directory submission is danger ? Do the Internet Marketing companies taking advantage from google panda updates ? Let's work together to make the Internet Search Directory more better.

Member Avatar for TPW_1
Member Avatar for seowright

Google+ recently update its new feature called "**Birthday Reminder**", As earlier facebook having this feature now google+ also having this feature now. This update will notify you about the birthday of your circle friends so you can wish them by greetings, quotes etc and same you friend will do on …

Member Avatar for TPW_1
Member Avatar for saddaf

I am working on PHP to get logitude and laltitude values from pop-up google map. I am successful in poping up the google map and getting values into the main window. I am stuck with how to escape or close the poped up google map.

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for jigar.patel

I need to create select start point and end point between predefine route obn google map Please advise on this.

Member Avatar for mwnt2014

Need the api for google map for marker's nearest user's fetched with their IP address from the database... Currently Using ipmapper.js its not working for marker's ..Suggest any other one......

Member Avatar for Hanan_1

Hello everyone, I use the example from [Google](https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3) Now, I would like to know how to change center location from city to another city like this map in [example](http://http://www.enasher.com/billboards) please can you help me to know how becouse im new in google map and i have anthore question in my …

Member Avatar for Ajay Gokhale
Member Avatar for Iikeloa

Hi I need to put google maps inside my website so that the user can add his location (manually) Then the location will be stored in the database so I can brows it in the display page.I've looking over the web but couldn't find the way to do it :( …

Member Avatar for Ajay Gokhale
Member Avatar for shashidhargm
Member Avatar for profmuluka
Member Avatar for siddharth_3

I'm trying to build google+ sign in feature. I'm able to get all the user data from google+, how can i insert this data into database? I know js is client-side language and it is needed to be done on server side....... my code: <span id="signinButton"> <span class="g-signin" data-callback="signinCallback" data-clientid="My-client-id" …

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer
Member Avatar for liveland

I'm looking for an easy way to be able to post to all of the main social networks including: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Delicious, Stumbleupon and Pinterest (the first 3 being the most important to me). I'd like to be able to perform this functionality from a C# desktop application that …

Member Avatar for shadyreal
Member Avatar for Sariscos

Everyone and their mother is ranting and raving about Google+. I have a Facebook newsfeed of people begging to get on this new social network. Friends and colleagues of mine tried inviting me to no avail. Unfortunately the window to get on lasted less than a day. Now the system …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ckjaseem

Hai all , I am trying to make a google+ siginin button for my site. I went through this link https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/#button_attributes and tried to make it working but now my styling is all messed up. I am not able to mess around with the [class='g-sinin'] in CSS. This is my …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

It has been a day of coming and going at Google, it seems. Saying hello, again, was Gmail in the UK while Google Docs offline access through Google Gears has waved goodbye. You might think that Gmail had never left the UK, but the truth is that apart from a …

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The End.