
I have a website with main domain name as www.xyz.com which has page rank of 4.

I have another another subdomain from yahoo stores
with name as store.xyz.com and this page has page rank of only 2.

my main main website www.xyz.com has many links (around 500) to

I want to know how can i improve page rank for store.xyz.com

and get googlebot crawl it frequently.


PR is assigned on a per page basis. Want a higher PR for that page? Get more incoming links.

I have a question for you. Is there a reason that you are using store.xyz.com as opposed to www.xyz.com/store/ ?

bcoz the store.xyz.com is actually yahoo store and the guy who initially setup yahoo store didn't bother to care about seo in regards of subdomain.


is it ok if i get more incoming link to store.xyz.com from www.xyz.com ?

PR is sent from any link that doesn't actively block it. But getting it from websites outside of your domain is better.

PR is sent from any link that doesn't actively block it. But getting it from websites outside of your domain is better.

if some other low page rank site has link to my site, does it affect my page rank ?(I dont have any link to his site.)

is it better to have some high(5-6) page rank site linking to my site using My Keywords in his anchor tag ?

if some other low page rank site has link to my site, does it affect my page rank ?(I dont have any link to his site.)

Yes. It should go up slightly.

is it better to have some high(5-6) page rank site linking to my site using My Keywords in his anchor tag ?

That would be good for two reasons:

1) The higher PR of their page means more PR is sent to your page.

2) The anchor text will help you rank well for that text in the SERPs. Keep in mind the anchor text has nothing to do with PR.

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